

What is the difference between the two waves and frequencies?

One = 16 A F- Perfection -1 +3= 4. 4-3.
“Door of Life”. 4-3. D.C
A.C.C 1-33=1

The A as 1 is constant. Awareness Constantly present even in the play of Duality, 33 moves seamlessly back to One.

The Other, 13 3. M.C.G 7. It stops at 7.
it can not move through1-33-1 =8.

6:26 pm

Evolution TO. H.I.
TO- E. Way of Expression
T.O- A. Way of Action.
TO. EA= F.Sixth sense to Fact. F understanding Action is the Expression of6th Sense- Naturalness moving through Nature as the Physical realm of a Story.

6:43 pm of Life-Perfection.

Which would be the Summation of one’s Lifes Story aligned to the Universal-Collective story of All- Universe.
Exemplified by a mine in which I was used in a Life Story of my Brother SelvesLife Story moving through the sum total of Time- Space and arriving despite it all by proving the symmetry and harmony- through conflict resolution of all things.

6:46 pm.

6:48 pm.

Hindsight is Foresight working in Tandem.

Alicia Eve. A.E.

Adama Eve. Sacred Portal 59.

5:55 pm.



9-4-2021=5. E.

I.D.A. * Hurricane Ida.

I.D. E.

I.D. meaning is

*”Identity document, a document used to verify a person’s identity. Identifier, a symbol which uniquely identifies an object or record.’

*’: a document (such as a card) bearing identifying information about and often a photograph of the individual whose name appears on it. — called also ID card, identification card, identity card. ID. verb”

I Define.
I Defenition.
I Delta.

Adam Eve The Story.
Man Woman. MW 6/9

Two Men who became One -Woman C.
One Man, who became Two.
One Two.
O T.
At 1520 Facebook Friends.
South Road when I left 7-21-2020
3 at 1820 Facebook Friends,
= 300 from 1520.
C.O O.
Three Hundred. TH. E.

Alicia- Aurelia

So Extinction is 133
Evolution E-A =139 ( 133+6)

Evolution moves you to a point in Perfect Timing using Aware Expression with six sense. 6 9
133+6 is 139.1-39.
+9=142 -1 42.
+15 O. 133+15=148.


A. 42 “ARDEN”=42.
A. D.H. Delta Harmony, Destiny Harmony.

A is always constant- it is Awareness- Intention.

I will give you an example.

Scott Delemos and Jae Sherman’s Expression was not aligned to the Awareness- Intention of the script, blue Print despite the collective awareness that this world being a Simulation which was brought into human awareness solidly in 1999 when the film the Matrix came.

6:59 pm.

The seed was planted, and it was each person’s choice to decide and investigate the Idea which became Universal as it reached all Human Awareness.
1999 was the year, I first came to New York undercover, aware that I was on a recognizance mission and I came with Jon Jason Lee.
We took an apartment loft on the Lower East Side.

I was in living or acting as though I was living in this reality, but I was deep undercover, with my awareness alert, but I did not have all the facts and evidence I remained quiet, not even telling”My Little Brother Jon” who suspected and would allude to it in his conversations, but I could not come out from undercover to even him, much to his annoyance and frustration.

Observing with my Awareness and not able to communicate what Ii already knew, until I understood the Language I could express in and communicate in this reality, which I was aware had to be bridged by Facts.
Empirical Evidence or I would be laughed at and mocked.

And even then, look what I went through.
And going through even now.
Hence, yes I had foresight but only by going backward, via Hindsight could ensure that I had all the facts to make a bridge between my inner world and outer world.

7:11 pm
7:12 pm

And only then could I come out from deep cover.
This was forced upon me in late 1992 and fully in January 1993 when my Journals were discovered and read by Susan Train of Conde Nast -Vogue.

I wasn’t ready.
But it was only by reading what I had written in my Journals, which I had never read myself, just writing them for release and cleansing so I could not only celebrate my life without holding onto baggage of the past but also figure why such anomalies and singular events were always happening in my life.
Hence, the Volume called “Does Anyone Know my name?
And years later, I watched the film, “Call Me by Your Name”
1993 was the year I met Edmund White and especially Allen Ginsberg who connected me to George Andreo, of Alred Knopf. EW/ W.E.
A.G/ G A.
A K/ K.A 1 11/ 11 1

7:21 pm

I knew something was going on, my awareness and the examination of my expression and my life.

