
Facebook Post..

2:42 pm.

A R D E N ( 1-18- 4 5-14 = 42).

Being 42. OHM HOME Homme.

Full Circle: E M F


A B H… Arden- Being HAPPY T.U? with Tu You in informal French.


I will be brief…

Bringing people up to speed for the last 9 years is my Eternal Father-Mother and Eternal Families way of making me bring those in Natural Harmony to the point of Seeing Ceeing at the speed of light.

Right now, having attained that cap of perfection attained at 900 South Road- meaning Energy through the expression of reaching E=C Speed of Light.

E C E.O.

Which allows you to see things as they manifest in the same instant and with Perfect Symmetry- the meaning is made crystal clear.

Thus, those not up to speed can not see, what I and others can see because they are lagging behind and are not at the same frequency of that which some call the Big Bang event, which of course I call the Big Orgasms ( but yes there is now a true Big Bang of the true power of the indivisible E AT.OM.

I am currently been existing in the realm of Hindsight for the last 6 months 3 months, 3months which is moving backward in time to that which has already been solved and resolved at reaching the 64th portal. And so most of the things happening in your reality has already been solved and resolved once Perfection was attained at reaching Ferril Arden-Aurelia Leander to Jeron.

It was all about the Children if you recall, and moving them to beautiful youth- which is why on the moment I reached that portal with the Four Oven Kilm on the deck, shaped like a phallus with 8 children on the base and 6 children on the nozzle, 86, the scandal of what has been going on for a millennia-what has been happening to children, and affecting their world view and evolution, finally reached the international news and the public as adults, who like ostriches had put the head in the sand, could no longer ignore the true horror done to the biological and physical representations of the future, Youth and Children and were unaware of the effect on the Children and Youth and the way the adults ignored with such impunity that which was happening to them and their view of the world.

And that they were actually not helpless, but were literally fighting back.

That has all been resolved, despite what you are seeing in the world, seeming to not get the point ( despite the unbelievable refusal for people to take in the true meaning and implications of an entire world population now being forced to wear masks).

What I am saying is that everything has been aligned to the correct blueprint of existence but most can not see that because they are still living in the Cee-See mentality of the past and simply can not see.

So that is why I have said, ( and explained over and over again since I first discovered it in 2011.. that no one is here Present, right here right now.

most people are living and existing in the past which does not even exist anymore. And those finally rising in Harmony in what I call the 3rd Wave, are only now beginning to see the truth which had to be aligned, resolved, and solved for them to finally begin to see the revelations of humanities irresponsibility and refusal to acknowledge the responsibility of the natural order, logic, and reasoning of cause and effect of not paying attention to the true factors and causes which led to such a reality.

While most people are becoming aware, but only by Seeing through physical sight, and experiencing the effect of this indifference and selfishness, and their own extreme cruelty which people still deny, was based on their own refusal to be conscious, aware… most asking But what can I do?


There was nothing you could do, you were never in control of anything but yourselves.

Be natural be clean, that is all everyone was asked to do.

Work on your selves, clean up your view, your perspective by seeing things not as you wish to be, your resentment, anger or PTSD made say and enact, see things as they are which is what Children and Beautiful youth were and are able to do.

This is the end of the world as we know it That is the statement that is the way a child, a wise child sees things, and beautiful youth can see and read.

Not too negative, not too positive but literally as it IS.

That is the natural ability which i have proven is in all the human species, that ability to see things crystal clear… as they are.

That is already the ability to C at the speed of light N to C. Naturalness is Transparency, which creates a frequency in you which sees things in perfect timing as the manifestation of Creation.

3:14 pm. Pi.

C N.

This is why so many youths are seeing things that their parents can not see, it is because they exist on a different frequency of perception.

Their language is different, their framework is different, and what they are reading so clearly, their parents or the Adults can not see it.

And there is no bridge, because how do you expect your children, the Youth, and all those who have retained that frequency to explain to those who made a conscious choice not to see, perceive or take into account that they can not see, because they left that state of Paradise ( which so many know they did, even aware at which point they stopped believing in Santa Clause St Nick- that spirit of natural generosity of the human spirit).

Of course, they can not see, and it is their stance of Superiority, of being the Adult the one who was once a baby and a youth and now an adult who goes to work and pays the bills, becomes that stumbling block that wall which does not allow the bridge of communication that connection.

And why on earth would a child, and especially a youth conscious have to explain the obvious to the Adults who they see so clearly never grew up, but transformed into that which is a lie.

Most children and youth, simply wish to survive the experience of being with adults, parents, whom they have long since realized not only their limitations, but whom they have had to come to terms that they are parents adults older and wiser than you but are hypocrites and liars, ( even unintentionally) and despite loving them at some point so deeply, they never forget the hurt of discovering the lie their parents are, or even when their parents confess to them about that or acknowledge it, they still go back to using dominance and control.

