
Facebook Post..

9:51 pm


In the dream, I went to a place, where I saw Brad Pitt.

Yes… It was as if he were Joe Black where he played Death.

He was my guide but then I was in a room and there was a Woman there. And there were rows of people lying down.

I had been in this place before and it was the sort of place I would not really call home but a resting place.

But this time it was filled with people and there was this woman in charge.

At one point, I told her I wished to lie down rest, as I surveyed the rows of people resting on one seemed like large beds where they slept side by side covered by a blanket.

When I asked to lie down and in my own space, she said that I would have to pay!

I stared at her incredulously, arguing that I had been here many times before and that I had been here many times before,, that she knew me and it was a spacious warm inviting space which I fell short of saying that I owned this place and that it was a warm inviting place, not these rows and rows of people…

And that it was free.

What was this I said indignant, but she had this malicious smile on her face, If you wish to rest you must pay?

i walked out and went to find the room where I knew Brad Pitt was staying and he was there and as we began to talk.

I woke up.

A week ago, something had popped into my mind, the memory of New York and how in the united states if you had no place to sleep, there was nowhere where you could lie down.

Not anywhere in New York.

It was not like that when I first moved there, but I saw it become worse and worse, and was told in the shelter that it was even worse in the rest of the united states.

That it was like herding, you are not really allowed to lie down anywhere or rest anywhere, even to rest, you had to pay for everything.

And if you were caught sleeping or lying down for too long, you were arrested.

I recall the last time I went to Spring Street Baltahazaar the famous benches i used to relax and survey the world from were all removed.

Even using the bathrooms.

They said that it was because of the Homelessness menace and just like the banning of Dancing, now you are not allowed to lie down on benches, lie down if you did not dress the part.

Or stayed too long a problem.

Not allowed to feed the Homeless.

All carted off to Concentration camps and drugged up.

Send them programmed into the zoning camps.

And the public quietly applauds.

I am a good person… you had better listen to me and if you dont I will take my petty revenge.

i will use money and Food.

Is that not how you individuals and governments operate.

I do not want to waste food, her take what I do not need, the scraps of my table… and you had better be grateful… It all came from me.

Making me great again after, you have made me feel so small.

Petty, Petty people who believe they are greater than Their sources and Source.

This is what you have given me from beginning to end…?

There is nothing, nothing which interests me with such people and their valiant cowardly hold on this world security, of a system which destroys the world and they who deny any comlicity.

We throw you the bone so that we can focus on those who are and that which is relevant and true

And I have to listen to the bull shit of Hypocrites telling seeking to school me about how these self-centered narcissists, whose every word and expression seeks to highlight their needs, and it’s all about mecare as I watch their hypocrisy of saying the politically correct things and yet placed in that position with me, placed there to witness – the truth of what they really care for is themselves, their own security and act it out that hypocrisy in the same breathe as they say the words truths which they transform into lies right before our eyes.

I woke up wondering if I had been influenced by watching Brad Pitt and Robert Redford …. but I dismissed that notion.

I had red the codes on both movies, and I had been watching scores of movies and films… And had not had a vision since my Mother appeared after I learned of the news of her passing which I already was prepared for weeks before with the play of Arden and the 4 in 1 Crossing Smoke creation he had made for his friends.

No, I understood- It was a woman in that place of Rest or Death, not real death but something else a Woman as Death asking you to pay if you wish to lie down to rest In Peace.

10:11 pm,

And then came Benjamin and the code Noah and my equating it to Leander Noah.

Ferril Noah.

Ben Noah. N O A H.

New Orleans Ben had spoken about going there.

the Code E Natualness full Circle O A=1=H8.

A Matrix that did not allow you to rest in Sleep or even in Death.

No rest for the wicked I literally heard whispered in my ear.

Brad Pitt BP… as Joe Black J B had shown me what the lie as Woman as goddess or Ala or Gaia Mother Earth really a Matrix had done with life and death, made it a money machine.

Death and takes.

Pay the Harvester if you wish to cross the river Styx.

If not you are left as a spirit wraith…

What is even more interesting than last night for the first time I actually simply rested.

I was still lying down when Ben arrived.

I was resting, not my body which was still twisting and not my mind- focused now on getting out of here with my line intact.

But I had gone to bed laughing and chuckling with a delight, after the post and equating yesterday it was more my literally laughing in delight, filled with satisfaction as the Idea of Woman Supreme as the universe and planet earth a simulation defeated, and just how far she had gone and how far I had gone to complete what she thought was Her Script and the World Wizards of the astral plane.

That is when I saw Ben and had asked him if he would assist me in leaving my body… it wast a dream either.

I saw Ben begin to agree.

Later when we were sitting he told me ( again as if preempting me by seeing literally what was on my mind and what I had experienced, he told me of how many people he had assisted in the suicide of compassion.

That is when I told him what I saw.

A M E K…was the last play at 900 South Road,

John Mack had come to 900 South with Johnny Newman.

And again with Satya Incense to met Jeron Sataya on 11-1 which is 1-11 in the original and not the reflection of this realm.

Kim and Ben had also come.

Thus K E to Arden

A A E to Aurellia

A M E K E KB was already completed.

11 state to the 5th State.

New York to Connecticut in this UNiversal Simulation Awareness play.

