
Facebook Post..

10:05 pm.

J:OE. S P… Harmony…

See the meaning of the name Joseph.

And the one who made me play his Son- Song- Sum- Sim-ple-P-La-NET

T E N…

11:15 pm

K O.

A-A O. Alpha Omega…. you can read

When I was translating and transforming the last share from my again, 15 31 FaceBook Friend, after solving and reconciling the page, being and code of Patrice Human Torch Meister.

Patrician Aristocratic ( Aristotle Alexander ) Noble as the rare, but still apparent truth of the true nature of Humanity.

I was fully aware of what I was really saying.

Including ONE DAY…

15 15

31 31

1 30= 31

31 31 62 63..

49- 94.

10:10 pm.

Y Aden O…

E B Youth A RD EN, meaning Garden of Eden



E E G O.

Little Fires


F L.

OW Mixed Blessing.

But I decided from explaining allowing you to put the pieces together yourselves.

It’s Christmas Eve.

10:11 pm.

10:12 pm.

10:14 pm Right now.


O K T M T H P.

Toufic is an Arabic name

Tawfik (Arabic: ?????), or Tewfik, is an Arabic name given to males. The name is derived from the Arabic root: waaw-faa-qaaf (?-?-?), which means to agree or to reconcile. Tawfik translates to, the ability or opportunity to achieve success. A spelling of Tewfik or Toufic is used more among French speakers.

Khedaria I found no meaning though it is Arabian.

So I will simply use the code.

K H E.. D .A.I R … I A.

Air Breath… Consciousness all 3 in 1.

Add Desire- Devotion… Expressed Fire Desire… Fact.

Feelings Sensational.

For those new or more recent FaceBook friends- I am communicating with M Y S E L F.

My Beautiful Youth

and E Family who are moved ( Literally) by my expression instigated via my post, places, the person places things I am moved to stay and be invited in, investigate and post my findings via my post on Facebook ( Post Office to H.Q) and all through you, mostly unaware.

They Echo respond. Forming a response via the meaning of your names, your arrivals.

Yes, I have explained this over a hundred times through the years.

You may also notice that it is 9 months, 9 years to the day + as in 9 planets, 9 moons, 9 months in the Womb but in The Elegants Nomads they can be seen as planets, each representing a principle of the Family of TEN.

Father/ Mother

Mother Father

The Twins

Spirit E-Awareness.

Devi Devoted. D D

Clara Star Child.

Noni Promise Life.

Wisdom John.

Beautiful Pride.

Unity Boom! Boom! Laughter-Unity.

Eighth – Harmony Pie. Transformation.

2 8.

But there is no such thing as mother and father in the Eternal realm aka Garden of Eden in this realm’s parlance.

It’s really two Fives. Two Hands.

Hi 5!

5 by 5 is 25 Y… 1 10 25 = 1 35 36 360.O here-

9 at900 South Road Poverty Hollow T M= A F K G

Ethereal and Elemental -Energy Family hence Eternal, Immortal, Invincible.

And I representing Expression.

So my Expression to their Impulse Stimuli – Pineal Antennae and translating my environment- the settings create a response which is spelled out through the number you represent as Facebook friends you names, the meaning which I decode their response and what next is required for me to equate.

I am receiving intel from the Future present which for a long time no one here could see or read by me.

Energetic signature.

Expression :

Expression conversing with Energy= Awareness A.Tom.

and completing the True Script now resolved for you to see, but was clear to me and those on the frequency of Youth, no matter what age you were, now the Cosmic Entanglement Fog of pollution in your Air Manner Behavior Patterns and Attitude has been adjusted, cleaned, and cleared up for you to See Cee and make a conscious choice as to what would the priority each would focus his or attention on.

And hence make an informed decision, as to what is real and is a lie.

Are you True or are you False?

Real or Fake.

Nor do you get to decide, argue or debate.

You are not the ones giving the Examination Test or Check.

E T C… I

T C.. Kim Tree Chiefy, gave me 20 USD today.

Sacred Portal 20 is True Clarity.

That is him as the Ore of Eternal Eden, Aware as both his highest self and his self here with me, that it signifies that I am the source at which the E C H O ( E C H F) responds.

Yes age code 53 at HF (86)

Meaning that I am Talking to Myself… Literally.

as Arden Nnamdi Kim Hindsight.


E H K N A.

And the response is coming from Air Arden line as E B Y…E B T.

See sacred portal 20.

Our echo is not the echo created by Space- but rather our Ecco Bravo Alpha. E B A

Roger That R T

E C H O.

Acknowledgment we are on the same page. and Cee exactly the same thing and in our response … the same thing but expressed in our own individual manner and way.

I was staring at a bottle on the stairwell here, alcohol Spirits

Its name FIREBALLO F B 62

I stared at it as I made my way to the short walk to the store.

I just went to get it, it the same size as a bottle E J Brandy, I just bought- small.

On the back it has a cool appearance as the red fire demon on the front has an opening in the back as is charred which reveals the Fire Being as black as coal.

Ignite The Night its written on the Cap.

( IT. N… I TN…True Nature).

I removed it from where it placed and saw what was written there.


A. I S


11:00 pm.

K I A.M.

M A I K,,


Age 9.

11:18 pm.

K A H… yes, I am aware.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164521700110162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164521700110162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164521700110162%3Atl_objid.10164521700110162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164521700110162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1577865600%3A1609487999%3A7706345299249865926&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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