
Facebook Post..

10:19 pm.

J S.

I knew it….

Jeron is 23 months old still,

Arden was born in 2003.

Today is the 23rd.

Double U as Double VV.

Arden Jeron… of course.

A J… 1 10.

Code from Nnamemeka * 66 0110 75

0-110 is 6 Dinary to dec.

666 was confirmed by the intel code Y Fork by Stephen Johnson.

666 110 ( Sacred portal 110 Sacred Portal Eternal Family of 6th Sense) 75 ( Seven continents and 5 Seas-Oceans or 4 in 1 as 5.

*Kim ( Tree sage is representing Jeron and Arden line and Stephen Johnson)

I knew that somehow we were meant to reach 1550 Facebook friends.

I am not sure if I missed this new Facebook friend’s request or he arrived after I thought I was done and went out to buy somethings at the local C V S.

The play left me with 16 usd.

And the only reason I mention it was that I just posted about the 16th when Que in male form chrmosome came to my window after I coded his name code on my wall. And found myself being able to buy a giant box of Maxwell coffee on sale for more than half its former price.

I looked at the price and the codes all over it, including codes 12 84 and a love heart… and the color blue which was a discussion which just took place with him- Heaven to Sanctuary – coolar code blue.

And Maxwell… The singer with the voice and manner I recognized correctly as my younger brother Raphael Nnamdi-John.

When I got back, I was .. am so tired, I just quickly made some rice and said I would call it a day.

A Moment ago Kim spoke about having a headache.

I knew it was that it was from having to go into MInd and thought when obviously the play was Ego Oge- as Money -Time/ Dawn.



11 O.

The moment I spoke of this with him, a moment later my head started to spin and ache.


I came back and saw that the coffee container I had been using for the past almost 4 months reads Beautmont coffee.

Beaumont which means Beautiful Hill Beautiful Peak.


16 USD… 16 years old when I met Arden.

16th was the correct date of completing the play.

I had no intention of writing this down for the record.

But here I am.

So I will be quick.

You saw Ria Ria arrive on the date which aligns to Kim- Trees Birthday 11-4… but as 1983 A I.H.C. Harrington-Harford Connecticut. Consciousness Harmony C I.

Then 10-15-1987.

Represented by Kim Arthir Hines.

Chris Andrew Filgueria- C A F- E

Twin C A F -E / E F A C T.-S


And now the third Page Dewey.

And yes link connect Malcolm in the Middle the series and the youngest brother Dewey which Kim connected when Jae Sherman presented us with a Bowl of candy to Reese also of Malcolm in the Middle and E.T.

10:45 pm.

J.A E. S.

J S.

P.D. 16 at Delta.

16 4= 20. T.

P D-T.

And then read the meaning of his name.

*What is the origin of the name page?

It is of Latin origin from Byzantine Págius (young helper / mate of young nobles), derived from the Greek Paidion (child). A page in medieval households was usually a young boy whose service was the first step in his training as a knight.

Knight in Shinning Armor, Amour…

That play.



*English, Scottish, and French: status name for a young servant, Middle English and Old French page (from Italian paggio, ultimately from Greek paidion, diminutive of pais ‘boy’, ‘child’). North German: metonymic occupational name for a horse dealer, from Middle Low German page ‘horse’. …


Arden and Jeron- Kim… Serenity.

*The name Dewey means Beloved and is of Welsh origin. … An Anglocized version of the Welsh name Dewi and a form of the name David. Dewey Decimal System is a system to organize books in a library, invented by Melvil Dewey in 1876.


System of Organizing Book.

M.Dewey 18 76.

And so it completes today at 15 50 Facebook friends.

Perfection Defined… at last and confirmed as True.

10:56 pm.

5 O.

E F.

Sacred portal 110.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164788361990162&id=585225161&refid=17&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164788361990162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164788361990162%3Atl_objid.10164788361990162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164788361990162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A0%3A1614585599%3A9089115975795683217&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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