
Facebook Post..

5:06 pm


My 15 40 Facebook friend is Rajesh. WasK-E.L

R W….. L E.K Saw… H.S-.E.J. A.. R

Rajesh means

Rajesh meaning – Astrology for Baby Name Rajesh with meaning God of kings; God of kings, emperor; King; The kings rule. This name is from the Bengali; Hindi …

Waskal is a small Village/hamlet in Alirajpur Tehsil in Alirajpur District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. It comes under Waskel Panchayath. It belongs to Indore Division. It is located 25 KM towards East from District head quarters Alirajpur. 20 KM from Alirajpur. 364 KM from State capital Bhopal

A gift from Benjamin was 40 USD.

Kamora retrieved it via Pay Pal and gave it to Kim to give to me.

kamora, I had asked to bring me somethings- stating that Her Line owed me Big time despite having brought me a gift of Seagrams whiskey 7.

Just as Ben had brought me the E Jay whiskey.

All suggested by me.

But why on Earth would I be set up to require another to but these things for me, when I have enough wealth, merited and earned with integrity from hereto infinity and to the beginning of Time Creation to Present.

Why would I require anything from another, when I could do a billion times better on my own and buy my own?

For whose Benefit?

I am not worthy and proven my worth and contribution to Humanity Society, the Individuals development without having to manifest Evolution Awakening?

How easily you accept and contribute to my burdens, my suffering, and constant surmounting posting and pain in my body.

How artfully it is ignored and you truly think that I am not aware of it when I have had to shout it out?.

Why then was this lack created?

And then because of this Ego-Oge play which I knew was Africa as the story of the birth of this Game Man-Child

They both were instigated by me once again, to bring an offering.

I was and am in a terrible quiet fury of having to remind them or people of that which is the Shaman plays of which both of the realms they live in, give appreciation for that which is done for them, especially in the Spirit realm of the ancestors.

I was forced to fight for both of them like a mad man, held hostage to the Ego Oge insulting play of that which was obvious, of all I had done for the two lines as the Children in the story, and once more positioned as a middle man, who was made to appear like a beggar when all this came from their lines and the Beautiful Ones fighting me to bring the line of their original truths home.

Kamora gave praise on our last meeting but I always give praise and even was coaching Ben not to lose his patience- explaining reminding us that we are in a play.

So yes, there is a reason that I was held back from both being and my body was these two lines

B.and K.

K and H.

And why the Black Panther, at last, rose in me, only after I had brought their lines home- the only two lines left inside the story

Pale and Tan.

I would never have been in this position, held up and bond until I solved both lines riddles, and yet where is the praise?

respect for what I had endured for them and their lines in this world.

How I have fought, even the urgency to leave my body, so where is the Milk of Human Kindness where was the compassion without it being all about Self Interest.. of that which they or their lines would gain.

I gave Kim 20 of the 40 USD.

20 20 vision.

Yes, I understood the play, money of this sort is nothing but virtual money play backed only by me.

He chose to send 40 USD as the donation- and she chose and added Coffee.

It is, of course, a setup, they were used, and it is in perfect harmony with a play, in which there is an absence of Compassion and Grace given to me, in expression public or even in private at what this has cost me, and that it literally was as Ben had said, he had or is line had held up the Evolution Awakening but it was made almost blaze as if they had no understood the play without my continual prompting and reminding right to be the middle of the Pay Pal to Pay Pal… play.

Is it equal, is it a fair exchange what of my point of view, and do you do the same for me?

In the end, I no longer bother to mention the inequality and lack of protest of my point of view, and this being all about greed and gain.

6:03 pm.

Of Children, not really paying attention, to the implications and their own selfishness to me, or their saying by implication, we do not really respect the implications that you are the source.

Or even denying me.

I spent hours defending Kim.

Then from the Noah story Ben.

And the witches and warlocks story from Kamora.

