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2:41 pm.


2-( 21 20 21)

B=Full Circle of Being Aware- B A T B A)


It would appear the Money Code play is complete… that play I loathe so much.

Ego-Oge play Sacred Portal 50.

I received the confirmation codes from Ariane Gradow. AG today line of Air.

She sent me intel which confirmed that the line of the E Family as the A N – Awareness Natural T E N, which confirmed that the Blue Print of Existence is not only in her, but also the coding she broke down- made it obvious that what I had known and then had confirmed by the echo confirmation of this Script, that the E Manual would generate wealth and health – Gold by not only my Blue Print on my page and now as Emanual.World whse Team Leader and Editor has been confirmed as Liberty C Liscomb, would inspire a new Evolved Arts and Science by each key E family represnting a line such as Ariane G, by each person comming with thier own version of the Family T E N Blue print each expressed in their individual ways.

I just stared at what she decoded and outlined, and could not help but wish that all this intel was posted on my page by people such as her.

Then I recived the confirmation of Alicia Norris that she and the line she represents FL.

J F L Florida the sunshine state- Black Panther Freedom- Liberty can read the E codes- and her confimation that she can link and read in the Consciousness of E.

Then I recieved a last confirmation of which I have I know represents the last of Alien Father Alpha’s play and of the Africa Uwa world story from Ezeufonna Ifenanana Nnaemeka.

even to the time code 20:21 in the Netherlands.

And a suprise expression from Jason W- and the voice of Kelly Preto whose consciouness I had been forced to reject as that of E or of being line of the Brother Beloved.

Jason had stayed in contact and even to the code of the music Savage-despite the wall and door closing in me, denying access to me- sent me some music of Kelly Preto singing with a voice and sound that I had not heard before.

I asked him to send the last cash code and that is now up to them.

The cash money codes- contribution donations were never meant to sustain me, most times it is less that hundred dollars and I was only directed to ask it of certain people – confirming thier Harmony E.

It has been a very difficult process considering how people behave and respond here in this reality and mentality to money.

But this was the Baphomet Beauty play the Devil who actually does control the matter- material based world, perhaps not the way people have childishly interpreted it in this reality, but still it is somewhat akin.

The end and completion of the money play began with Libertys intel of 140 USD then 50 and finally 25 so I could purchase a packet of American Spirits- was my notification after the Food and Money- Mother Nature play with Kamora H- versus Father Nature who provided Food and Shelter via the Y chromosome and then moving to the last play of Banks- wealth – health- Happiness Sacred Portal Mixed blessing – Frank -Alicia to Dakota- Aria Norris and then the last of the American Indian play with the African American represented by Kim ( whose cultural origins is Barbados) completed yesterday with intel of Mayan at Marvel Comics.

I met Nnaemeka when he was 33 via Facebook through a play at the Bean Cafe with David Phillip Gil and the play code of 33.

Kim is Age code 33.

33 01 S J

Ariana G sent me a coding 33 33.as well as code Murial-

*Muriel is an English name derived from Celtic elements meaning sea and bright

S.E A.. Bright.

S B.

* Hedy Kesler. H K.

Hedy Lamar… H L

Adola Mary Jane. A M J.

Line of the Supreme Beings.

I knew the code John Fils Lutomo my last facebook friend would complete the script at 15 52 though I am expecting one more to arrive at 15 53.

But let us see.

For the moment, all I can feel is a sense of relief and quiet- at the end of the manipulation via Food Shelter and Money by the Hidden Figures H F 86- who have been impersonating the line of E but could only do so through the Matric Machine – Programs, because that is the only place such a force now defined as Evil- Cruelty Viciousness Malice.

All from the seed of Selfishness allowed to go too far without being checked.

Even as I write, this… I am not sure I am even making sense- the exhaustion and fatigue of the mental, physical and emotional strain-torture of sustaining such truth of Evolution Awakening against an entire world view, and solving each riddle, transforming the lead, which sinks to the bottom of the Sea and then transforming through Expression Language Explained via Empirical Evidence to Gold via knowing how the body through Being transforms the Body as lead at the bottom of the dead sea via the CEE rising from the See of Transparency ( Naked… Naked Lunch) back to Light and then to the C.E.I… C seed of Light ( Sol) 5th Note- E Blue. Ag- silver Surfer- and complete at Gold.

