
Facebook Post..

3:23 pm.




A.N.T B A.

114 Grant Moore.

The Beautiful Awareness.


I could not believe it yesterday when I found myself having to Code Elon Musk and Jeff Besos in order to get M.Y Money back.

I had coded Elon Musk years ago and again aligned to Nikolai Tesla.

And Jeff Bezos of Amazon and aligned it to Sacred Portal 117.

I have been watching west world season 3, and though it is a corrupted version ( C V. Fahad Hassan) of the true play of this world as a video game ( remember Sims?

align it to M I N E – C R.A F T? ( Flying Car P.ET.. Alladin and Jasmine Yasimne Mind Craft My Craft)

* Yes Naomi Sims. Kimora Lee Simmons.

The Sims 4 is the life simulation game that gives you the power to create and control people. Experience the creativity, humor, escape, and the freedom to play with life in The Sims 4.)

Ready Player One…

And of course, the real one which I have been re-programming reality back to its origins as well as people.

Bible means Book.

Book is the Body – A Story…

I have long since, felt that I no longer had to explain.

Or speak about my body and what has been going on with it intensely for the last 17.. years, a condition which started in Istanbul.

Istanbul Constantinople, Byzantium -Persia.

The Middle East. ( I C B P M.E.)

Brad Pitt BP, who literally came to me in my room.

then the night before the Black Panther. B P.

* Meet Joe Black. J M.


Expression Movement.

Manifest Expression.

Tom Truman. T T

Truman Show T S.

3:50 pm.

C E O.

or why Mark Elliot Zuckerberg ( M E Z) was born the same day as Tom Truman- and it was from his portal that I wrote the True Conversation between Energy E and Atom – AH-Tom in 2011.

And from where I announced on Facebook this- and then was led to Facebook via Evan Alexander Judd ( E A J/ JE A)and his friend in Dec 2011.

And now live with Tree Sage, T S ( Kim Arthur Hinds and Jea Sherman)

After completing the Script of who is The Source ( T S 20 19= 39) C I.

* Its not the Family Tree Sage nor did Kim claim to be The Source. or the Source of the Universal Simulation Awareness- despite it being his new code on his tag.

But obviously, Africa as the Natures Ancestors ( N A) did.

The Challenge being obvious, by my being placed in situations from arriving in New York, the 11th state, and everything; Being taken away from me, to lead me where another wave and force wished me to go, obviously to answer the challenge of Natures Ancestors, by proving A.N.

Awareness Naturalness and eventually Arden Nnamdi.

Via all the portals I was forced to navigate proving my Awareness by documenting publicly my Awakened Memory, through all the portals and paths I had been led to until reaching the 64th Arden and the Gemino’s via the last Avatar being Esteban Miguel Filgueria

E M F.

Elon Musk…?

E Manifest Facts.

E Manifests Perfume

E Manifest Destruction.

Esteban introduced me to Kim and spoke about him and Kelsie even as he drove me down to Connecticut and 114 Grant Moore Motel late October-November 2018. ( T R… T S)

Esteban Kelsie. E K.

Esteban Kim. E K.

But Arden I met by myself when Esteban Stephen stopped his sponsorship at Jesse Macias space.

And I had to choose myself, ( cornered of course) to respond to the call from out of the blue by Liberty after she split from Thomas Lang. code 56 56 along with her memory of a book she would write, and one she would edit? when she was a little girl, along with the visitation she had from alien beings who asked her if she would hold something within her, which they planted in her.

Jesse is the name of Isaiah’s mother.

But as Kamora recently told informed me Jesse is no longer in the picture, but another called Catherine Coleman is ( C C) aligned to Kim AGE code 33.

Same code as me Story of colors in 2000, when I was 32-33. And wore a Jeans cap with the code number 3301 which even when I bought it, I could not shake the Knowing and Knowledge ( K K… H K H K= 1 A) that the code was relevant.

It is the same code number Stephen Johnson spontaneously called out on Facebook to me in a comment 3301 and Perfections Attained over a year ago.

