
Facebook Post..

3:47 pm.



I woke up to the code on my Facebook page of 4-11.

4-11 is the date of birth of Nathaniel Thomas Bywater, he is the brother of Esteban ( Stephan) Filgueria.

His birthday is a perfect match reflection of that of Kim Arthur Hines.



Kim and he met in Oregon-e the 33rd State.

* Younger Joshua Baywater.

( JB).

I met him once at 29 Lincoln Street, he was wearing a baseball cap with the symbol Ohm- and had all the correct intel.

And from a photo of him on his page, I recognized Brad Pitt.

He delivered the intel of the Shaman world- that aligned perfectly with my own experience. He had gone to university in Paris which specialized in Shamanistic Arts and the Mystic realm.

His girlfriend took the name Harmony

The code Ohm is represented on my sacred portal 42.

Yes A R D E N numerically breaks down to the 42.

He is the second child out of 4 with the last name GEMINO which numerically breaks down to 49.

The last play with Kamora which began about 6 months ago, where I noted to Kim and Kamora the presence of Eternal- Arden everywhere, completed at the play in which I left the E-A to speak for Him- Him-Her Self concluded at 8:49 am message from Kamora.

Age code 49.

time right now 4:09 pm. 49.

Hence Harmonizing 42 / 24 E M F. to 66. Kim’s door.

6/6= 1.=A.

12= 3. = C.

66=36. 36O. O= 9=I.

A: C I.

Arden consciousness I. E K.

/I C: A.

1 3 36= 40.

40.00 U S D, I discovered left in my wallet today.

D O.

46 DF.

10. J. Jay Brown.


Arden Frederick. K.G. 11-7/ 7-11.

D B =42. ( 21 21 U-U).. 33 = 6)

* Sacred Portal 40- there is a being and two beautiful warriors and a glorious female warrior setting off to fly away on this winged beings back, her name was Aurelia before.

Arden Ferril-Kim.

And E-C. Yes, E C and C E= 3.5-8. 5.3-8.

* Quite a Flight Delay of the Bella BI.RDS.

49 D I. ( 49= 13 M @ 4=D 14 3=17 Q. A G= 8 Harmony-Infinity).

D B.I.B= A I.

6 8.: 11-22-68.

4:11 pm right now N T B.

Beautiful Truth N= 14

Sacred portal 14.

Arden and Morgan @ the 14 states.

Sacred portal 14 Evolution of Consciousness * Star E

Harmy @ 42 Harmony @ 49.

91 as A. I Ms. Manners Madame Hell Fire – A Mannerless World People.

Hung Yeh ( H Y) is 56 years old today E.F

Jay Woods ( J W) turned 33 today.

It is pretty obvious that this world play and enders game was designed by E’s Awareness-Awakening E as the rep of Beautiful youth.

That is who be designed the true version of this Enders Game Manifestation Video G A.M E/ E.M. A.G-. E.

See Rodney Mages post.

I have been watching the series The Magicians.


* Rodney’s Ramage just sent me a message hello as if he heard me write.

See the meaning of the term RA and Mage.

See Merlin.

played by Collin Morgan.

*Colin Morgan is a Northern Irish actor. He is best known for playing the title character in the BBC fantasy series Merlin. Morgan made his London theatre debut in 2007 as the title character in DBC Pierre’s Vernon God Little. Wikipedia

Born: January 1, 1986 (age 35 years), Armagh, United Kingdom

Height: 6′ 0?




*6:12 pm right now. ( Editing

Hi Arden.

* I just had an interaction with Rodney Ramage, confirming that he was just a post office delivering E-Mail.

He had no idea of what was going on, not even when he asked me for 150.00 USD.

or what his play is about. His time was 4:03 and then 4:30 pm when he messaged me and because of the intel he sent, which I shared, I responded, only to be faced with a Human mentality who had no clue.

I know that he will get the money he believed he could get from- for he delivered the message he was meant to deliver to me, ( Oblivious to the fact that he had already got what he asked for 150.00usd for delivering the message. But by his Being B- lack of awareness thus foregoing code as150 as O O… E.A=F and passing through the door of Life Sacred portal 43.

But obviously, he has not even Aware and since after all this is a Video end Game of Evolution to the Door of True life, and a Universal Simulation of awareness to graduate from Nursery School via Hi School.. * Ms. Manners to Universe Supreme… by simply paying Attention in the class-Y room called Time as Space, well… it IS what it Is. smh.

So he is exemplifying and displaying demonstrating, in this human form s mentality of not a clue as to what is going on with me, my posts, or even why he is a Facebook friend.

-To pay attention to the post, any mail of something someone is expressing as to What’s on their Minds which is an anomaly, singularity, out of the ordinary, is the most simple thing in the world, it’s like reading a newspaper every morning, let’s call it The Daily Planet ( as Kim-Tree-Chiefy does every morning) It requires so little effort or time, but can, and will change the trajectory of your day and move you like a flying carpet to achieve all your desires. Subconsciously activating affecting your day from the moment you absorb whatever you need to absorb- it activates electrifies energizes the frequency and the reaction and flow as you move through the Electro Magnetic Field of Dreams you call this world and your life.

