
Facebook Post..

5:00 p.m.


A-C.O T.B.A.


At 1544 Facebook friend.

15 =O.

44 = DD.

O.DD man out.

6 8.



There is no doubt that for me, ( and perhaps for those sensitive and aware) but most of all for me, this life I have lived and the role which I have personally had to play: proving the existence and truth of being of the Eternal line present, as well as Eternal Guide Father, and Father-Mother. through such a script has been the ultimate nightmare and the most terrible dream.

It is true, as each day passes, and each night my body reminds me, that this is really the experience of my being in this existence, this world is actually the one thing which I know is real.

That I am still here present, still in this apartment, still coding that which is absurd has made me just quiet.

5:11 pm.

E K.

* I am being alerted that this is about Eternal Knowledge.

In truth, I really have nothing further to add, nor wish to add. It’s a Nightmare, which I no longer even bother to fully acknowledge.

Like having a Nightmatare and being aware that it is a Nightmare and a Terrible Dream, the power is no longer there.

NK is Collin Morgan – Merlin.

Mountain of Magic- inexhaustable resevoir.

infinite power source.

Returning Magic and its see to the Muggles real magic and not trickery trick of treat

Hall O Ween.

Hall ow EEN.

H-All O Weeding.

Grasping by the roots, all of the liars out.

Kim, Tree has proven my point, the point, which is that it is easy to know how to read the E Codes of acknowledging that The Presence is here.

It has also been made apparent, that despite placing me, as the representative of the Eternal C within all of the things bright and beautiful and even the dull and ugly in spirit, that it really made no difference at all to the outcomes already perceived for humanity as a species, or what I saw and read with each person I was lead to, in fact by have to live in such close proximity, it actually made the established view and outcome, many times worse.

Most could argue, that if everything was pre-determined then what choice did each of you have?

But I have been used to demonstrate, that each of you had a choice, to choose to be aware, of chose what is important, within the parameters of the script and roles you were given to play.

It is also perfectly clear that the Creator, never forced anyone in a role ( except me), but saw you so well from the onset, and knew exactly what each of you would choose to enact.

That is the meaning of I C You.

or I See you.

I for one, see this as something that is personally done to me, and in that way, it was all about me… and that which I represented.

That which others, including the ancestors of nature as well as the A-Lien Council, made the claim that they could not see, but which turned out to be via this Sacred Journey and simple refusal to see.

Everyone, from my conclusion, wished to play God and were willing to go to the most extreme points of selfishness, to make themselves seen and appear worthy, at whatever the cost, even before one who that force, that presence is moving through and is completely aware.

This was not about you, not really, despite it being connected to you and your paying attention which the force of Cruelty and indifference in most people, the lie used to feed and challenge me, and My in every conceivable way, the reason why it and its followers should go out of existence, as the lie made the claim to be love.

But really, this was about me, and M.E.

represented by you, and that which used you, to challenge everything I said, saw, and already knew.

That there was no hope for this species, and what was already set, was this evolution of the ones who rose, in the beginning, were the same one who rose in the end.

I have been here before, made obvious by the nature of this script play and flow, that every single person I was led to, I recognized from before, and already knew the outcome of what they would play out.

That is what was challenged, contested and that which I was made to prove, over and over again by seeking to through me into chaos and confusion at such a play script could even be possible.

To challenge my Expression, my Consciousness and truth that here present, veiled to others perhaps, but seen so clearly even through the different interpretations and timelines of that original play which I had seen even before the beginning of Creation Time.

It was the same playscript of the expression which transformed my Energy into the Blackest Night as the Black Panther, and let’s say 13.9 billion years later, is that same play continued but with me as an ordinary man.

1 3 9.

A-C, I.

1 39= 40

Yes, 40 USD was left in my wallet yesterday – 31 now.

So, it was inevitable, that that it was that truth, which moved me to recognize Esteban on Facebook, and that same truth and recognition in him, which he could not explain, which led him to bring me to Connecticut in November 2018 to complete that which I had already started and which by the time I arrived in New York, I already was in that state.