3301/ 10 33. J 33. J A.. J F.

Kim- J F K Highschool and lived in Windsor.

I lived in Windsor Park ( P W ) in Canada with my family as a child.

David Roman Nicholas was born in Windsor Canada.

We have already reached A P Attained Perfection when I encountered Arden age 16 about the time Stephen Johnson called that code out, as well as 3301 which was on my Blue Jean, ( B J) baseball cap.

33 01/ 10 33 is J A.

J A/ A J.

Angelina Jolie.

Beautiful Messenger ( B M Bob Marley- mixed race. Being Manifests is actually the correct code)

A J/ J A…


T- A J M AH A L.

Ivory House. I H. 9 8 Isaiah Herrington age 8.

9 8.. 900 South Road Arden age 9 * Photograph now age 17

98= 17.

1989 when I began my Journals Talking To the Silence at Nottinghill gate cafe while living in a house rented by me from the designer Katherine Hammnetts boyfriend. ( K H. Kim Hinds, Kamora Hinds, Katherine Hamnet.K H)

*Katharine E. Hamnett CBE is an English fashion designer best known for her political T-shirts and her ethical business philosophy. Wikipedia

Born: August 16, 1947 (age 73 years), Gravesend, United Kingdom

Organizations founded: Katharine Hamnett, Ghost

I worked in her company Ghost.

K E Hamnet K EH.

Aurellia born K E .Y K E T O O E.

K E/ E K.


Code of Birth of Esteban Filgueria.

H P/ P H Poverty Hollow 900 South Road where Arden and Aurelia live.

11-22-1947 my mother’s date of birth.



Holy Ghost.

HG. / G H Hardy.. Boys… Hard People.. Arden Harden.. I A RD EN


Chris Filgueria 12-14-87.

Kim Hinds 11-4- 87.

Lazaro Larazo Dorado 9-11-87.

K C L= 1987.

Sacred portal 1987

Yes, we lived in Old Ham in Manchester England.

and 8 Ham Shire Bay in Canada.

*Ham, (in Hebrew: ??? Hebrew pronunciation: [‘ham]) according to the Table of Nations in the Book of Genesis, was the second son of Noah and the father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut and Canaan. Ham’s descendants are interpreted by Flavius Josephus and others as having populated Africa and adjoining parts of Asia.

meaning of the name Ham.


Hot, or: Protective Wall


From the verb ?? (ham), to be hot, or the verb ??? (hmh), to protect or surround.

Code: H; AM,

. 8 A.M.

Infinity- Individual A M.


Will, I AM Desire – Helmet Protection.

Sacred portal 8 is Love Links Desire.

William Brady Pitt.

Will, I am DE-S I R E/ E RI S E.D at D Delta 4th Dimension David Dawn bed 4-017 ( 67… Age code of Brad Pitt.

Wil I AM E K Desire Beautiful Pride. Angelina Jolie.

Sacred Portal 110.

BP Black Panther.

S.HE Beautiful Pride.

H.E Black Panther.

I can feel my body fighting to rising, and yesterday it was so intense, its is hidden from even Kim, that which I am really enduring but i know he feels it, he is that sensitive.

And yesterday Jae Sherman back to her-self, presented me with some balm code Ram immediately after I coded a beloved call Alp.

Alp-IN.E Provisions. A P.

Alpine Forest A.F is the Dark Green scented candles s-he brought the first day she arrived 10-11-2020.

Of course totally unaware, so who is moving through her?

through you all, and why was it made my job to make you each aware.

And a battle which s-he has stated is my responsibility, stating that if she was in my position and shoes that she would go mad insane…

yet that did not stop he-r play of being used to bring me to enact the Eve of Destruction causing the Big Black Panther to rise.

This script was set up, as all can now see ( or those who paid chose to pay attention) and it was after I created a series of paintings of 3 men, Christian, Gerald, Piero, and myself, did i begin the Play Theater which began with the monologue Solilogy as which demanded who had written this script.

that was 24- 25 years ago in 1995-1996.

