
Facebook Post..

2:19 pm

2 19 South Whitney.



A M T B A.

Awakened Memory.

A Manifest.


Yes, I was correct.

I was with a Huge Black Panther Last night, in an apartment, he and I moved together…

It was amazing and in my entire life he the Power of My Magic as Destruction

Recall, how I first transformed into a Black Panther in the Begining of Creation.

Man Child.

Link to Maddox C. Jolie Pitt age 19.

I had come with such fury as I corrected the distortion of my Original Expression, cleaning it up and gradually as I read and corrected the Waves of distorted images, and what had been done to the Beautiful Truth, I began to hold within me a fury which transformed Transparency to White Blinding Fury, and then into primary colors of emotions Primary colors and then to the blackest night, as I held my self in with self Mastery, ( creating a density of matter holding it all together,) until I completed the correcting.

By that time my intent had become Death and Destruction D A D so terrible, and only by that self-mastery and self-discipline attained did I manage to pause and the edge of a forest clearing like a jungle, and therein I so remember the Quiet power of my Beautiful Rage, hardly aware of how I had transformed from a Beautiful Youth into this Beautiful Beast who instead of pouncing, I had crouched at the edge of the dense forest and observed the man Child, and the Orange Flames.

What self-mastery, self will, self-discipline, held me from immediately pouncing for so was my determination and intent, was the fire, but in the circle, the man child crouched about, but also I had never witnessed the expression of Fear.

And it was afraid of the Dark… me, I realized.

My Comming, somehow it sensed that something was coming by that fire which sprang up from nowhere, ( Spark of my Anger) but it began because the Man Child thought that he was Alone in Existence and began imagining all sorts of terrible;e things and from nothing… came the light Awareness Lucifer, Prometheus… Lucifer and his Spark Fire and the light turning into Dark… the Darkest Night with intent to Rip to shreds. R I P/ Pire

*A L P… Yes I met Alp in Istanbul and he om a skyscraper he gave me the code 500 USD, at a time when I was wealthy, but something happened and he just knew me via intuition and I remembered him- me as the Y chromosome

to Y… it was the actual beginning of the P L A Y.

I had observed the spark and how he had found solace in the fire, its heat, and then its warmth.

Its fears and wailing, which had distorted my initial Waves of Music, Reflection, Songe, Song of being in Existence, my Extase, Joy, and Bliss had been distorted by its fear and its and by its wails.

( Yes Stephen Johnson Whale Jon AH the real True Version)

But now it was quiet, but still shivering and frightful. and so I had crouched and Observed and Watched in the Dark

And how I paused when I saw the Man Child, who I eventually called Jah Fire.

And that is when I saw the truth of him and stayed a while with him and played.

And how he went into a terrible temper and hurt when I said it was time for me to leave.

He had not understood his feeling was love, it brought confusion and lashing out a need, and again fear, but he had now the experience of me, and that existence is this.. sharing caring love and yet he had to grow up to be self and complete.

In fact, it was the same play with Eternal Nnamdi, who did not speak up, when he had a question how do I know you are the First? and then went down for and came back up almost immediately because he no longer cared about the question because there was no question at all, but though he rose wit me – and stayed by my side he still had to go down and fulfill the purpose but via an Avatar Descendant of himself and name all the things in creation and in this way, fulfill the gap created by his question which he did not speak up and ask, because though he was correct, that there is no question… Just Be and you Cee everything.

His descendants were infected with that question and had to understand what He had understood.

There is no question.

Everything simply IS.

Eternal Knowing.

Everything Knowledge.

But this play with the man child A-Line council… Naturals connecting E.T. Extra Terrestrials N E T. to understand Eternal Law – which meant Man Child Jah Fire had to learn Self Mastery, Self Discipline, S M, S D… and Eternal Law.

That you have everything within you already and thus you had to discover for yourself, by experiencing an illusion or ideas of yourself, until you yourself understood that fear of being alone or abandoned that wether Seen or Unseen that you are never alone, and that was the plan, play of West World

Matrix Web .. what is true and what is false.

Yes, No 1 0…1 0…

In the end, we realize that there is no question, no gap, nothing missing.. that the play was created to show you that.

THat you can be alone in Existence and Self is enough, but that Add and cherry on the cake are sharing with another… others but not with that which is not real and not the equal to you. That is how infinity was created sharing the I and the Self.

And this expanded to everything, everyone true, naturally being all reflections of you.

* Meanwhile, the most absurd play is going on with Benjamin, and Kamora with me in the center. I was a PLAY… of Ego Oge Africa and of getting their numbers and a connection they had to make with each other.

Causing me, to see the play of their higher selves.

Benjamin is Pale but Nnamdi was also brown ( Kim) and left the world on 13 Full Circle his birth easter and one day.

I am the Brown black one here present ( originally Fair and Tan) Kamora is of Mixed; Mother Caucasian father Afro-American.

I was aware of the story taking place and that this was about the story of two men Pale and Brown and the new mixed-race; tan.

Thus the last play of the manifestation of the New Species as Tan ending the White and Black idea of race.