Golden Age of HUmanity aligned to The Beautiful Ones

And Mayan Calander 2012./21.

Royal Mayan and the American Indians journey through the Great Spirit rep Sitting Bull

*Lakota language, the word “tatanka” is translated as “buffalo” or “buffalo bull.” We call them in our language “Tatanka,” which means “He Who Owns Us.”

Lakota – Dakota.

*Sitting Bull (Lakota: T?at?á?ka Íyotake [t?a’t??~ka ‘i. j?tak?]; c. 1831 – December 15, 1890) was a Hunkpapa Lakota leader who led his people during years of resistance against United States government policies.

Battles/wars: Battle of the Little Bighorn

Relations: White Bull (nephew); One Bull …

Parents: Jumping Bull (father); Her-Holy-Door …

Died: December 15, 1890; (aged 58–59); Stan…

The play J F L.

Jerone Ferrill Liberty aligned to Arden and Aurelia.

To Jay, the 27th State will complete at Justice ( Stephan Johnson line) Freedom ( Alicia Norris Kim line.. B- ANK.H) and then Liberty.

So today, I am heartened, but knackered and so I will lie down and rest my twisted body- * yesterday it was so intense that my mouth literally dropped open and I could not help but blurt out What is this!!?

*After all, it has been 17 years, and I have done all I have been made, compelled to prove.

Suddenly as I lay twisting, propelled to unravel like an elastic band unfurling, I saw an image of the twisted form and symbol of DNA in this reality.

It occurred to me, that DNA is not twisted, that it is a ladder, Stairway to Heaven and that it is more like negatives of a camera or a movie reel.

Expression as is Wealth Money.

Energy is Money.

Energy is Light and is created out of nothingness ( like Money) – Light- which created matter via a process of passing through an illusion of a transparent Prism which refracts all the colors into 1-7, the same process as Sound.

A G.

Ag is the code for Silver.

Au is for Gold.

Let me stop talking, to this blank space.

There is nothing On My Mind nor is there anything else I wish to share.

If there is more News Of the World- Clark Kent, Peter Parker, Bruce Way-NE, Diana Prince…

*Kim – Tree, just had an encounter with two women: one Younger and the other, Older about to battle at C VS over nothing really, the Younger one was the cause, she went into drama, exaggerated I want to be seen!) and had to step in between to stop what could have been a serious fight.

He spoke of a woman called Diana who worked there who came over to set things straight.

It was only Kim who intervened and then this Diana person…

Which is why I pause at Diana Prince.

*Wonder Woman. WW 23 23 = 1 46.= 47.

*World War II

Yes, My Mother was born just after the War and by some accounts just before it ended in 1945.

Yes… 45 linked to Aurelia via Liberty her mother and former elder sister in another lifeline.


Yes, and because the Time code of this post began, I will complete this post with this…

P S. Diana is the name on the code of sacred 59.

Diana Spencer D S.

Diana is the name I gave of my ex-girlfriend in London in 1991 aka Nana ( Austrian Japanese A J)

also connected to Aurelia and Angelina Jolie.

Go-Man-Wu-man Maiden in the Invisible Plane- Unseen- now Seen.

One more thing, if advanced Supreme Beings- has set this entire reality up, and created an Enders Game, based in I Q and Awareness to determine if a species had earned the right to evolve and thus see that which was unseen ( but suspected of existing)

Creating and wriring and Invsvisible Script using Invisible Ink, and only through the Sunshine state Warmth

Fire- the Passionate State HOT

can it be that which is Invisible become Visible ( I V. 9-22- Royal Mayan R S. Jesse Maccias- O- 9-22.. I Vie)

How do you think that they would go about it?

Especially if they are of an Intelligence and Light of Eternity which you had no idea even existed, except through your Imagination and Dreams.

I D… regaining your E-ID.

Identification as an Individual

And Intelligence that you have no idea how it works, and who are of a Beauty and Perfection and are called Beautiful Devils- Mischief- Krishna… Black Blue Beautiful Baby – Beautiful Youth, FL.U. T.E

J F L… Lutomo Luteme

How could you even begin to comment, or assume, how the play manifests? As a script Examination Consciousness Testing – Conscious-Expression… (E C T.E.C.E/ E.C… E T C E) would appear and manifest?

Wouldn’t it be a discovery and revelation? Which one realizes as you move forward carried by its waves and conclude at the End Completion that it was about Harmony- Individually attained?