It was obviously set up from the moment I was born.

And linking the West World which first came out in 1973.

Yes 1947 is 73.


see sacred portals 73 and 37.

and the actual one 57/75 via 74/47… to reach 11 28 =39 -39 C I.C I.. 1 78… 79 Blue Print of Existence aligned to the Birth and portal of Jesse Macias and his son Zion

to reach Sacred Portal 67/76,

5:11 pm.

E K.

And then to World War Z.

M E -Z.

And then White Woman Z.


In West World, it is very clear, that which I stated and felt I had proven enough over and over again, that Aku-Oyibo Seed or Nut of the Pale Race- connected to my Mother Cecilia and Arden Aurelia age code 17 and 15.

Q O… Quaker Oats.

Quaker means ( Friend… * Jennifer Anniston Friends as her character Rachel ( meaning Purity as does the name Catherine, *yes me and Rachel Sessions and Rachel Young in Dec 2011 chez Akil Davis Apollo portal: Rachel best friend of Michelle Lobsinger who was dying of a brain tumor when i met her and recognized her R M) BradPitt and Jennifer Aniston are now Friends. ( they married in 1998.) and Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit were lovers for 7-8 years, having met in 2004 ( 24) on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith where they play literally beautiful assassins.

Black Smiths.

Pale Smiths.

Hephaestus and Aphrodite.

H A./ AH.

Obviously, the Matrix warped inversed S-ALT.

As in West World where the AI as Artificial Intelligence take over the Humans Unnaturals who had created them and are bent on destroying them.

yes, as in Animal Farm. by George Orwell. G O 5 in Japanese.

Se the characters

Evan Rachel Woods E R W.

Delores A. D A…Delores means Sorrows and misery .. but in the correct story, Delois Larkin

and in actuality D A/ Alexander David/ Darius Arden David roman Nicholas played by me Devils Advocate ( lawyer literally beautiful Devils Advocate)

Jay Woods. Wisdom John

Thandie Newton .. T N. Nicholas Tesla.

plays Mavis Milay. M M

really EM-in-em EM M E

* Elon Musk lost 13.5 billion E M E M… Billion 9 zeros. I.

E M I.

Jeffrey Wright. J W

Bernard Lowe. B L

Wisdom John of the family of Ten 5th aspect and

L.B Light Bringer… Lucifer.

And ED Harris E H *( who played God or the Director of the Truman Show.

He plays The Man in Black

men in black.

William Smith.

S W .. 2 19 South Whitney.

* Do you know that the name Kanye is OINri Igbo. It means Let us Give

Kanye West. K W.

Let’s give the west what? A taste of their own medicine?

or the Crown?

Light Bringer brings Awakened Memory not Erasing Memory Forgetting ( E M F) and then turn around and blame it one M E.

Obviously the Alien Monsters and Adult Monsters as the lie simulation reflected in West World was waiting for me and the E Family rising.

But that idea of forgetting does not work on me… nor the E nor the N E T of which all were descended. forgetting and laziness was a choice.

W Brad Pitt and J A- A J- now at J A were Friends J A- A J lovers for 7-8 years


6 12 yes sight Ardem 2003.. 23 T O C,… S C O T T O C S – consciousness supreme C Supreme reflected in the lie and the Ender Game ( E ND E R I C E Robert Coffee) as South Carolina 8th State. * is really infinite Harmony. I H= 17- linked to Kim now as that last 8

Isaiah is *.

Kim is John- Joseph and his son self is Jesus Christ rep Isaiah Herrington age 8.

K A H. K Arden Harmony.

So yes, this is The Script, Supremely Altered L T.

S A L T.

But Kim is not altered at all… just made to feel very alone and isolated and Jae Sherman yes, but she refuted this play and stayed in this world as my bio Sister did- but her harmony only I see is aligned perfectly to this play and in Perfect Timing.

( Kung Fu Fighting… those kids were as fast as Lightning – Expert Timing E T)

Arden kept emitting the code 14 0 N O.

