
Facebook Post..

3:14 pm.

C.N. Pi




As you can see from the movement of a Facebook friend moving from 1530 to 1529 ( after yesterdays the post from which confirmed 8:29 pm- meaning again harmony at 8 @ code 29 meaning J S

Jeron Satya.

Jerone Serenity.

Stephan Johnson.

J S= 10 19 = 29.

B I or 26 + 3 = C.)

To 1529, O 29 ( Full Circle of 29)

And now to 15 31.

My post yesterday, expressing was again about something I did not wish to express, especially considering the audience who are witnessing this expression.

But it was the truth, and this is the play script or End Game which was about proving Harmony and not about your agreeing or not with me, or that expression.

Evolution is about learning how to read- it’s about a beautiful expression that literally moves the equation forward.

Evolution is being able to read, reality by linking cause and effect.

Cause and effect appear to be Invisible but are linked by that which is Visible – which we call Facts.

Such as 1530… 1529… which moved to 1531.

-1 +2

-1 -O-+2

Planet Earth 4.5 billion years connected to Nnamdi meaning My Father is Here Present


confirming that Planet Earth is a Masculine Male from which all life emerged.


Completion of Christmas Star and the challenge by the notion of Mother Earth or Mother Nature… represented by Witches who create a play to this moment of expression which goes against that which is moving through- but by creating spells through words which gives them the impression of power and control and dominance over the truth.

And that illusion that it is She who is the source of Life and birth instead of the Illusion called Death.. also proven to be a man.

and that the Y chromosome is the source of the X chromosome.

This has been her challenge, wrath to prove me wrong- as well as her battle along with her sons and daughter who support her, despite being made aware of the evidence of the truth.

Hence she is the lie, and all of her followers under her spell, despite the truth being spelt out clearly.

Through this long challenge- aligned to my body, or the physical realm and the cosmic challenge still going on in my body which that Idea and lie still holding me hostage ( it thinks that it is doing this to me) in a play where it as She can not let go of the idea that She is an illusion and not real.

And that it is a she who is the planet Earth and the universe.

And by her say does the universe evolve and humanity evolve.

And that it is she is the source of life and death.

And that she has the last say.

This is what this play has been all about, and the challenge

literally about.

Who is the Source Emanual Nnamdi or Her?

The Challenge of my own truth of which is the story One Man who became Two.

It is She who believes that she is moving me to Death and Suicide from still being caught in her Web that she controls wealth health the empire and all reality including supply and demand.

This play of Ala, Goddess, Nut ( yes a literal Nut- insane )

Gaia… G A I A… ? Really. / A I A .G? smh

It is the response to Her Challenge to my Father Brother’s truth and the play of Heavenly Bodies H B. 82.

And hence the play of one EK.

and two men Emeka Arden.

Emeka Kim…. and Jae Sherman’s arrival used by Her, the illusion of Mother as the Lie using her without her being aware.

* Which is why I was challenged to prove that it is the E moving through her for 16 days, and her code age 45.

Meaning that she was the last of her challenge, meaning despite everything that she has still been allowed to challenge the essential truth of her script I was made to walk ( while it being of no interest to me, except that I am representing and defending my father’s truth, in a play of who is really moving who.

And of which she refutes, to even this moment which has long since been absurd.

Of course, She is moving you and using your energy your beliefs and your body to reinforce her lie.

Recall the play of bed 49… YX is 49.


7 1 121 24 25.

/ Y X AL A.G… Yes Arden Gemino A G…(1-7 rainbow colors) LA La of 6th Sense

X Factor is AFKG= 25 confirmed to Arden to Kim, to Jeron to Satya.. to Serenity present right her arriving her wearing Pink.

Ala is the Goddess Earth in West Africa Igbo Land.

but what has manifested is G.A LA.. XY… C I

Intel sent by Dina Singh. D S about 5-6 years ago.while I was staying in Generation X Gardens.

and confirmed by Kyle Murphy while I was at the shelter having a conversation when he heard me express that code, which he had recognized that his Big Brother had expressed as he lay dying in South Carolina.

5:00 pm.

Jerone is born in February turned 22 months on the 25th.

He was born on 2-25-2019.

So two years would be 2months from now.

22 is V.

Hence B Y T S.

Beautiful Youth The Source.

now look at that it is exactly 5:11 pm right now.

E K.

E A-A Arden-Aurelia.

E A-A = 27.

5-27 was the day last year I moved to Jesse Macias portal

5-27 is even the and address of the Bodega up the road.

As you might have observed, I no longer pay much to this play.

As I am aware that it has gone too far, to seek to prove my imperfection by wearing me down by all the nonstop posting, conditions of my body, circumstances, and the nonstop people pretending to be what they are not, set up to betray me and their truth in the last moment and of course the Money Ego

Which I do not find in Kim and in the male and females lines like Alicia Kim or Benjamin and certain rare but few lines.