It means to me, that this is just a story, and each person’s actions reveals just how seriously each takes this, which to me is less about them denying me as the source, but more about it simply being a story, which they do not really focus much attention on its true implications until it manifests as solid fact in their realities.

The Power

And it’s True.

Ikenna Iheanacho.

Recall him, and you exchange and promise, 4-5 years ago?

I I.

His name means, tHey wish to see the Power of the One Father

all else, love truth, sacrifice, public crucifixion, all they witnessed me go through, present here, and above through facebook, all which they heard, witnessed even to Facebook the scores of people, it made a little impact no matter what this Script made me do, there will never be the Praise or Respect which even common sense and basic courtesy demand you give when someone is fighting for you so tirelessly.

It is something to deny basic acknowledgment.

6:12 pm.

Its basic manners in every dimension to say Thank You- I said it to them both over, gave support, praise… and did not let my true feelings be expressed of my point of view right down to the Tree… Kim, Kamora, and Benjamin.

What is your Pride compared to Mine?

What did you do to create for the world that you can not climb of your High Horse?

You do not protest, protect the Source?

Then you are really saying he is not your source, but are accommodating him, Just in Case



Faith is to already know and recognize.

is that not only Arden…Jeron .. Aurelia…Ferrill?

If you do not recognize and acknowledge, is it not fair to say you do not know me, or remember me?

It is not that I let those things slide, but I did not wish to call attention to these petty things created of course by a script that was designed to literally ignore my point of view, to get what it wants at all costs.

There are many Yeshua and even Jesus characters in this world story, many inspired by the original, but so few of them actually without Ego of children who forget that which Parents, Source, did for you.

And it was not your right to be or feel entitled and profit from turning a blind eye, to the truth you could see, but turned away from simply because it was not being done to you.

And this will always be my quiet beef, my eternal distrust… but for the moment, I had no choice, I had to swallow my point of view my emotions feelings, and my intent was to interpret the Script which ignored my Experience and Feelings while everyone else gained from my crucifixion even the Elephant in the room.

I have understood the truth of the world Love for Christ, Mohammad, Budhha, it only of mind mainly and not the heart.

It is the need to find solutions to their own situations or gain praise to make them feel good.

But that is not really returned, even when I post the answer, call it out… How easily they forget, you forget… But I dont.

I remember that which you chose to forget.

You part in all this.

So this is why the story as that Africa and even Africa Pangea story has been deformed to this mentality, this altered twisted universe.

For in Ancient Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe to Russia, North-south America up till the middle of the 19 century, there was still this decency, common decency and conscience in people to acknowledge that which another was doing for them Amazing Grace and a natural spontaneous reaction and response.

But in this 20, 21st century, right up to this Facebook play- that idea and true notion of respecting those who fight for the betterment of the world and their fellow man, is seen more through the eyes of What about me there is no separation between the people who deserve true praise for being and doing, instead there is that seed of jealousy, of imposing themselves into the equation.

Me, me, me Too!

But they do not ask the question to themselves…

Do I really care?

Can I take a look in the mirror and see the ugliness in my reflection to which Emeka does not highlight because he speaks only of my beautiful truth?


That is its meaning, and it starts with it being directed at Your -Self first and not others…Selves.

6:30 pm.

This sense of self honesty, fairness does not exist in this world any longer, just as true Compassion and Kindness, which you will see that truth when you Correct them, call them out, all for their benefit.

Withing a play where you were meant to do this all by yourselves and not with another playing the lie of Jesus who was willing to do for your sins which in my opinion and experience, is exactly what people wished me, and E to do for you.

AS long as you get your reward, even if you did not deserve it.

There was never really a Nnamdi- there was only the meaning of his name which was a song of praise from a younger brother twin, giving praise as did Srinivasa Ramanujan wholly to God truth and Beauty, in which he never sought to take credit to himself because as Soloman with Sheba who asked God to guide him.

I have not experienced or led people of that Humility and Grace.