AS did Liberty when she came though the code was 410 since this is backward. the A THE B A C K E the past. S P 55 and i am the Front and Back.. F B F A B Fabulous Baker Boys

F A N Frank Alicia Norris.

Fan T-as-T I C 4… 4 in One.

Kim Hinds Kamora Hinds.

K K 11 11… 4 in 1. 22 2/ 2 in 1.

K A H.

K A I….

see the meaning of the name Kai- who was also one of the people I met and was aware, in New York.

1st avenue.

*Kai has many origins, but in the US is most commonly referred to as being of Japanese and Hawaiian derivation, meaning “sea.” In Europe, Kai is largely considered to have Frisian origin as a diminutive of the name Kaimbe, meaning “warrior.” Kai is also found as an independent name in African, Chinese, Maori, Turkish, Native American cultures.

Kai is a strong, evocative, exotic multi-cultural name—meaning sea in Hawaiian, forgiveness in Japanese, willow tree in Navajo, and food in Maori—that packs a lot of power in its single syllable.

Famous as the boy enchanted by the fairy-tale Snow Queen, Kai was chosen for her son by actress Jennifer Connelly and as a middle name for son Samuel by Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber.


Popularity:155 *S P 155

Meaning: *keeper of the keys; earth

Kai as a boy’s name (also used as girl’s name Kai), is pronounced kye. It is of Welsh, Scandinavian and Greek origin, and the meaning of Kai is keeper of the keys; earth.

* Meaning of Kai. Kai means “warrior” (from Frisian “kempe”), “victory of the people” (from Nikolaus), “brave spearman” …

* The name Kai or Cai /’ka?/ has various origins and meanings in different cultures: In Basque, kai is a common word meaning pier of a harbor and a variant of the first name Kaio (from the old Latin name Caius, meaning happy). … In Hawaiian, Kai is a unisex name that means sea in Hawaiian language or “ocean”

You can see which meanings literally align with the script of the last 25 months here in Connecticut.

I met Myself with Jon Jason Lee in 1991 with his welsh friend we were all three together.

Keeper of the keys.

S E A Arden Morgan.

Arden his ambition Being Happy

Brave Spear-man. Arden – Africa my story of colors. spear of destiny and D

Drummer- Muscle Memory

Kim was Drummer – Trumpet.

warrior… The Victory of the People. ( T V O T.P.) 220 USD from E M F… 20 from me via ben to Kim as Tree T R- E E = A. A R T.

leopard, David Roman Nicholas.

Violet Purple – Reign Rain.

V- 5 in Roman. 22 Jeron, P R River Phoenix… Ready Player One

Willow Tree… O W T- T W O…

Tree weeping Willow tree… Arden is not embarrassed to weep.

South weeping willows- American Slavery.

Hawaiian – I met Esteban M Filgueria on Facebook while he was in Hawaii the 50th State.

sacred portal 50. E O E F

Esteban Filgueria.

Maori Whale Rider see Liberty play film age 9 and Stephen Johnson Whale.. / E L AH W.

And the play at her portal code Food Zach Z.

see sacred portal 121 Snow Queen portal E MF and I went to West Virginia…

But the incorrect one is Japanese.

Forgiveness For I have made it clear that there is no forgiveness in me for this Script and getting me involved to act in such a script.

hence the Black Panther.

6:57 pm.

Yes aligned to me as W Brad Pitt/ Arden Black Panthers Beautiful Leopard Fahad Hassan 3-22 C V.

Yes, The Bathroom at Tom Trumans. And the play of Japan.

whom my brother is married to the Japanese- Noriko. And never visited my mother since he left her in 1996 and my mother said it was because of them- her.

I required evidence facts proof.

David Nicholas – Cecila would transform into a Samurai warrior and all the E line when they were vexed or smelt the lie.

My mother looked to many as if she were Japanese.

Kamora bought me Chinese – Celestial Tea.