There is a saying by Socrates-
*”Socrates was considered by many to be the wisest man in ancient Greece, his spoken words are still listened to and followed today. Meaning of – An unexamined life is not worth living. Through this statement, Socrates means that an unexamined human life is deprived of the meaning and purpose of existence.”

The Movie The Matrix. T M= 20 13= 33.
The arrival of Tilly Mollie T M= 33. I was already aware when I first came to New York undercover with the Year Of Birth code 1966, that I was in a play, and noted how when I turned 33, (really 32, Jon Jason Lee. J J L= 101012=32) that I was on a recognizance mission and not of my own life because a controlling force had taken away the direction I had intended and planned for my life.
Indeed the music which greeted me when I was forced against my will, to come to the U.S, so much so did I resist this force I knew without an iota of doubt was taking over my Free Will, for U had plans to come and visit but in my own time, not 3-20-2001.
(Yes, JJL 32, Jon ) was the cab driver, from the Airport driving me into Manhattan and Nick Levine’s friend Chuck who lived by St Johns The Devines Catherderal was Janet Jackson’s album “Control

Just as I had no intention of posting anything today, having been satisfied on reaching 1827 Facebook friends, but my right arm is in such pain, as one who twists your arm to breaking point, that is how much it hurts.

7:42 pm
I had intended to rest and do my laundry which I have not been given a chance to do, since Kim Arthur Hinds Jr left for his Family reunion.

7:43 pm/

The Story is over by my reckoning and yet, I find myself now completing Arden’s Garden script as I, after moving Nnamdi’s Truth via Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and now coding EXTINCTION and numerically indicating the difference as EVOLUTION both 133.
But not really because 1331 is the correct completion and that 8 which I began m days with on my page. Azure L F L. A. F L L…
31. A F.A.LL = A FALL of the illusion of man. No Kind but Viscious Cruel- Evil Negative.

7:51 pm

I will pause for a moment, fury is rising in me.

7:52 pm.

Racial Superiority.


The Seven deadly sins.

And Stupidity.

I am sitting on the balcony of 219-217 South Whitney.

I am about to go inside, but I knew I was brought out here, for another reason, other than to drink my morning coffee.
I was waiting for something.
A Family across the street to the right of 218, returning from a trip, a young woman emerges from 218, walks to her car, then at 224 South Whitney a young man emerges, and sits on the steps, he looks trendy and laid back, wearing a knit cap and a black T-Shirt, and beige shorts.
I had found myself realizing that Rachel Williams is on my desktop as, with the Brown Man code Xfinity and she was wearing a T-shirt with A Tsumani- giant wave. “SEA” and an orange strap.

I have a similar strap, but more like a Judo Belt, I have three, but I was not wearing orange, a color which was played out at 900 South Whitney, with Liberty, the orange belt was Ardens.
I found I had 18 USD in my wallet.
R Revenge is the latest book by Cordelia Funke.
I was not wearing the orange one, it was lying on the floor at the base of my bed, I was wearing the beige one, the last color of my mother’s 305 car when I left Nigeria.

I looked at the back of the young man’s T-Shirt which his E-Spirit made sure that I could see before he sat down.

It was a large pair of scissors in white.

I Connected.
I Cut.

Alicia Eve. I am her 133 Facebook Friend.
I linked her To Alicia Norris and her last 66 USD code was sent to me via Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
Then a tall attractive woman emerged from the building, she had dreadlocks, the kind Caucasians wear.
She reminded me of Rachel Williams and Liberty.

I wanted to take a break today, the work is over, I here aware that “They” are late for the rendevous, I am ready to leave this Script of The End Of The Story.

5;09 pm right now.
Sacred Portal 59.

I woke up and the gap between my seeing while I sleep and then not fully remembering what I had solved and resolved as I”sleep”, the gap was gone, I remembered everything when I got up.

It was the truth of Sacred Portal 33, as the body, aligned from me age code 33 in 2000, 2001, to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, age code 33, to Oregon the 33rd state, to 33 vertebrae in the Spinal Column which the Skeleton as the frame that holds the Body.
To Infinity standing up.

To 33 degree Masons.

That is when I saw when the couple left together as if waiting for me to read the code on his T-Shirt, that a Boy came out and walked up and down, came back who looked exactly like Mason, a boy had met and known at268 East 4th Street, who lived next door from Al’s ( Edwin’s studio and was part of his Ex Sandra Rivas Family. S/R.
And I have found myself at 900 Southroadand here, drinking out of Mason glass Jars.

