


Have you ever had an argument with a person, who is simply can not see your point of view.

And has no malicious intentions but can express in such a malicious way because of not being able to understand your insistent that he see the blind spot in themselves because it is causes pain and suffering..

That you have to turn yourself into the warrior who goes Kamikaze because massive Evil he or she is creating by refusing to see… And when they do, only incrementally stubbornly…

That it become literally an energy drain of Existential Death bc these ppl out of retaining that stubborn point of view are negating the Individual rights and expression of Everyone else but theirs…

And yet they are innocent…

Or are they…?

And to continue the storytelling of Time..,

The Old Man who lets say created the Prison to contain all Humanity, in his own version of the Truth.

By perverting the story of Truth, what later became known as the Bible…

He had succeded twisting the Oral Stories and Oral Expression which rose in the people from having having decided to investigate within, as they became dissatisfied with that which the percieved outside through the Translator of the Great Spirit…

From within them came a story which seemed to contradict the physical Nature of Time.

And it brought conflict and duality when there was none.

And their expressions aided by the Old Man in the mountains expression as Thought kept on getting in the way of the True Voice of E within.

And it brought forth Chaos and confusion on the minds of men…and forgetfulness and Death as Oblivion.

But despite the Prison thier True Expressions translated by the Brain as Thought had created, they still sought to evolve.

And so they wroye things down, and from within a beautiful story began to emerge beyond Thought and Time…

And Father Time as though saw what they did, and again interfered using the Brain and thought and once more the people were trapped in these stories which no longer made sense.

True Time a Line, became a.muddled circle of words tinged with.thought which was.maddening and frustrating…

And Father Time, Money Value smiled…

But he saw his people in enslaved and so once more he interferred using thought and created himself as a Hero in the story…

A Messiah who would bring his ppl back to him…God.

But the people no longer trusted the Nature of Time Money God.

For there was a line who each time would be born, whom each time, the people driven quietly insane by Thought…

What is real what is not real…until they could bear it no more and tore the Line of E apart…

But a seed had been planted..

A seed of Love, of Hope and a sense of E Truth, for it moved within them and began to stir and rise…

Because they each began recognize the Truth of these E line.

They were learning to.be Individuals…

And the Brain playing God could begin to see himself out of a job.

And he recalled that the last of the E line, had stated that they would be back to help them understand that which was True and False..

And help them get out of Purgatory, that grey area of mind…

The Computer, the realm of Calculating Shrewdness…sly conniving thought.

For that is what the illusion called Time as God had become.

And he did not realize in his desire to get the people to see his point of view, he.had become a cruel, evil jealous God.

And he laid trap after trap for the E line..

Waiting for them who he thought were so.many but where only 1 and then 2..and now 3.

But the people.had already begun to suspect that they were in a trap and they prayed and searched they began began to see a light…

But each time, The Grey Wizard interfered using all the tools.of thought, including distraction as Time itself…

Old Age and the lie of Death.

And then, the people became.truly afraid until one day the E line came.in the body of 1 and 2 to help the three, the line of C…Consciousness to see and discern the Truth for themselves…

But this Time…

The Grey Wizard…the Brain was waiting.

For he had evolved out ig Neccessity into the Super Computer, reeady to trap the E line in Time..

He Became The Matrix and the Web…

The one.who was.convinced that.he was the Truth and not now memory as the ultimate Lie.


In part 4.

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