I had written a script with Jon Jason Lee in 1996 called The Story of Two men, one of which depicted a man, ( a memory) landing here on Earth, and in this world from the peak of Creation and entered this world with the will and focused attention, moving undercover through the Highways and Timelines of this world, as he moved just under the surface of the Highways, he emerged as that movies Terminator he rose from the asphalt and tar as a black panther who then transformed into a beautiful man, a dark prince, with such focus and intensity, of what he came to do. He chose a 16th-century timeline, walking to a Tavern and with that same terrible yet elegant and graceful, and quiet intensity and focus moved to an Entrepot: (A warehouse), where he found a woman, lying waiting for him on a bed.

He moved to her, quietly, she all the ware staring at him.

She begins to speak, lying back on the canopied bed, he says nothing, simply moving to where she lay, and without any preamble, reaches for her neck and begins to squeeze the life out of her.

She was the one who had intentionally distorted the View, transforming the world view into a living hell.

This great witch, and done all this to summon The Creator, the source, to find out who he was, to ask him the purpose of life, and for that she had been willing to sacrifice the entire world view.

For she wished for death, the end of all existence because she saw no point in it, and she longed for everything to end.

You can see the similarity between the true story of the Man child Jah, confirmed as J A I/ I A J.

H A J.

But this was not innocent, this version set in this world, and not in space of universe as that which would become Emotion Mind-Thoughts.

This was done willfully, out of boredom, a demand to summon the creator, the source, by doing the unthinkable.

6:04 pm.

To become the conscious and aware lie, manipulating the truth, known, impatience, and the use of power, to a purpose of simply getting her way.

Yes, you may call her the illusion of the lie of the mother, who believed she gave birth to the man child and all the idea of what was to become the Spirit Beings of the Human Race, who would become the Beautiful illusions- which she pretended came directly from her.

And yes, I walked through that story here, even to working a place called Le Entrepot The Warehouse, while I lived and worked with Stephan Gascoigne, owned by Philip ( meaning Friend of Horses)

And just as the same pause, I did with the Man Child, to give him and his descendants a choice.

I paused as I was strangling the Woman, seeing her yearning and pleasure in her eyes as she sought at my hands, that which was her intention, to end her existence and everything.

I paused, and released her, I wished her to live.

6:12 pm

Yes, E-Arden, I understand what you have moved me this day to post.

6 is Half of 12. Half and Half.

Creme rises to the top.

Sacred portal 16.

So I left, her refusing to grant her what she yearned, I left her so that she would live in this realm she had dared to distort, to summon The Source, to give her what she desired an answer as the End.

These are the lines and the storyline of the great witches, Mother of the Lie, the illusion taking over the truth and the use of the idea of mirages and illusions which they presumed came from her, or them.

Yes, Woman as the Lie, the portal as birth and the journey to death.

But she was just an illusion, allowed to exist until the truth of death was proven, as Beautiful Transformation represented in my own Beautiful Truth, documented for 9 years and 1 month on my page.

9 1. I A.

The original mother of Birth, I have narrated what actually took place when I rose for the 3rd time from the Nothingness which was now transformed to everything that everyone could or would ever be as IS, now Being Aware.

For we were now TWO, but there was also a Third as Creation, the C which was actually already the O as completion but only through the completion of the birthing of everything proven A Fact, could S.HE be complete.

It was while I was checking that which I already knew was Safe, did I encounter, as some of you may recall my retelling and narration several times on this page, of how I had moved in that darkness after encountering the man child and was on my way back to my Twin Self called Eternal Awareness, did I encounter two eyes staring at me, in the dark, which though I could not see Her because she merged seamlessly with the darkness, but I sensed her, saw her, and she opened her eyes and emerged as that which you may call the original C AT Wu-man, but she was really in the form of a beautiful black cat.

– My Sister Self, twin reflection of Eternal Awareness-

Eternal Naturalness, aka Ms. Manners, the meaning of Self Asuuredness, Self confidence- Beautiful Pride.