C T. My grandmother Lucy looks Chinese my mother her eyes, more Japanese.

7:04 pm.

J A P A N… See the date.

they became as EDO ( Edo Benin Empire see the name Okolo meaning is also Edo): Angry, violent when in truth Jet Li.. Hero… The one… T O

Do you understand?

They were poets and artists, Tao, S E L F Mastery self Discipline; fought with beauty and grace.

Not as terracotta warriors of brutal savage violence.

Recall how I went to see h sent the code 69 69 Erik Ebright- Samurai Sword in his living room and play of Victor Von Doom . V V D.

*Yes My British name is Victor.

*Doctor Victor Von Doom is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby, the character made his debut in The Fantastic Four #5. Wikipedia

Place of origin: Latveria

First appearance: The Fantastic Four #5 (July 1962)

*See play of Stephen Johnson with Golden apples and Black Panther… Legion of Doom.

*The Legion of Doom is a group of supervillains that originated in Challenge of the Super Friends, an animated series from Hanna-Barbera based on DC Comics’ Justice League. Wikipedia

Base(s): Hall of Doom

First appearance: Wanted: The Super Friends; (Challenge of the Super Friends, Episode 1 – September 9, 1978

Him Jennifer Anniston friends that is who Death, W Brad Pitt settled on.

What friends? After experiencing ones mirror as keeper of the keys of EA RT H..E A J. ( they are actors W B.P and A J W: B A P J Beautifully Aware B AP Jay.

and Goku of whom I had protected after he revealed that he was the last of the Dragon Clan while I lived with Joe Carey, and realized that it was Goku Dragon Ball Z whom I had a vision recollection visitation of his father in a snow place on a lone horse, whom I knew instantly as Universal sensei * see sacred portal 15.

Chinese Sacred Portal 55

Ram from Jae Smith is Pan and Baphomet.

7:11 pm

G K.

A F G K… ALP in e Forest. Alpine Produce.

I have a new Facebook friend and for the first time in weeks, a Facebook friend left, bringing us back to 15 39 but then was instantly replaced by another and one who has only one Facebook friend with me.

Kamora Herrington.

Yes, the play of Benjamin ( he sent me a message yesterday at 11:28 pm My Birthday. 11 28= 39 as if he already knew that I would be back at 14 39 Facebook Friends.

15 40.

15 40 twice.

30 80 as 1.

1 38… My new Facebook friend I noted now has 138 Facebook friends. Zero does not exist.

Universe 13.8 Billion years old.

its Old H.AM.H = 1 8 3= 12 L


3O 😯 1.

36 86 as 1.

9 14 I N .. A

/ AN.. I.

1 14 Grant Moore.

So you know who moved E M F to lodge me at 114 Grant Moore where I arrived and there was the Black Panther white background on a truck as I stood outside Pan ERA.

J A P A N./ N A P A J… Angelina Jolie. Beautiful Messengers.

Story of Lot in the Bible and his wife who transformed into a pillar of salt for looking back after the two beautiful messengers warned her.

Freshwater – Sweet Water S W/ South Whitney… Life.

(Marina Burini used to take me to a restaurant in Brookln and then I often went there by myself … drawn to the place called Sweet Water see it also depicted in the series; only 4 seasons as Sims only 4) in West World.

Ocean salt.. The Dead Sea. D S. filled with salt- brings Death.

*Amniotic fluid is a clear, yellow fluid which is found within the first 12 days following conception within the amniotic sac. It surrounds the growing baby in the uterus. Amniotic fluid has many important functions and is vital for healthy fetal development

Neptune Posieon.

Arden and Aurelia were born via water, Liberty L Arden Lucifer aka E K water babies.

bringer of both Life and Death.

L A D= 17. in 8 Harmony.

7:27 pm.

8:02 pm.


too much for nothing… but i am still here.

And our Moniees wealth still delayed~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164603421650162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164603421650162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164603421650162%3Atl_objid.10164603421650162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164603421650162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1609488000%3A1641023999%3A-9001493123803945395&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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