I have never witnessed him use money as tow inflate his ego and self-worth.

And Jae Sherman s-he is not in the E play, thus the last move of Mother Earth as the lie was eliminated from the play of Truth Sharing by an expression which did not align to the Beautiful Truth of E, Awareness despite all that is moving through her from the giving of the Baphomet ring to me, to all which she was moved to express and say was aligned to the E play and script and not to Mother Earth proving that the E is what is moving her, but the expression of awareness aligned even without her (It) being aware and even when made aware, aligned to the idea of a woman being supreme and denial of recognition of The Source and the true play.

Kims respect is in his manner expression and being.

Yes, they are also twins but he Above and below and with Jae, her true and eternal self,

But not in harmony in human form and the code of embodiment.

5:22 pm.

E V.

The question one might ask, is that if the script of her challenge has proven over and over again that She is not the source and it is proven right to the last challenger she used, why has this play not ended, why I am still here, in a money Ego play?

How and why was it allowed to go this far, in her play of seeking to constantly humiliate and insult me by continuing to prove that she is the lie and that all her avatar lie and vaunt themselves over the ones who even in this play do and did all the work.

What could halt, delay the manifestation of the truth proven even in her diabolical script, and what allowed it to reach this point where, I am compelled to once again be driven to Deaths, Self Destruction, or Suicide?

Of which they are illusions Lies… Death is my lover, as beautiful death and it is certainly not her.

Self Destruction S D Santana Dharma – that which is self-created brought itself into existence and proven to move everything can not be driven to self Destruction …..

And Suicide… me? The lover of true-life driven by her to suicide over and over again since I was summoned by Death in 1992 Sept and willingly left to answer the summons around the date Dec 25th in 1992 age 25… 26.. 27.

it was obviously 25th from this play and the code 26 aligned to Kim’s Thanksgiving Day T D…

11-26-2020 the day Kim returned.

which signaled the end of the work time which Jae Sherman and Esteban as Terrible Death or TD- which DT TD = 66 aligns to myself and Kim.

Also, 27 aligns with Arden Aurelia.

Arden Arthur.

Alexander Grove – Arden Gemino.

A-A = 27.

Tel 8-27

My last bed in the shelter bed 4-018.. 4-019 had the letter Y on its base.

Why is the illusion and lie allowed to go this far, if by her own script of Age as Time and Facebook friends, person places and things, where I was derailed from my mission to enter an absurd play of Truth Manifest which has for 9 years.. and through every portal, I was sent to every person place and thing Baraka!

my expression has manifested even via a play in which I was made to appear as a fool?

28 years in a play,19 92 / 29 91.

19 S 92 I B…

S I B/ B I (C) A I.

1919 = 1 38… 39 ( 11 28 =39)

C I… 92-29…. 11 11 ( 4 in 1)

11 11 22… Yes, Jeron 22 months. but he was not here on that date.

I was and am, as well as Kim.

Jeron Savage became my Facebook Friend on that day, 12-25-2020 he is male Y Chromosome and tells me what led him to share an image posted a while ago which declared the Beautiful truth through the code of a parked car SR ( do you see, I do not even care to recollect the code, it in my memory of course, but by now, I realized its a waste of time to be precise and accurate or point things out.

This whole endeavor was never about the truth of proving the Truth of the source is A man, it was about power and the power of the lie over the truth which manifests.. which is an absurd notion even by the standards of this obscene version of life, facts and reality even in an illusion of a Black Hole.

It’s a story of malice which is simply PTSD of a reality gone insane, and not even being under a spell, but that insanity of ignoring the facts, ignoring the established natural order, Divine Order, the eternal law of Order Logos Facts.

Which still governs even the insane species of the lie who twist the truth in a Narcissism and Vanity of people who simply insist on interpreting things their way- the very basis and definition of insanity of doing the same thing over and over and obtaining the same results.

This is what this all represents for me when the Eternal Beautiful Youth T S ( The Source T S = 20 19= 39… 4 7 +x = 28.

Today’s Date… and M AN.

Manifest Awareness Naturally

M A N.

= 39 C I.

E Galaxy C I 10 11 with the code facing the correct way 11 01 I C is equated from within the Matrix lie which I had aligned and moved to its expression truth.

10 11… Do you really that that was the date that Jae Sherman moved in here?

Kim left the next day and so it was arranged where I was the one present with He.r for 16 days.

Kim left me a code of 100 USD.

B I ( 29) AT E 001/

what is it really afraid that it will not let me live or Die…?

could it be it just wants to compete and prove itself Supreme with not a concern for the Truth Proof?

it just wants to be seen as the Winner no matter the cost and terrified of consequence when I move my attention and focus from it and this silly insane script it thinks i actually take seriously?

Yes, you can see that it is an absolute waster of time.

