
Facebook Post..

Facebook Post..

6:08 pm.

6:12 pm.

A pause to get coffee.


A R T U.

17 351 was the number on the tag on the Bread, I asked Kamora to get me over a week ago.

This is an Evolution Awakening play, meaning that you are in the play of Evolution Movement back to your original selves.

It means that you were in process of which you came down here into this play which your memory wiped clean- to prove and demonstrate by simply being natural that you do not require memory, that within you is the already established Muscle memory proving that you can not forget even if you memory mind is wiped clean as in men in black, as in double amnesia, that you will still remember. many of you professing love for me in a moment of clarity of Total Recall which would then go away, because you had to go back down into the play- to finish your Part, Role of proving everything was already in harmony but now you have the understanding of how you know by having experienced it yourself in complete darkness of who you truly are.

The term Awakening indicates that you are asleep, that you are being awakened from one state in which you forgot, but through a process of steps, and a person who is outside your play, this play being the one designated to be led to each of you and the line you represent- to remind you to awaken and that it was your Higher and Eternal Selves I called Eternal Arden, Eternal Kim, Eternal Jeron Satya, Stephen Johnson who created this role of my being made to come to each and every one of you in perfect timing to wake you up.

This is why I have been playing The Reminder. T R. 20 18 = 38.

C H/ H C .. 11 ( 2) 11 1… that is time to awake from your coma and comes home.

which is why I was brought to Connecticut the 5th state 11-18-2012 and all the cast in the play were present, it was because your highest selves fully awake inside and outside of you were already aware and in position in perfect timing.

It was you and All-Father, All-Mother who gave me this nightmare role because because of our eternal bond as E family.

The mess began because my permission was not asked if I would like to play such a role.

Nor was the possibility full understood by your highest selfves who had never been in Human form, underestimated the power of being a Human being or the power of the experiencing such a reality and its cause and effect.

Humans have Free will and choice, which added the Anomaly singularity of unpredictability.

Meaning people, could choose not to became aware or investigate the love so many felt for me.. not realizing that it was your simply waking up- remembering,

But you were meant to invesitigate why.

Many still giverned by Human programs and translations of Love Desire and the E Family as The Elegant Nomads – horrified by thier experience of being human, having forgotten that they came down as the line of Beautiful Youth Eternal, to help the new species called the bodies of truth or alienc council the beautiful illusions- Embroyo Fetus- Babies Children who many went into fear Man Child Jah story and created a story of duality- Love and Fear.

The Elegant Nomad’s mission was to come down through Light and Space through the Children and alien councils dreams and thoughts process ( Logos and order) to Correct your version of love and Fear.

to Facts Light. F L.

The who process which I have written about over and over again since 2004, was for you to experience the truth of yourselves as Eternals and to bring a new species into being called the naturals aligned to your Eternal Truth.

The E Family on the other hand came undercover, agreeing to nonmemory and having their essences placed within you, to guide you out of duality and indecision of is existence living, pain suffering, and misery, or is it Joyous with adventures, danger excitement.

But most importantly show to you via illustration -a demonstration that existence is safe.

S A F E.

And the only way the Alien Council and Babies Children could be sure of this was by experiencing this yourself as a Solid fact.

there is no one on this planet except my Father Brother, Lover Sister, Friend, Companion Amour who is here also present as I am fulfilling the role given to me of waking him and all the E Family aligned to the new species of Children and A-Lien Council to wake up.

Which was by my constant expression through going through the same experience, but with full awareness, of the process I used to stay awake, and the Eternal Knowing aligned to Eternal Knowledge expressed by you each individual and Collectively that you know simply by looking at the mirror TV and your Life to the moment we connect in person or via E-mail Facebook and connection in a cafe, on the streets, A chance encounter, that the sum total of human knowledge expressed as a present, the true version represents not only the frequency you are on but that you already have the knowledge- when all the fragments of Knowledge are Examined and out together in the correct sequence and order…123456789… O ( there is no such thing as Zero it was created as a construct by a Human mind, being still in illusion and ignorance- darkness- the play of waking up themselves, yourselves, and if you are not moving yourselves, but your higher self is, the Zero was created as part of the play, in which it serves a purpose and function. yes no, yes no. true false.

D I S C E R.. N M EN T. Truth.

see what it became here, Cern in Switzerland… do you know what they are doing?