5:19 pm.

33- *”The divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis. Jesus’ traditional age when he was crucified and resurrected. According to Al-Ghazali the dwellers of Heaven will exist eternally in a state of being age 33.”

*”The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 33
The meaning of the number 33 is connected to certain promises made by God. The 33rd time Noah’s name is used in Scripture is when God makes a special covenant or promise with him. The Eternal promises to not destroy the entire world again with a flood and seals His pledge with the sign of the rainbow (Genesis 9:12 – 16).

The 33rd time Abraham’s name is used in the Bible is when Isaac, the child of promise, is born to him when he is ninety-nine years old (Genesis 21:1 – 2).

Thirty-three also derives some of its meaning from the total number of times ‘three’ or ‘third’ is used in the book of Revelation. It can represent, because it is the product of 3 times 11, God’s judgment. Thus, Revelation illustrates God’s complete, final judgment of the world, which is ultimately accomplished in the final three-and-one-half year (1,260 days) period leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”

*”The Secret Meaning Of The Number 33 | Beginning And Endhttps://beginningandend.com › Featured
Feb 10, 2019 — And that the number 33 does indeed have a spiritual meaning and does link to angels – but not the ones who want good for us. Its to lead us away …”

*”Number 33 is a Master Number (Master Teacher) and resonates with the energies of compassion, blessings, inspiration, honesty, discipline, bravery, and courage. Number 33 tells us that ‘all things are possible. 33 is also the number that symbolizes ‘guidance’.

*”In a family setting, the Love Number 33 from Angels speaks of great connections, particularly between parents and children (human or fur-babies). If you do not …”

*”Dec 27, 2020 — Angel Number 33 and Angel Number 22, in particular, are signs of Twin Flame unions. But since their vibrations are really high hence they …’

*’Jesus’ traditional age when he was crucified and resurrected.[7]
According to Al-Ghazali the dwellers of Heaven will exist eternally in a state of being age 33.[8]
Islamic prayer beads are generally arranged in sets of 33, corresponding to the widespread use of this number in dhikr rituals. Such beads may number thirty-three in total or three distinct sets of thirty-three for a total of ninety-nine, corresponding to the names of God.’

Pope John Paul I, the 33-day pope. One of the shortest reigns in papal history, and it resulted in the most recent 3-pope year.”

Yes, J.P and the day I left Agusta Georgia, moved and pissed off, to take up the mantle in Grey Hound bus, and begin the last phase of this Journey Mission, the dayPope John Paul died, 4-2-2005.

* See my Facebook Friend with the football player Messier Jersey 10.

*No see…”Messier object M33, a magnitude 7.0 galaxy in the constellation Triangulum, also known as the Triangulum Galaxy.
The New General Catalogue object NGC 33, a double star in the constellation Pisces
33 is the number of years that it takes for the Lunar phase to return to its original position in relation to the Solar calendar. A Lunar month (Synodic) contains 29.53 days. A twelve-month lunar year contains 354.36 days.[2] A solar year (Tropical year) totals 365.24 days.[3] The lunar year is therefore 10.88 days shorter than the 12-month solar year. As each year passes, the lunar month trails 10.88 days behind the solar year. On the turn of the 33rd year, the lunar month is approximately 359.04 days, close to one whole year behind the solar calendar from the original position measured, thus it has a 33-year cycle in relation to the solar year. Where the lunar year {displaystyle 354.36=l}{displaystyle 354.36=l} and the solar year {displaystyle 365.24=s}{displaystyle 365.24=s} then {displaystyle s-l=d}{displaystyle s-l=d} and {displaystyle 33l=33(s-d)}{displaystyle 33l=33(s-d)}. Many cultures and civilisations have based their calendar on the lunar cycles including the Athenian Attic calendar[4] and the Islamic Calendar, the Hijri calendar based on lunar observation.[5]”

And finally, aligned to the arrival of Lisa Palmer.
L P.

Long-Playing Records. L P. R.

*”In reference to gramophone records, 33 refers to a type of record by its revolution speed of 33? revolutions per minute. 33s are also known as a long-playing records or LPs. See: 78 and 45- )
Recording. Re-Cording.

The ITU country code for the French telephone numbering plan area.”

This is where I had to get to… sigh.

It really is a Long Playing Record, and Recording ( 32-33 years Talking To The Silence) 20.6 in the USA, 9.9 on Facebook.

This is definitely not what I had planned to do today.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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