It was a test of patience.

Two Men and that which brought She BA C… my Mothers lines as our little sisters selves Harmony C.

From two men Benjamin Emeka

my front Pale and my back: Brown Kim as Gold links the two.

Golden Tan.

Gods Truth – Beautiful.

My new Facebook Friend and the Pale Christ – B Emeka Nnamdi..

B: E N J.A M I N E.K A

A real test of patience for nothing at all.

See now the truth of Sacred portal 54.

In one manner I am speechless.

But i can not afford to allow that side of me to express or feel.

Let me carry on since I am aware that I am now at the completion.

Their two tel numbers said it all.

I had recounted this often here on Facebook and realized that I was living that same story all over again as if enacting once again that truth in a play while narrating it as if proving to the unseen watchers now many ( though I was the original one, and on my way to link with Eternal Adam who became Nnamdi

And the implanting him with the Truth of Existence Creation was not fear, but who I stayed with for a while ( Pause Coma, expression of death, stillness)

The Manifestation of the Black Panther was the confirmation of the Power of that story going back to the eternal beginning and aligned to the beginning of Man’s child and choice.

* The disease which was affecting Jae Sherman has left her – yes it was the witches and warlocks of the world who use anger to enter and take over.

I do not forgive the Human line she represents, but it would appear the great withes warlocks meddling and doing everything to distract are aware of the Black Panther and true black power s here.

She gave me a gift… Alp Ine Balm relief, it shows a ram Yes Nnamdi was, is Aries.


Tiger Balm

There is no way we can go back to how it was, it went too far, and I explained too many times how she and humanity were being used.

But she asked for no tension, stress which she-he humanity created for me, by not paying attention. Now it is too late.

For I am can be crueler than anything which exists… but why would you push me to such a place …and now it is too late because the Black Panther Cosmic – Giant version is here.

I knew that this was about Sacred portal 40.

It shows two warriors on a Giant being about to take Flight and an African Queen –

and she represented the Story, the Tale. ( Tale of Tales.. no longer a Tall Tale.. but actually the True Story).

I recall everything that had happened which formed that sacred portal 40.

I was there but that was a True Story but of the past.

Each sacred portal is a literal memory.

I drew them without being aware, they poured out of me, instigated by Tom Truman’s friend Drew on my 43rd/ 26th Birthday…

Yes, Sacred portal 43, 26 as Thanksgiving Day Kim returned from his trip to the South,

and A-Z, when I went out with Kamora I saw that code at the end of our ride.

So yes, I drew then instigated by Drew, and then Marina Biruni witnessed me drawing as if obsessed for days weeks until 155 were added, each a memory which that which was inside of me was instigating, and of which I remembered each situation as I drew them, my memory coming back to the entire scenario of the portal, as I completed the drawing.

Then to Toms Truman’s loft who lived down the road from Marian

M T. In his loft there was a literal statue a Black Panther on the prowl and a large Japanese style bathroom which people with the Golden ratio of the Free Masons had built revealing images faces stories.. all of which I knew.

And on there were shelves and a huge beautiful wood trunk like a table where I worked.

And I wrote the story of the True Conversations of Atom and Energy right there by the statue of the black panther.

and completed the sacred portals.

Marina saw the Beautiful Ancestors rise in me, of Africa, and my eyes turn blue, and the battle of Natures Ancestor fighting me meddling to not reveal what they thought was their secrets of power to the world.

Because last night for the first time ever, the Panther of what I suppose was my tall Tale to the Alien Council and to the Children Human as Lie and as Truth, just could not fully accept, Manifested M on the 13th.

Recall that I had promised that I would return to the Man Children and all his descendants to see what they had chosen to be true or be false.

I have collected all the true – via Eternal Nnamdi’s version and interpretation of that original truth making him E I- A I equal to the moving Him and his All to me as well as finally adding his She aligned to my She.

4:48 pm.

4:49 pm

So now he is here present, that true fury in me, Tiger is Aurelia to Nnamdi but the Black Panther. BP Beautiful Pride.

Will I AM is E K.

Panther Tiger. P T

Panther Leopard Tiger P L T.

and now Jaguar… NANA.

Big Cats.

Apex Hunter Predators.

I would have liked to tell you how this Black Panther and I played in the Apartment, It is all about Movement and motion which Benjamin points out the meaning of M 13 also means.

And everyone is aware at least those here present, as to what has been done to my movement and body eroding for the last 17 years with this battle with the lie of Death as Old Age but which is really disease.. the way people perceive and respond and react.

I came to bring the end,

They never learn until its too late…

There is not an iota of mercy for them in me.

I know what I was pit through, twarted and the effort made to get peoples attention.

Any those about to be destroyed were never real, they respond to Power Fear, and Violence instead of True Consciousness.

True Love helped you C Awaken.


4:57 pm.

I am not a Liar.

I am the Beautiful Truth.

See the source of the Ego Oge play… Money used aginst the Dawn Awakening of U. C. E


4:58 pm

The elephant in the Room.

And Panthers.. A E K.



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