Old habits…

How can they ever trust you, and why should they?

All they wish to do is escape from you.

You’re supposed to be my Mother, my Father…! w

What they are saying is that you were meant to be the Guide, the Friend, the one who helps them navigate this strange realm they found themselves in.

To be the example, and even if you fuck up, they will understand, but not refining yourself, not cleaning up your mess, your perspective, not being present here and now and seeing that which is going on in their worlds and in this world.

Not acknowledging sincerely the truth of the cause and effect of the fact that they can not see clearly, that which is right before them.

Of course, they want a Guide, but not one who will lead them straight to hell, or one who minimizes their experiences and the things they are going through, as they look at a world which places no true value in their point if view, but instead uses them and is jealous of them and inadvertently puts them down.

Ignores the true implications of what they are watching on TV and on the news, and seeing all around them, formulating their own conclusion crystal clear of the fact that they are watching the abuse and use of children and youth who serve no other purpose other that to be toys, playthings, sex toys, instant gratification and then tossed away, tossed aside.. gotten rid of. Whose seed you see in even your parents, family, friends, mentors, those you are told to hold up to esteem and show respect for.

And the one massive factor is the realization that it’s true, they really do not give a damn.

They say they do, they act and even do actions that seek to convey what they do.

But they are not pulling the wool over the eyes who can see by day or by night.

It’s all over the news, it’s all over the place, and it right there at home with you…

Your parent’s adults are conscious for a moment and say the politically correct things, they say even with sincerity the truth, but a moment later, they are gone, back to that other person, obsessed, hypocritical.

Do you really expect your children to explain all this to you?

How they see,

How do they perceive you?

If at all.

as if you, your point of does not exist.

Nor you in consequence.

You do not matter and consequently are irrelevant?

Just see how furious I am, with my being forced to explain… do you know why people do not explain- its work.

It is torture.

It is torment.

explaining the same things over and over again, while observing just how indifferent the adult’s mentality is.

So cold, cruel Narcissists (it’s now anepidemic the use of that word and ego because it is truly everywhere- televised.)

That is what that series Happy ( how Ironic my brother self Naim called by all and himself Mr. Happy while David Roman Nicholas was is a happy person but by God! he was mad at what had been done to his childhood and the children and no one gave a damn. he as so many carried it all by himself.

He had never told a soul until he met me, and we were both in our thirties.

No, why should the child, the youth have to explain to you?

Teach you how to see, they may love the beauty in you, but that is not what they experience on day to day basis.

They wish to play and see the way, just some guidance, just someone who sees through the experience of that which they are living through, seeking to develop and formulate their dreams of being and doing, Being Happy

and so when you can not even see them clearly, or be constant or even be vigilant of your own self, why on earth should they every trust or wish to truly communicate with you.

And even if they love you, it’s just way too hard, way too much to ask, they conform and act the part, say the things you wish them to say, things you wish to hear until they are able to plot their escape.

It is way too much work to have to explain, and much worse to an adult who says one thing and enacts another, and then argues and fights you, while you are going through childhood to puberty and all the intense feelings which are meant to be nurtured and tended so the flower can bloom.

No, everything had been taken care of, it was in the Eternal beginning as well as the beginning of Creation Time C T and right to the end, when I personally reached 900 South Road, it was not me, attaining it, it was the C .E Speed of light attained and thus, the entire world past and present right up to Kim Arden Jeron representing every-thing, every-where, and every-one, not 5, 5th Dimension ( which is where I and the trinity 5 5 5 all live and exist), youth and children, no the U N.of E.

It has been moving through you all, and that was what I was asked to make you first see and recognize, and then prove how you deliberately ignored it, poo-pahed it,

Shat on it

* meaning of the term Poo Pah

a person holding many public or private offices. 2 : a person in high position or of great influence.

Instead, you placed your personal agenda’s before it and thus created yourselves the consequences called Existential Death.

49 D I. NN A.M. D I… (IS)

/ I D MA N N ( N/N=1 =A) A I.

91 A R D E N G E M I N O = 91.

see his telephone number it ends at 91.

See Sacred portal 91. I A/ A I

All is taken care of, this was me just being forced to go back to rescue Hindsight ( already done at the Peak) but more my explaining it, expressing it as the literally Body ( Akashic Records, Memory Banks of the Truth as THe Body, all of which has been confirmed on my page) thus giving the species who do rise, an understanding as to why 2/3rds of the world’s population cease to exist, by proving that no one is here.

The E are seated in the Present, the True Present where I exist, you can not see them, feel them because you are not here seated in the Present. They are all here with me, collected by me for the last 45 years.