Everyone seems to believe that they are God and yet it may eventually be true but are you worthy of God?

To be his son?

I asked that question when I was a boy when I entered my version of the Jesus story and recognized myself as God’s Son.

And even when the image of Christ appeared on my bedroom wall and I told me, parents, I still asked myself was I truly worthy to see myself as God’s Son.

Was I worth to be called The Source, and all the things I saw being confirmed and people telling me?

It was not until 2004-5 could I willing accept it by seeing in hindsight myself, my reflection, and my will and loyalty to his true her truth, that it was not ever about believing myself Not Worthy but rather, was I worthy of all these things, I already knew I was, am via memory and confirmation.

But what about this lifetime.

I know that such mentalities and ways of beings existed and exist in people, met them in books, films but not in this world.

Did people forget?

Was it easier to forget?

or was it simply people needing a show of miracles… And not the ones which change, transform, and bring them to step by step or via a moment of epiphany to the most sensational feelings… which after a moment they forget.

Or utter the words and the actions of natural grace, they give in a brief moment and then go back to Familiarity breeds Contempt instead of Familiarity Respect -creating Family called E

for the Consistency, amazing grace, and beautiful pride of these beings, sent to walk amongst you.

And even in the most humiliating insulting, scripts and yet who rose, rise still with the CUPID EROS-E still stand tall with beautiful pride forcing you to see that Beautiful Truth, rather than the truth of the role given you to play

One thing I will say about Liberty is that no matter the play she did, she would often break down, be horrified, and express in clarity with deep true emotions that which she saw was being done to me.

Yes, she would go back to forgetting, and lash out, go into getting even and all these human childlike adult tantrums… But I acknowledge those moments when she really saw it, expressed it and it was sincere.

Why must one remind people of that most fundamental Milk of human kindness and compassion?

That never made sense to me.

By reminding people, posting all that on Facebook so either they can correct themselves, or harbor a simmering resentment to me for raining on their ego parade.

If someone is praising me, even if it is true, I turn around and find that which I can praise in them – I do not have to, nor do they sincere ones demand it, since it is spontaneous and exuberant, nor is it even a courtesy or reminder, it is something people used to do as the true exchange of energy.

Not one person praising the other, and the others taking it in Yes yes give me more… keep it coming.

There is an offensive stench, in this entire play, these set up circumstances, and the Greedm which shows no natural respect for the person or the Guest.

Simply because he was led to your homes, worlds.

Is this the idea of Human Love had deteriorated to.

remember the proverb by Jesus before you pick the straw from another’s eyes, pick the one from your own first.

And you say, I need a Mirror.

Yet when the mirror comes, instead of seeing that truth, it becomes Mirror Mirror on the Wall who is the fairest of them all


And that quiet, undercover desire to see this mirror reflecting your perfection and the gap in your own self from being that Perfection of Beautiful Pride whose is Majestic royal and regal who is respectful of the existence of such reminder, natural appreciation of Beauty without having to include themselves in the mix.

I knew people like that existed, and as I moved through the story and the western world, it became overshadowed by this mentality of, Entitlement, self-aggrandizement, self Projections, and those mirrors now so rare, transformed by this mentality into slavery

7:03 pm.


No, would have never let my Bio brother or any of his line pass through, no matter how I would have loved to because beautiful pride is honest and loyal to the beautiful truth of what is the E version of beautiful truth and all fell short.

Nor are there things another is meant to call out.

These are the thing you should know.

So yes, Kim is playing a character and is moved by something of the past.

Ben Kamora, all of the last of the Family of T E N.

And this is a setup, pre-scripted for me to resolve, and in truth it is all about ME.

Why should it not be?

Would any of you, any of this exist without me… that I exist?

What would the lives of those I was led to touch and work and fight for being without me existing and coming, sent in perfect timing My perfecting timing in your lives, in those moments you open your page and there is my post, my voice moving you from a state, which without my intervention my existence, would have moved your life, in a blink of an eye to a totally different destination and outcome?