It does this subtly, just by what you read, and consciously and subconsciously absorbed.

* My writing is literally magical, charged with an embodiment, exemplified walking through my truth Satya from beginning to End and completion.

Its an Arts and Science.

Creative Natural Expression, and a Science Knowledge and Wisdom proofed and proven to manifest via a play of attaining O* as Full Circle of Harmony to the full circle of infinity and the two principles of symmetry, in this realm as well as the Infinite and Eternal merging E A… K B E A -N with John Mack, Johnny Newman, Kim Benjamin, Steven- Esteban Alexa as I left, all converged at 900 South Road, the Highest Peak.

Desiree Sacred Portal 8.

Kim -Tree-Chiefy brought some sweets back the other day, Rajbegog Food butter cookies, Desiree assortment of wafers, and Aldiva Wafo rolls

I was loathe, to even code this before… my mood changes because each day, I surmount the immense reluctance to post anything knowing I wish not to speak or be used, or spoken through, I see even more clearly home opening its gates.

6:40 pm ( Edit)

RF ( BC) A-O-W ( D) WF (A).

RF, A-O.W, W.F…

Brand: B C. D A.

It is ridiculously easy, to read if you have been following the play or reading that which was my job to code and post… proving Harmony in all things to even this detail.

* This same play I am demonstrating is that which is with all of you…

But I cant and especially now, point this out to you, or admonish you to pay attention and read, and then apply it to your own reality.

I know that he will get his money which he needs- but there is a massive difference in awareness and intention between why he felt that he could ask me, to give him this money ( and yes, I would have given it to him if I had it) and the message from his higher self to me.

It’s his higher self who comes home, but his human self is in non-existence because that part of himself, is obviously not present or even anywhere that is Factual-Real because his mind and being are focused only on that which he needs while not seeing that those needs, worries, anxieties have been answered and already met.

It happens to most of you, in your responses to me, your posts on my page, a person such as Angela Dawn is extremely rare, to add, to contribute something by one’s own effort of paying attention to the play.

No one is here.

Only Eternal moving through you, but it was each person’s choice to be Individually Aware. I A.

And that part, that true and beautiful part of the Naturals have impeccable manners.

While the non-existent part of you, just sees Need.

I write down the codes of the few times I am sent donations, not simply because it was set up this way as a script which I am forced to obey, but because it reveals the level of appreciation and worthy of the wisdom knowledge, and awareness of those who acknowledge or do not acknowledge the worth of what they have gained by my use and abuse by the A-Line Council play of C B Children Babies- B C.E.

And it confirms the harmony of those I am directed to ask, such as the 120 USD code from A N/ which I shared with Kim.

70-50. It has meaning:

Not for people to see it as an opportunity to assume, that they can ask me when they have contributed nothing to the play, done no work for it, and that which has blessed them and brought them to my page to give them all they Desire if they simply pay attention, used the posts to clean up and clear up their frequencies, so all that they desire can manifest, while I playing The Source of E.

The Source of Light, Life pay the entire costs, living hand to mouth through others, in a play of 19.10 years, to give empathy to those who believe their poverty is something which they blame others for.

I am wealth itself, in every meaning of the word- if I focus my attention and will as well as my intel on how this world and people work, as well as my proven talents, I can make money easily.

But my wealth was taken away, and I chose this path of the E Family and discovered this blueprint of which for being loyal and faithful to the Beautiful truth, I, who can make money in so many ways, chose to not compromise the truth of the E Just because each time I was at the pinnacle here, or in the Spirit realm, each situation, circumstance, demanded that I deny the Beautiful Truth of my of the way I See, Be and Create in order to make it more acceptable to the economics, and cultural systems of this world already set in place in a system which has been proven to have reached optimum efficiency long ago by evolving to a point as far as it could go, and down here from there. Forcing me to forego my luxury-loving state of way of being, living grooming presenting myself, denying me even of the rights of my natural comforts, ( Body and Being) and wealth which I had merited and earned as a man. All to keep me in an illusion of lack, in order to a show of empathy and compassion to those who believed they Lacked the means to achieve their hearts desires. All to show you, demonstrate for you via exemplification and spinning me in confusion to give the idea that I too as you were lost and alone in the dark, To show you that there is no lack and whatever you desire can be attained without comprising your Beautiful Truth.

5:11 pm.


The Expression and Awareness

E and A is all there and via Knowledge Wisdom.

Arts Science…

Expression Communication

you will never truly Lack… anything.

19.10 years… think about that, 19.10 years of living without anything in this reality of I D, Passport, Resume, Support Network, Social Security, any form of security, not knowing which place I will live, how I would eat… just to show and demonstrate this Perfection of Harmony if you would just be yourself and flow, and see the response…

But see the response I get, what a bloody waste of my time.

Of a lifetime of work to prove that you were Safe.

Just watch where you are going in your life, read the signs; Look left, look right.

Arden Cecil-IA, Morgan

A.C M. A C I M.

M;Erlin-e. M: E.R.Line/

E NIl R.E M. Nil? Nothing-E?