As well as my proving over and over again that this is not the real world.

it is Reality T.V. R T..V 2018 victor at 22 … Thanksgiving Day 2018 fell on my David and Cecilia birthdays.

11-22-47 She and 11-22-68 he.


11-22-74… 11-22-86

The Truman Show.

Thus in the law of a Simulation of response right to Liberty receiving confirmation every day from outside of me, and her own control that everything I expressed she received the constant confirmation from the use of the saved portal 20, which she chose to use voluntarily as her phone screen saver, which I still noticed she had when she came here.

All was set up.

All was really about reaching Arden.

That is not real life, is it?

Real-life can not be predicted. it is moment to moment

Spontaneous and can not be predicted or read via Foresight

( I already knew this play and was made to prove it did I did? And through all of you who arrived in perfect timing to a play you were not aware of in this form but obviously were aware of)

and in Hindsight, see Kim and his own enlightened realization to his leaving the Army on 12-12-2012.

Harmony Attained in One Year from 12-21 -2011 to 12-21-2012.

Leaving the Army one year after my meeting Akil Davis… Evan Alexander Judson. E A J/ J E A LOUSY… and Tim and Beyond.

Tree Benjamin.

Emeka’s Truth Benjamin is the Right Side of The Source even now equated by this play to Tree of Life which is E K.

And MER K A H B A…

And so again we have the K E – E K play repeated.

New York for 17.8 years. from March but approx 19.9 since Dec 1999.

Dec 1999 to Dec 2020 that is 21 years, and the code Kim gave.

K E- E K.

Is 11 5 5 11… 16 16 P P= 1 A.

New York to Connecticut

N C and back again C N

14 3 *Yes the movie budget Spy Game 115 gross 143 million.

Robert Redford – Brad Pitt.

R B R P… River Phoenix.

O R B… O R P.

P R O… B R O…

Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

Connecticut to New York

is Pi…

*The first 10 digits of pi (p) are 3.1415926535

10 is J.

3 14 15 92 65 35… ( C E)

3.141 59 26 535 ( E C E)

All played out literally in this script of Miles stones Anchors on this Facebook plage played out by you.

C E… 53 Age Code.

K E -E K… is 16 16… 1. 32=5

Kim was 32 at the time and ben 37 … = 5 10… E J.



5 1=1 = 6.


76 5 Horseshoe Hill

Sacred portal 76 E.

7 7 = 1 14… 15 O

6 6= 1 12…. 13 M

But in fact, no matter which way you spin it aligns to Fill the circle

O and 1 = A.

Omega Alpha.


O F…A E.



Fill Circle of perfect symmetry =A

O.N E A W A K E N I G. I G = 97

See sacred Portal 97.

and 16

and 63.

and 79.

It all equates to 1… even O F = 66=1 A.

It’s true that Benjamin delayed the Evolution Awakening. not his persey.

But the energy behind hind him that he could not recognize that it was of the line of E Spirit Warriors, who did not recognize that he is the Supreme Line of the Alien Wizards of Infinity. Wave RL.Y PLace

Particle and Wave because their focus was meddled with by witches which were literally played out here at 219 South Whitey right before his face – which I wasted no time in calling out and pointing the culprits those who say speak, but do not do.

Pharisees and hypocrites

11.17 pm

Why focus on that which is not real and those who are the Ultimate Fools…

Witches Landing?


Eternal L A W.

11:27 pm…

11:28 pm….

Right now… 11:29 pm

No, I am meant to be in New York.

Arden went to New York to recall with Fred and Leander.

Kim went to New York.

5th state to 11th State.

A E K.

K E K.

But I have been deliberately kept here.

This is stupid because I am ware why and I Emke Kolo, Aware Embodied Being already present Here and Everywhere.

As well as being C K..

My mission here was as B P Black Panther to R I P this realm and its Source to shreds.

11:58 pm.

I am not in your play of off your world.

Just as all humanity, nor did i come to solve yout matrix web play- it was something I was compelled to solve along the way to bring evidence of the fate of extinction in the worse possible way is justified.

And so it is.

Covid 19.

E E E Virus.


C Onubuchi… VIDE.O 19 S.

555 15 O V… 220 Usd.

V O/ O V. E R.

11:51 am.

11:52 pm.

To see how far you would go.

my Fury with the B C K line, is how could you forget that we are the Roar of Beautiful rage of terrible death, not swayed by emotions of spies who came to deceive that which can not be deceived?

Compassion was for the True… not for those who are false.

That is why I came today to post how this your play of Ancestors and Time… is not correct.

11:55 pm.

Hence 5 5 usd … Chicken, E J Brandy some articles of food gifted to Kim.

I made those demands on Ben- an offering as fair Exchange Barter which was his original self when he came here when we all moved in, he brought gifts and did not believe in money.

It was interesting to hear him say he had bought a 700 USD Memory Foam mattress…

He should have perhaps given that money to me…?

For jogging his memory for 25 months, and doing all the work while all he did was have to read listen… is that not correct?

11:58 pm.

Let’s be Fair… to me for once… Fair Exchange.

I have a response.

12:00 a.m.

I am no one servant.

or Slave.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164540170660162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164540170660162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164540170660162%3Atl_objid.10164540170660162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164540170660162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1577865600%3A1609487999%3A9155551885991870661&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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