That is the power of perfect timing.

My perfect timing which since a boy I have been aware, and made aware by others, in those moments of the Element of Surprise E O S/ Bed 5 O 19.

tel 804 19 05.

But you are not meant to say such things are you, you keep it to yourself, or you will antagonize people.

Their original generosity ( with the hidden need or desire that they expect or wish from you) transforms after you have done the everything to help them refine.

But it is not my job, or anyone job to help you refine, remind,

Attitude Manners, Behaviour Courtesy .. that was your homework.

Nnamdi means My Father IS!

My Father is Here Present

He is or was praising me and I, in turn, gave him Praise.

Jealousy created this Script- even of that which was once my family Bio to Supernatural and E T.

Stephen Johnson has Humility and Graciousness.

But it is rare in this world, rare in Africa, Asia, African Americans, Europeans, here in this world.

and rarer still on this facebook play, but it was there in certain people here, on my page years ago, most of them left, disgusted with this play as I am.

No, it is no a coincidence that this enormous Black Panther came to me, not Kim, not anyone, and was only confirmed with Arden

Kim says it and it was reflected through his eyes 2020 vision Hindsight.

I coded it into existence, aware right to the play of Africa, and Jae Sherman being used and the White Witch’s and Warlocks- proving them out of existence.

I want nothing from this world, even with this Evolution Awakening assured.

I desire that which came to me and played with me last night, the Cosmic Black Panther, do like genies its Vast immense size manifested as this power playful dangerous beautiful beast of my Beautiful Rage, here to finish what I started.

That is the only thing that truly interests me…

My response to this experience of 53 years.

Everything else? I was just saying my lines, enacting that which the script dictated, circumstances dictated, sincerely of course, but in a story which I knew was not even real or aligned to the original True Story.

The Black Panther… Leopard Tiger Kali… Jaguar … this is my feelings.

And to me, at least, ignored by most except publicly by Stephen johnson and through posts and conversation Tree Sage – Kim via reminders and nonstop posts – ad me seated here night and day, sharing all with him so that he and his line will be spared the wrath to come.

7:28 pm

This is my Emotions Feelings EXpressed Honestly.

2 9 was the code I woke up to.

its is 7:29 pm right now.

J S merged to 29

2 9

I and I.

Being I.

BI AT E 001/

That is me.

full circle my arrival at 114 Grant Moore… God-Man. True Man.

G M= 7 13. 20. T.

T M= 33 1 6.

21 26.

I was the one who was led to the portals so it is obvious that Grant Moore is me.

The Orginal and now there is Carbon Copy… who rises as Kali and Kalle.

KK 11 11.

And Kim E.

Knowing Emeka.

The one who knew Infinity.

His Source …

But this is a different version of that story…. muted.

Not as pure in devotion

but enough to earn my respect, that he did the work but because I was led here, by a will not my own.


By a force not of him or me.

And so I acknowledge Him Kim on his own.

Not Mike.

I am Arch Angel Micheal and the original King Arthur.

God Of Kings

Lord of Kings.

King Kong.

King of Kings.

Is that not obvious for Pete’s Sake?

I publicly played that part and walked that walk.

Spoke out

offering evidence Facts and proof.

THE Original. T O.

Origins MAN E K.

It’s not really The devil is in the details, but rather it’s the little things which help us determine who is Humane.. Natural

Real and who is fake.. false a lie

It is the little things, we observe which identified and individuals apart and we Cee and Love in them able to identify them from a trillion people as the one…

The original.

Not be their compliance or defiance.

But by Eternal KNowing, expressions knowing, knowing their energetic signature anywhere.

and that which is lacking is no the original one.

8:22 pm

H V.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164598604205162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164598604205162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164598604205162%3Atl_objid.10164598604205162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164598604205162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1609488000%3A1641023999%3A-1838550003828920789&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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