Emre. E MR E.

E Room E

Yes, I am Nil?






cipher C I PH ER


fuck all.. F A



*Yes, there is no such thing as Zero it is nonexistent.

But there is only One Being Line of expression which can define Nothing.

That which can bring Somethingness out of Nothingness, like a Magician.

A Magician pulling out a Rabbit from his T.O P H.AT.

Collin Morgan .

Arden Morgan.

C.M: e 4/3.

A M at the 14 State.

N= AD.

Arden David.

Arden Beloved Garden of Eden.

I work very hard for for you, and night and day.

The money codes are not for me, who would live this way?

in a designed poverty and in a hollowed-out reality, where nothing is present except E A F K and G.E.


Poverty Hollow.

P H Litmus Test L T/ Sum T.IL.

Desire e … Sacred portal 8 is love links desire.

Everyone has got what they desired.

liberty has her Thomas back as well as a new child on the way,

right to Jae Sherman now working regularly at her recently attained job.

Kim wished to understand the codes the play and come home to the E Family… granted.

64 Portals: 19.10 years, hundreds of people, and each person got what they desired, what they wished for, and focused on

when I was sent to pass through their portals, I watched it all happen, I did the work I witnessed the entire process but I can not say that it was by me, perhaps better the term would be through me Sue of 25 Green Street, was able to sell the building she inherited for 25 million after I suggested we turn the basement into an Art Gallery, Albert Sanatan got his wishes, two children his own apartment which he can sell.

Johnny le Valley got his wish and went to London where he now lives.

Sean Bono got his art battles company off and running, Marina got out of the Isolation she felt she had been condemned to… My list goes on and on…

And I watched as each of these manifestations came through me, I was used but it did not come by my intention but that which was and is obvsiously moving through me… which was Alien Father moving through the Alien Council to Babies Children ( Saint Nick and which has now moved to The Truth, its Source right up to Arden Jay Jeron Aurelia… Ferrill Leander F L.

-6 12..

That it was my Eternal Beautiful Youth.

Arden, whose wish is the same as mine, To Be Happy thus evolving through all things, every one 7.9 Billion people, via 6 sense Harmony ( 68) and finally to all the Expressions representing Beutiful youth, whose supreme desire- e, is to return to Garden of Earthly Delight and Pleasure: Home.

Which yes, is right here in the Present, perfection but not with the D-Arth IN-Vaders

D: Earth Invaders.

Thus the E had to get rid of the In-Vaders. I V.

Mask wearers.

Yes, without the lie called Humans.

True carries of the Placebo, and now made real for them


C O V ID EO 19.= S

5:43… 5:44 pm.

Cookies and Fruit Cakes?

Who else would use such things as part of the codes if not the representation of Babies and children?


Cartoons. C G I.

A-Lien Council, at last evolved from Beautiful illusions to the

A-E Fact Knowing what Is, and that, which is Real.

-To Arden, E.K, line representing the Expression, I call Beautiful Youth and Eternity as the Expression of Beautiful Youth …Nothing to do with Age, but everything to do with the Sacred Journey (S J… And yes the gift which I had given Ferrill Gemino) it had nothing to do with Age but everything to do with E:A.G: E and that which is your Hearts True Desire.


M: A.G. E I C?

/ C I..G ..A.M .. E- K. E.

But you did not want Magic or even a Magical Awakening, you wanted Reason Purpose Proof, Evidence Facts… to quell your fears or skepticism, cynicism because for you Magic was not real.

Just tricks… A-Tricks.

Magical Thinking…

For you muggles, all Magic was simply not real.

Despite Science proving that the Art of it broken down to Science is real.

Magic ( Infinity Sign on the Tarot Cards)

Magic, to become Alchemist Magicians- that is the Beautiful Truth.

Magical Beings- that is Hues of Man’s desire, to return to the garden of Eden Pleasure and delighting in coming home which you never left, but to Awaken here in the present with that treasure gained – the fact of your beautiful truth.

But first we had to take the garbage out, that lie which for most became your truth… you trusted in.

And that certinly had nothing to do with me Magical E or comming home… which as I have witnessed none believed in but the K as in the T W O.

5:53 pm.

And I say each to his or her own Heart’s Desire.

What you aced out over and over again and made so crystal clear.

Your destination given to you based on what you wish for and acted out over and over again, until you were given what you desired… even if it was Fools Gold, and not real or true.

My greatest heart’s desire?

Me, that the lie of you be gone and never to return.

And all that remains at the end of day E A F K…H I. Jay Bee.

This script now aligned, it belongs to M.E. MY Beautiful Youth and its Beautiful Truth of which I trust.. the only thing worth placing your trust in.

5:55 … 5:56 pm.

The only thing worth living and dying for.

T O T W..O…

L A D.


R E R A.M.A G E.

Sacred Portal 120 R E R A is the Laurel Ribbon attached to the S.WORD.

I Cee.

I See.


6:00 pm.

7:48 pm.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164683797170162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164683797170162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164683797170162%3Atl_objid.10164683797170162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164683797170162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1609488000%3A1641023999%3A-1792187800949087892&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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