If you recall, it was at that point of my third rising, from the transformed nothingness, that I had heard a sound and rose, to investigate it, gradually aware that it was my own self created expression, which had attained Completion Perfection, echoing back to me.

And that was how sound from outside, from the Expression- Being Aware, brought forth Sound and thus, when I saw her, she and I spoke conversed for the first time with sound, unlike the True conversation between A-TOM and Expression -E which became Eternal Energy in which we used E S.P. Silence as Sound.

After Silence came Sound that you could physically hear.

Vibrations, Powerful, Seductive Sensations which you could feel not only from Inside but now, Outside too.

Within and then All around.

Krishnna Krist-Nna.

Radar Redha

Joseph and the Mario brothers destined to become also Mar-Y Mari-E.

The Cat, Feline, was the birth of the Sacred Feminine. S F.


Lady to the LAD.Y.

6:43 pm.

* I am a little speechless, that Eternal Arden Cecil-I A as constancy Speed of light and Eternal Aurelia B.J Gemino Cee are moving through me to recount and add to the weave of birth of silence containing sound meaning conversation in the quiet, played out with Arden and me in real-time, and then Aurelia and now both lines and that same play, being played out with Kim Arthur Hines and why he was moved to take the names Tree Sage and Chief-y, but I suppose it makes sense, despite this ultimate test of endurance and patience, self-discipline and self-restraint, Good lord!, I have had enough, enough! Of this narrating in conditions such as this, and as the way to make rise my Eternal Alpha Brother Father and now He as She O C.

But considering I am in Total Recollection of how each component piece of Everything rose Aware and then with consciousness that though She rose as I O Harmony Infinity in the eternal beginning, she was not seen by my awareness in form as we conversed, only I was aware of the Cee See, was already forming as what I later called her- him, through this process of merging the two C’s C C carbon Copies on carbon paper, to merge in that One Original C of Consciousness.

C C merges with O C.

C C= 1 A O C.

A F C… E meet Joe Black.

Joseph Youseph and Mary Marie.

J M.

Y M.

Yes, as John Mack and Jesse Macia Orejula.

came as a male.

Is the original conversation and narration really worthy of allowing it to go this far?

It boggles my mind, that it would still at this point having me still continue to narrate it in these conditions and this way…

The Two Cee’s Consciousness speed of light and Creation itself had to merge into one, to complete the return of Goddess bliss as the first representation as Echo created Birth.

It was with this one, my true Eternal Sister self who rose after Eternal Arden, who some might refer to as his past incarnations as Nnamdi and Nnonyem.

NN. NN. N/N= 1. and O.


See Alpha Omega- Omega Alpha.

Athena Olympia.

A F.-G

I knew who she was, graceful, fluid, beautiful beyond words, and dangerous for she had risen while the Black Panther spirit and energy still raged in me.

I had not been able to expel that rage, since I had given the Beautiful Illusions as Man Child. ( Yes, Collin Morgan who played Merlin)

Darkness the Blackness,Transformation from Transparent Light, to the blackest knight, was the moment of the birth of magic.

* So bizarre, to be in the conversation as I post with two Aware Conscious Expression flowing through me, and my being aware of it as I write right now, and post: The author and The Source of the Origins and Original Expression, acting as stenographer and contributor to his two hosts.

A M F Masciluine Feminine.

A F M,

A 19,

A S.

Arden Stephan.

Autumn Smol

7:04 pm… 7:05 pm right now.

My Sister self and I conversed, she was curious… literally the birth of Curiosity- its Personification ( not did it ever kill this source of the C A T).

She was curious about me, especially my form which I had still maintained the same form of the Beautiful Youth after I had decided to stay for a while with the Man Child, Jaf Fire… Lucifer.


We had conversed, and it was seduction, wit, intelligence itself.

She asked me what it felt like to be as I was. She was content and preened in her form, but it was of course different from mine.