And from the response from you all, to my circumstances, condition, and non stop prove and evidence, why on earth should in a play which I have decoded and which refuses me to even leave, walkabout or have my own independence… using money food shelter against me in a play confirmed from 8 pm of my birth and held at the portal of 1992 for an astonishing 28 years of proving that which I wrote as a 7-8-year-old and wich without even being aware at first, after setting out to celebrate my life by leaving Nigeria and on that route of natural being, find my equals.

Beings who are on the same frequency as me.

Instead, I am led on a wild goose chase to prove harmony to illusions who can not see and an Evil Witch and Hynostists C G I animated cartoon characters who are allowed to believe that they are the Source of Everything.

6:04 pm.


Why on earth would anyone in thier right mind stay in a world and story or even body in which he is made to prove he is The Source but in response treated with such disrespect?

The only logical response would be to prove his truth ( not to you) but into existence, and send this reality and all who adhere to the lie out of existence after completing his mission of harvesting all that He we, created: its original truth, and the Bodies and beings Aware called the Naturals who show appreciation and Gratitude while the rest he sends to the hells of their own creating which they deserve.

Does it matter, that its manifestation has been delayed, allowing these Avatars of the lie to believe that nothing will happen to them because it has not yet manifested… as the E curse E Virus .. E Covid 19 but this time the original version not manifested by your blindness to see the Corona Virus of

EEE Nile ( as Egypt and crocodiles Pharoah)

The important thing is even if not one person is paying attention I am and so is E Atom.

The one who knows the truth but also coded it into being and then completed his Twin Brothers response to the EBT play as Poverty.

Poverty Hollow.

After all this entire play, involves the one who became two and was about Harvesting the Bodies rep Kims line and equation Equal and worthy of merging with the Source of All Energy and All Expression.

I have been moved by this force to death over and over again.

To arrive at Deaths Door since Dec 24-25 26 27… Again and again for 28 years.

Do you know what that means, to move a person to seek Death’s Door over and over again when he is the lover of life…

Do you know what that involves doing to a person, to fight for life, an existence, to simply be and to be crucified over and over again until he sees no other alternative in quiet shock, but to leave?

And have no problem with it because he wants to leave, but each time, he seeks to leave, something comes up, another promise another lie…?

Evolution Awakening is here… then its not Manifest- to bind and hold someone to a play- over and over again of that very truth of if he goes, everything ceases to exist and those willing to take that risk and then just at the very last moment, the set it up so that he can not leave with dignity because he is in the homes and portals of people he was sent to and whom he will never leave while in their homes…. what rudeness that would be for the being who is actually the source.

And if you deny that I am these things, why deny me my departure, why keep me in your play of the vicious Cycle when I am fully aware and see that play and ignore it as I code my intention, solving the evil script of woman as the lie and illusion over and over again because its a cover to that which is truly intended to this expression.

i accepted the challenge over and over again and would not transform into an Adult monster, a lie, compromise and adapt to the reality of this world, despite being given the right to test me, with money ego.. twisted ego … shelter all these things you said come from Mother Nature and from you.

I have answered your challenge so why do you keep me in your play, or alive…so I would despair?

So that the impossibility of what you believe you inflicted on me will make me cower, give in…

Become as Jeff Buckley’s Halleluja his broken Hallelujah after he sang the secret Chord the 4th the 5th,

She broke his crown and flung to the floor..?


J B… 007.

An illusion.

Crown Chakra… CC.

Violet.. V= 22.

7th Chakra Letter G… Grace.

Amazing Grace.


Trahe… Betray? Betray

E Harmony… A-RT programming.

T R A.H. E 20 18… A.. He


Please… I could see them a mile away… I could see you coming.

I C Victorious … Is that not obvious that I know I Cee see better than all of you when I was commissioned by E A to remind and teach you how to Cee See?

That is not arrogance, it’s a simple fact.

the arrogance and conceit are your own selves believing you better at this than me.

The Beautiful Ones are the ones who are present here.

And in harmony.

Humility and respect and they do not get fat heads, because some person is coding their names over and over again.

Why would you get a fat head, twisted Ego if you did not even know what you are doing until someone points it out as the truth of your Higher Self present who rises to the E summons while you flounder in your ego assumptions and challenges?

A true E Awareness does not get a big head, or twisted ego, it is already aware of who t really is, and when he or she is recognized, they express appreciation at the amazing grace of being acknowledged seen in a world which acts as if they do not see the value in others, in order to use it to thier advantage.

Benjamin is coming here, tomorrow. he is one of the only people I look forward to seeing, he has Humility as I do, yet is of the highest of the thousands of people i was led to, and apparently completes this play.

he always brings gifts of goodwill, taking a gift from him and Kim and very few others do not make me feel sick- because there is always strings attached,, in the way they say it, give it… you can see the superiority they assume.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164536030485162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164536030485162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164536030485162%3Atl_objid.10164536030485162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164536030485162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1577865600%3A1609487999%3A4532779312128662212&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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