Colors Primary to


Howard Hughes- Flight.

Amelia – Flight.

Hagar meaning Flight

Catching Two Birds, with one S T ONE.. Pierre.

Rock Solid expression of Particle Wave. 2 in 1.

2020.. 21.

Do you see why It was listed as a priority in the 4 Agreements Do Not assume

There are people even here in this world arena who are so much more intelligent than you, much less Supreme Beings who manifested from Nothing everything Beautiful and Functional in the Natural World.

Evil/ Live?

No, Living in this world matrix is the only Evil – But I have personally experienced it can only if you live here as a Lie and then you become the evil great evil to ones who are Natural.

E V. I L… Expression Victorious.

I L date of birth of Serenity and Erabella.

L I V E… Royal Mayan R Santana and Jesse Maccia Orejula were both born 9-22. ( I V) L I V E.

Where is Evil in any of these beings?

Even undercover without memory.

And the code is not Live is it? It is Life.

L I F E- E F I L..S.

John Fils Lutomo.

1552 Facebook Friends.

Yes, I played Arden Genino’s son in this play.

Yes, he 17 me 53, 36, and now 17… and finally age code 8 when I wrote the book and back to 8 pm when I was born.

Stephen John’s Son.

Diana Prince.

David Powers.

Dignified Pride.

4:16… 20

D P.T.

Delta Operating System

not Why, But How it works was The Point.

* see sacred Portal 8.

* It has been suggested that the Invisible plane be merged into this article. (Discuss) Proposed since October 2020.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman.jpg

Wonder Woman in Justice #5 (June 2006)

Art by Doug Braithwaite and Alex Ross

Publication information

Publisher DC Comics

First appearance All-Star Comics #8

(released October 1941)[1]

Created by

William Moulton Marston[2]

H. G. Peter (uncredited)

In-story information

Alter ego Princess Diana of Themyscira (amazon identity)

Diana Prince (civilian identity)


Amazonian-Olympian Goddess

Goddess (2011–present)

Place of origin Themyscira (Earth)

Team affiliations

Justice League

Department of Metahuman Affairs

Justice League Dark

Star Sapphire Corps


Wonder Girl (various)

Etta Candy

Steve Trevor



Notable aliases Diana Prince


See list[show]

Wonder Woman is a fictional superheroine appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.[3] The character is a founding member of the Justice League. The character first appeared in All Star Comics #8 in October 1941[1] with her first feature in Sensation Comics #1 in January 1942. The Wonder Woman title has been published by DC Comics almost continuously except for a brief hiatus in 1986.[4] In her homeland, the island nation of Themyscira, her official title is Princess Diana of Themyscira. When blending into the society outside of her homeland, she sometimes adopts her civilian identity, Diana Prince.[5]

Wonder Woman was created by the American psychologist and writer William Moulton Marston (pen name: Charles Moulton),[2] and artist Harry G. Peter. Marston’s wife, Elizabeth, and their life partner, Olive Byrne,[6] are credited as being his inspiration for the character’s appearance.[2][7][8][9][10] Marston’s comics featured his ideas on DISC theory,[11] and the character drew a great deal of inspiration from early feminists, and especially from birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger; in particular, her piece Woman and the New Race.

Wonder Woman’s Bronze Age origin story relates that she was sculpted from clay by her mother Queen Hippolyta and was given a life to live, from Zeus, as an Amazon, along with superhuman powers as gifts by the Greek gods. In recent years[vague], DC changed her background with the retcon that she is the daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta, jointly raised by her mother and her aunts Antiope and Menalippe. The character has changed in depiction over the decades, including briefly losing her powers entirely in the late 1960s; by the 1980s, artist George Perez gave her an athletic look and emphasized her Amazonian heritage.[12][13] She possesses an arsenal of magical items, including the Lasso of Truth, a pair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara that serves as a projectile, and, in older stories, a range of devices based on Amazon technology.

* # 8 October 1941.

October is the 10th month, but it actually means 8.

Bronze Age.

B A… Yes, there was Beauty Aware.

4:30 pm.

Sacred Portal 43.

The door of Life.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164779805940162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164779805940162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164779805940162%3Atl_objid.10164779805940162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164779805940162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A0%3A1614585599%3A1344080297447649527&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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