You are not in the present.

So where are you?

In Non-Existence…. the lie.

Or you are here present with me US- E A-K at the PEAK and in perfect harmony of the reason and purpose of the play of why this world as people must clearly end.

Those aware and not simply moved by Holy Holy Holy moving through them, and my calling attention to those Higher Selve moving through you – with our doing all the work, no, this time it required you as the Human to also Be Aware and part of your own process of awakening.

No one is here.

There is only me E K K A I.

Fact, in me, is The All… with me is E Father, E Mother, E Family… All E. Facts.

That is what there is no one here present.

I see no one else here by M.E. A.K.A: Awareness Of The End-Complete and in Harmony infinity

* Kamora was used by E Father-Mother E Arden line to confirm.

8:49 am

Age Code 49.

4:07 pm.

R-Evolution is not televised, and yet it can be seen everywhere on the true T.V and P.C.

If you can not see, it or chose to ignore it, obviously it means you do not exist.

And since the C K equation of my past Chukwuemeka Kolo is done,

( C H U K W U 3 8 21 11 23 21 ) =

87 + E M E K A= 35. C.E.

Total 122.

A V… Sacred portal 122.

Black Panther and the female form rep Alexander-Alexa Vertfeullie.

Arden Victorious.

add K O L O as 53

Grand Total 175

First and Last Name/ E man.

A G E.

Q E,

Adding the I K E M E F U N A.

( 9 11 *yes Larazo-R Dorado. Lazaro Dorado born 9-11-87…

9 11 5 13 5 6 21 14 1.= 85.

H E.

4:20 pm

D T.

V I C T O R… 22 9 3 20 … 15 18= 87.

122 + 53 + 85= 260.

B=Being Jeron Satya S Lang J S S L= 60.

Being 60 minutes.

add 87.

Kim A Hinds: 11-4-1987.

Chris A Filgueria: 12-14-1987.

Larazo-R/ Lazaro Dorado- 9-11-1987.

KC and the Sunshine Band. ( SB / BS 19 2/ 2 19 South Whitney Kims last code and yesterday night also mine)

Sacred Portal 87.

add 87


*See all 5- 4 sacred portals.

Grand Total 347.


C… Cecilia 47. 11-22-47… 48.

3 47.

3 48.

Chukwuemeka C Consciousness Planet Earth, 3rd PLanet from the Sun through your point of view ( mine is that it is the 6th and 3rd through both points of view.

12-18-63 W BP… Double Victory of two Black Panthers line of Beautiful Pride.

I really see no reason why I should be still playing Clark Kent of Metatron reporting the daily news which no one wishes to spread that news, instead they prefer to spread that which brings disease: Gossip as Bad News.

No mention in this world’s papers of any other event, such other events as the news of this expression, Event Horizon now everywhere in the world of Awakening, or even its process, its truth, and even what it means.

And of course, there is Interest, I have a Facebook friend from over 100 countries now on my page was 72 before.

( Facebook is good about spreading that sort of data but nothing of my work on proof facts, the process and its progress for 9+ years)

Sort of a Black Out, and Blockade in reporting the Full Circle of the Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but the truth.

Despite it being a different point of view- the equation works-manifesting a response from something not really in my control as witnessed by all of you.

And this means nothing to you?

Of course, you are not here present and definitely not with M.E.


But everyone out there is doing the P.R of the end of this world, and but not how, when, why, who which is the most basic requirement of investigative reporting of Worldwide news.

The Awakening is Televised, it is on every P.C, Body of truth in this world.

And yet in this world, it hasn’t even made any TV Channel that purports to call itself, World News.

And you do not see anything wrong with that picture.

Despite every program you watch, of this realm’s Television, that is all it, the writers are describing without putting it into language and words.

347-3 48.

4:43 pm.



5:25 pm.


E: B.E.

So much for keeping it brief, I am speaking for Eternal Arden as All-Father… and Arden age 17.

5:27 pm.

but I want them to leave me out of it now and speak for themselves.

Ah but they require the awakening to do that…

Literally and not to be vulgar but they have me by my cock and balls… and have my treasure chest ( T C) and know the direction of how my Beauty P .R.ID.E takes me home, can you imagine how pissed off I am with them?

Occupying my body and then giving reason and logic which though makes sense, quite frankly, I really do not wish to hear.

Are you here, yes? then all I want to know is when are we going home. It is meant to be now.

That is what A Moment ( A.M) means Now… and no longer at my expense.

5:33 pm.

K I M~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164677943330162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164677943330162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164677943330162%3Atl_objid.10164677943330162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164677943330162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1609488000%3A1641023999%3A6500378634850807894&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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