Seeking the Core of the earth, and creating a black hole instead. – And yes it is in the harmony of the play, for if something or people aligned to frequency of searching for something using such a method, such irresponsibility. subterfuge, secrecy, hidden… Laziness, and instead of using the blueprint of the last age being Holy Espirit which is Energy – the expression GOD Spoke the world into existence using the word.

heart compassion.


Mohammad Ecrat! Read B-Read.

Budhha Enlightenment

Son of a King who went down into the illusion.

Krishna -Redhar- Radar…

Nietchze – Heroic man.

Energy is Light.

Reason Common Sense…

then of course D I S C E R N Ment


Meaning Earn your own Awakening by using your Discernment

D I Sacred portal 49 D I E

S C South Carolina Sam Cooke.

( Linda Womack Boby Womack WO M B M A C K… Mackayla and John Mack M A..C.K.. Linda means Beautiful then such creatures are not real and literally deserve to be destroyed.

D I S C E R N M . E N T.

N T Nicholas Tesla / Thandie Newton.

N T 14 20/ 2014… 34/34 7/7 = 1.

34 as the Reflection in the mirror.

43 Yes I am at 15 43 facebook friends Door of Life

43 43 ( Below and above, since below reflects above and not the other way – Man came before creation… And God was with the Word.. the World cand word came from a man’s through. A beings throat whom I had to prove was of the Y chromosome.

7 days and he was pleased with his creation Eden Arden because it was in perfect harmony.

Music To My Ears M T M E.

Harmony is H letter-number code * and is as an Infinity Symbol lying down – resting sleeping day-dreaming see sacred portal 2-3.

You see, there is only one person I came to awaken really, the other two -3 lines was his Dream of the One Father Guide

He is the One I had to Awaken np on else because if I awaken him I awaken All.

But if he had a plan of his own, i come into His, His/Her play of his transforming to S.HE but only after I completed his version and individual representation and translation of the process that he himself went through which his source… A Beautiful Youth and now a Man Youth, by building a University Simulation – Awareness Matrix some of which you call Earth School.

Earth Heart… It’s Real Core. R C


Beautiful Pride.

-That he wanted all to rise to his Big brother, his first Guide Father Lover Brother… his everything… for all his own descendant to rise to that frequency for that is how much Adam Manu.. yes Stephen loved his Avatar whom some of which would transform into his descendants and literal family but… how to merge them with the E Harmony which he is father Guide had shown him by natural example what he was and is.

He would require an Example in his university school to show his Avatars- of which some would be the Descendants of Adam and E.V.E- N- Naturalness lead to Truth and finally your Beautiful Truths.

So imagine his true Eternal Father source comes down to see the completion of his Sums play and discovers himself swept into the wave of his play, which he was going to follow at his own pace, knowing that this was the reunion with his Sum, and a reunion of that which started as Him Alone with his Awareness who then through a natural process he learns his Identity and repeats the process of the source his Beloved and what was two becomes 5, and then in their turn became The Elegant Nomads and numeric code of 10 yes in balance.

Only one person would E Awareness now as Adam EVE trust, the one who defined all that was and is, and brought everything, ( including him) into being aware and then in existence first.

So let say I reach the peak and instead of Arden rising, Arden Ferrill Aurelia, he sends me back down to bring the children.

*, see the Kilm – oven decorated with 6-8/ 8 6 children on the deck of 900 South Road- where most of the Play Theater and Dance Theater took place.

I was perfectly aware in Fathers Guides Harmony’s plan that there was one flaw in his perfect play, which only when I completed his play would his feminine aspect and then mine.. our script would require completing.

– The flaw was that he had never been human, and thus saw me as the being he had met above, and not the experience of me, and its translation in human form was the nature of Emotions, Feelings, and Sensation.

And Most Important that since I arose first and he after me and only via the 3rd wave, would All awaken.

And thus only in Hindsight truly appreciate and understand this play after all had awakened.

That this play was really about him, and so when I came down to walk on a leisurely pace his story and his transformation into our lady she- I was raced along so much, pulled along so rapidly that I said What the devil is going on.. what is the rush all written down in my journals in Real-Time. ( R T)

Because I have done all this before… even He.

And He himself would not have risen if Existence Being the Infinite Realm, even this mirror reflection of creation was not already Perfectly Safe.

So what is the hurry, I had written the book age 7-8 and knew that this realm would be destroyed, I had written it down because they had instigated me by sending me that memory age 7 when I recalled then dropping me on a large Airfield in what looked like an E T version and an army helicopter.

Do you recall my saying that I was irritated?

This was why.