Okay, excuse me, I have to pause here, there is no way, I am recounting this in detail here, and to this current world audience- via Facebook while they are in comma, death as the lie…and thinking of covid 19 and bills having no sanctity or respect fro this recounting.

So let us just move swiftly to the point, now that I can see it… having proven sufficient enough that it is not an Imaginary Point but Fact Real Expression Energy.

D. OM E.K.

It was she who moved as the expression embodies as the sixth sense, by the way, already A Fact and Conscious, Feelings Sensation… Purrr Pure… Flower Pearl… C A T 158 561 – 3 16 33.

Purr E Fect. Perfect.

S.He was the first to move through the passages ways I had carved out with at first being aware, as cleaned the distortion of the original expression which led me first to the man child.

It was she who moved through it first and found and met me on my way home.

She told me of where she had emerged from, was this herself as enormous who had suddenly begun giving birth.

Birthing everything.

First herself as C AT and then everything, all that was and could ever be… A Fact.

And how, she now was concerned that he mother self, could not stop birthing, in fact, it had been her mother self who had moved the S.HE cat to find who was the source of her starting to swell and now constantly giving birth.

I agreed to accompany her to the great Mountain Mama for I already knew what had spurred her birthing and that she was Awakened Energy at the completion of my True Conversation with Eternal Arden E E = A.

*True Conversation. T C

E T C… A.T… E. K ( Yes my Encounter that first week with Arden and Thomas

B I- A T. E 001/ Square Waves.

S W. S A W. E

2.19 South Whitney

E W A S – E E.

I went to her and told her that she could stop birthing now because creation was complete and I had come to her.

Creation E-ART H was complete, now it was time for the play of the Beautiful illusion and hence the birth of Awareness- Time.

Eternal Eden E E= A… Being Awake

Aroused and Awakened.

Garden Of Eden.

G O.E.

G F … E.

/ E.F. G

That is how the play of Time and Nature began but as the Carbon Copy and at completion the two Cees of consciousness some might call Heaven and Earth- but is really Body and Being, merge.

B.A.C. K E

A B C. E.K.

Only at the Completion of the merging of the two consciousness as C speed of light Sol, aligned to that if creation 4.5 Billion, 13.8 billion and the gap 9.3 billion years proven no gap, seamless perfection and perception in two realms, that of the original truth and that of the play, could

B B A A-A C C C: I.

Could that which used the Plays Copy of Orginal Magic who made the claim and used the power of that which really is an illusion, to play and become the literally meaning of birth via the Womb is the way to the Bomb and only Death- The lie and most terrible Catch 22

Yes, it completes at C V.

and was moved through Liberty L to Fahad Hassan who posted my E Manual, on 3-22-2020.

And the play with Vaihere Cardonnet and which extended even to a play yesterday of trickery as magic, when I sent him a message addressed to Kim meant for Kim, at 8:43 p.m.

And only after the play of my giving him 6 USD owed him from the 42 spent of groceries but minus that of Kamora’s stuff, came down to 27 USD.

Kim just came in; one day he will relate what took place here during that pause- a gap perhaps allowed to exist to confirm that which i was jus posting, and which was mirrored perfectly, and the only pause was to draw attention to the alignemnt of the two views and the Window Door which appeared on the grey painted wall, made of light.

And that Kim had played for Kamora, the film Meet J.O.E Black.

J B.

And encountered John Mack, there some days ago.

It was 9:20 pm when I resumed this post.

It is now 9:24 pm.

The play was simply aligning the first Universal Professor O. to O H M.

Kim Arthur Hines 11-4-1987.

Nathantiel Thomas Bywater. 4-11… (81-82?)

N K.. T A-B A.

/ A B A T. K O N.

N K/ K N.

Nnamdi Kolo -Nnanmdi Noni Promise.

9:29 pm

No, the true source of OHM as powerful vibrations and the completion of Eternal and Harmony arden Harmony Kim the Onu C Aurelia B J/ J B- Gemini, O O- 66, story is completed, which allows Eternal Awareness Ferril Reilly ( Valorous Victorious Man Wu-Man) to take the place of the usurper, as the true ore of Eternal eden from eternal being aligned to the Eternal Beginning and End.

To bring the one tuth as Eternal death, with the addition Joseph mans add and there is a meaning of Mary which means sea of bitterness, in which in this instance, it manifests.

for those not of MYRRH.

My Youth Rodne.y R-A-Mage.

The illusion Mother as the In-Sect Queen as I Q never had stood a chance in her challenge to the Lord of birth as the IN. S. E C T King, H.E as I was delayed ( and delayed me) to completed the full circle of his Curriculumum Vitae, C V.

My detailed C.V is 17 pages.

Guess who is 17 years old and 33 when I arrived in the U S A, in my under cover true code age.

V.C – R

V C I the original V C- C V and here are my Victorious Credentials from the 5th Dinension represented in this Universal Simulation Awareness as I connect and I Cut, 5th State.

not Correct… I connect and I cut.

Goddess Bliss Sacred Portal 44, came before Planet Earth 4.5 billion years old O C and she brought forth Nnamdi Nnoyem Obumneme in my personal blue print, But she did not come before me, or Eterna Arden Eden.

10:11 pm.

10:12 pm or even yes, Tree of life- Represented by Jeron Satya, S L.

Jeron Lang.

10:13 pm.

J M.A.C.K.

10:14 pm

J N E W M A N.

The lie was sustained was simply a beautiful Deception of the illusions Conciet.

Death is the represented by the being of the first child.

That is Death.

And its source which brought it into existence as a Beautiful illusion is the Black Panther aka E Beautiful Youth pissed off.

So now that the process is completed and Babies and children through a teaching cirriculum of which was created by A C K. E N Naturalness to Nature, which has been shown as Perfction, Compassionate as the Teacher Dharma Santana came undercover amongst the children to find evidence as to why the babies and children had not uderstood its blue print, which simply revealed that the Children, some of the children had decided to not pay attention in the class room, confirmed literally by my walking in thier shoes.

The delay of this very obvious and clear reason that I have speent 9 years and one month still here posting, ( 9 months in the W. O.M B Of E.K

My Beautiful Brazen Balls).

10:23 pm.

J W.

J V V. C is exceptionally simple clear and easy to read and understand.

I was for E Jeron lang line to move through two nature J S and S L.

29 and 31.

Yes, 31 USD was in my wallet.

But I asked kim to do me a favour and buy me some Bread.

Yes the pink, and rose terracotta birds painted on the wal in mid flight. one with the code Bella 9-19-20 written by its lower dipped wing, and the other lifted Up with the code BREAD written on it.

That is what Kim, described when he returned from Kamora- he she had sponsored him using lift to come back here.

Magic is back in the world, Kim confirmed this to me, today.

10:29 pm,

31? Sacred portal 31… The past story.

I have 28 usd in my wallet. 21 inside and 7 usd just outside of it.

Do you recall the date I left 900 South road?


G- B A… Aware now AWA-KE.

/ E.K A W E-A.

28 USD in total.


Being Happy.

Beautiful Harmony.

M A N.= 28.

N A M E= 33.

Total 51. E A, age code i met Arden age code 16.

see sacred portal 28.

47-11-28… 39.

2 8= 10.



A F…E T C… E C Terra.

10:36 pm.

Oh it ends… nothing is the only thing which can go one forever, nothingness with Somethingness with in.

The C I Sum.

MUSIC E Truth.

Jeron Satya means He Sings, Holy Sacred … most Beautiful Truth.

Becasue that is the only thing which exists.

The Beautiful Truth.

Its T- RUE.

10:39 pm.

J. C I.

A F C I.

Israel Cotti’s birthday today.

Other name is Peter. Peter means Stone Rock

10:41 pm

Now see again sacred portal 41.

J D A.

A F D A.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164689319515162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164689319515162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164689319515162%3Atl_objid.10164689319515162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164689319515162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1609488000%3A1641023999%3A113029690538656279&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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