9:57 pm


I Enders Game.

I End The GA ME Of A Life-Time.

I E G.

I E T. G O A L T!

And they did not ask my permission and not do so so was the breaking the law of Individual Choice. Free Will.

10:00 pm

Taking away my rights and by consequence the rights of everything and everyone in all existence, because that is what happens if you really are The Source.

Hence the mess of ages from the messengers translated into whatever people desired it to be until chaos confusion reigned and a black hole was created and made real.

And I was sent ( spirited away as was my two brothers also the two lines of me Nnamdi Obumneme. N O. 14 O kg Arden and at the supermarket at Jesse and Zion Macias portal.) even deeper into two black holes Double Amnesia D A Donald at Staten Island during 9 11 and finally the two Black Holes Visiscus Pisces V C/ C V the two black holes merged one- Bottomless of forever forgetting my Sense of Self I.D etc.. that did not work did it?

Arden line of E Naturalness and Muscle Memory,

Kim Memory Muscles Feelings,

Cecil- Cecilia – Clara- Hanna Aurelia.

Kim aroused by Knowing via Knowledge.

Each representing the All of you.

Proof that even there with Awareness Arousal, Art, Science… Sixth Sense Intuition Expression period, that even if you were crazy enough ( not real) you could not forget.

E K.

10:11 pm.

My two new Facebook friends are Stephen Jumbo.

.. Yes S J. Rep Stephen Johnson Line, the flip side, Jeron Satya.

Stephen means Crown

yes Crown Chakra C C 33. 3301:

*Jambo is a Swahili greeting or salutation. It is similar in meaning to the English word Hello. … What is the meaning of Jambo? ^ Jump up to: 12 Swahili words to know before traveling in East Africa by Kelly Lalonde; ^ Jump up to: Useful Swahili; ^ R. Mugo .

Yes, as the name Simba in the Lion King L-ION King SP ARK plug of the Awakening

as well as Jump… Quantum Jump… Neil Armstrong N A- Statement as he represented the first Man On The Moon.

( M O T. M)


Black Panther, undercover line of beautiful pride- Wisdom John and Beautiful Pride of the lines of the family of T E N. 5th and 6th principle of being in Ease Creation E K,

:Jump to the attention! Black Panther, Beautiful Assasins you are in the presence of the R.C B H, ( Yes Ria- Casy, I love you too when you wake up and your back to yourself )

the Royal Crown of Beautiful Pride of the Beautiful assassin, line of the Fast and Furious- Father Lord of Nick Fury- Morpheus, Samuel Jackson.

S J.


the original Death.

* The latter makes sense as actual here and present, after all the Biggest baddest black panther did rise in me, and the Army Veterans play.. and Kims checks… money held up… from the V A, where he served 5 years Special Forces…

A V Sacred portal 122 Large Black Panther and the Female version of itself undercover as a maiden M A ID EN,

literally Special Forced

Eternal Kind. E K.

See the meaning of the name Nick.

and Samuel Jackson’s ID?

Black Odin.

Father of yes, Chris. H. Thor and Baldinur.

Nadeed Malik is the 1543 facebook Friend… 15 ( yes also 51) A E-E A. Area 51.

And the sacred portal 43.Door of Life.

Maveed means

*Naveed is a Muslim Boy Name. Naveed name meaning is Good News, Happy News. It has multiple Islamic meaning. The name is originated from Persian.

Meaning: Good News, Happy News

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Stones: Topaz


The name Naveed is a boy’s name of Persian origin meaning good news. Attractive Middle Eastern choice.

G N A M E C …

Malik means

* Malik, Maleek, Malek or Malyk is an Arabic given name and surname. In Arabic the name: ??????, meaning Owner, and ?????, meaning King.

Meaning: Owner (??????); King (?????) Wave (Gree…

Related names: Malik, Melech

and *Muslim and Hindu (mainly Panjab) : status name from a title meaning ‘lord’, ‘ruler’, ‘chief’, from Arabic malik ‘king’. In the subcontinent this is often found as a title for the headman of a village. … This was the name of an Umayyad khalif (685–705).

I think you can put the last part together, yourselves.

*Many African Americans also favor this strong, distinctive name (meaning “sovereign” or “king”), which gives props to their African/Muslim roots

10:53 pm

10:56 pm edit,~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164619123930162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164619123930162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164619123930162%3Atl_objid.10164619123930162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164619123930162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1609488000%3A1641023999%3A1578022570971158200&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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