
Expression Money

Expression Money

Energy Money

E M.


E = C M.e 4/3..

Energy Conversation Money

I work hard for the Money, I work hard with each person I am sent to, linked and connected on a trail of 29 years which, I once again stress, I was forced to tread upon.

I heal, clean, show, enter into people’s world’s, and in order to ensure their way of being alien to mine, I remind them, show them fight for them to rise and shine.

To remember..

I teach them methods which took me a life time.. 33 years to articulate

From a life of imposed Isolation.

When my true nature is fun and mischief delight… adventure.

I have gifted this to every person the E.M.Force Feild led me to, despite my constantly having to heal my trauma of living in alien consciousness.

I do not charge a dime.

I do not do it for Free.

I do it to ensure the Freedom from your Matrix your stories.

I have a technique.

I am a professional at it

29 years 100%

18 yrs 100% cure rate

The first thing I do when I meet a person is to ask them to tell me the story of their Lifes or the story of the Moment

It establishes to me quietly, how far you are from your Natural Truth, because I know the original story, and how you recount it to me, and how divergent it is from the original story,I can tell how deep you are in illusion of your emotions, your subjectivity..


At from the moment I begin to converse with you I am filling the gaps of your Expression, turning your Expression back to face you.

I ask questions but all in amicable conversation.

My focus, in all its entirety is on you.

There is no me there.

There is only you.

Believe me.

And then I give people the story,

Literally the True Story of the Family of TEN.

So that they can step out of the subjective stories of their Lifes, along with that view point and focus.

And rise to find themselves in a beautiful story and see through my eyes, a different version of themselves.

A beautiful version of themselves.

Then I identify them in that story and begin to interface that Truth of them with thier own life story, and suddenly people are no longer in their subjective story, but are in Amazement and Wonder at the correlation of that character in my story who aligns to literal facts in their Lifes.

Now, I have their attention.

And then here comes the real hard work,sustaining their interest enough by the True Story while cleaning up the Human Adult Trauma and the retrieving the vanished voice of the Child, who is The foundation and base, and the Door to the E..

Through the Child.

I perfected this technique naturally long before I was even aware it was a technique; an immortal technique develpped from the cause and effect of being myself and having to navigate this reality where people viewed me as an Extra Terrestrial because of my being and consciousness..

The Immortal Technique

Then I became aware, that I was filling a Need of which each person I came in contact had some need..

I was the one brought to give evidence that they are complete but only in their natural state, and that they never really forgot.

They simply could no longer see where they were growing to.

I came, I realized to show the way… back to them Selves

Home .

How I see, and that they could choose to see it my way which was Our Original way, a way we saw as Children when we were still linked to the E

Expresson.. Children Manifest energy Four 3 Earth for Free..

E = C M.e 4/3..

These are the Children of Manu

A Man called E.

The hardest is when they haven’t done their home work, which is meant to start at age 21.

U.. Universe

And the Storage of Data of your life at age 14-19.

At 20, you hear the Echo of your trauma calling you to re-evaluate how you percieved your life and that to go forwards, you must pause and look back. And by 22, ( V) you have finished the work of having understood, and cleaned up your trauma and hurts caused from your parents spells, you going down into their traumas, your secret resentments you had forgotten about…

And the perspective you have held onto and all the emotions.

You are meant to consciously pause and take stock.

Clean it up by being able to step back and observe your life objectively, where you are the subject and the Star of the show who gradually understands that the otherwise, supporting actors, each are Stars in their own shows.

And with this more reasonable understanding, learning to see from others point of view…

Comes the heart melting as you begin to see the hurt they caused you was not intentional but because each was in their own Truman Show too.

Empathy Compassion flowers.

And backwards you go, into your Reflections, changing and transforming the program you created and found you have been walking on, until someone points you in another direction to witness another point of view and way of seeing that which you instantly recognize as True.

Because it opens your heart.. naturally.

And that wild sea of untamed emotions at which you have ridden, always a storm..

Ready to explode in Anger, surprising even you.

7:06 p.m


Becomes calm, and waves and warm rays of sunshine caress your body, gentle breezes careers your face and cheeks, bringing to attention the gentle tears running down your cheeks.

And suddenly those strange powerful feelings once raging deep inside of you, lightens up. brightens to a Full Circle Rainbow, now that you have uncovered the Beautiful Truth.

I am not alone.

Returning you to the Sunshine State,

The 27th State

Ressurected from A-Z to A.

How could I have so misunderstood?

I must go back and correct my expression just as I had to correct my point of view and focus..

The stance which defined my life, not my life..

But a life which I had set as a course to destroy me.

7:11 p.m

And so when you were meant to meet me, you had done your homework, wiped the slate clean, created a beautiful story from it, and then presented it for me and my big E to read and grade it.

That is what I did..

That process.

That natural immortal technique.

This is reflected in face book Friends and echoed literal people embodied whom I met on the playing field at age 14. 19. 21-22.

Age 14. Melvin Er-er. He is now 20-21..

Chris Franco Age 14, I met him through Nikoma, who would be his Sitter.

At Nikomas apartment number X.

Chukwuma Ogbonna

Iyke Ogbonna

One of them aged 19. Chukwuma perhaps

* name changes….

Mckayla Ray Anne Burgos is 19.

John Mack I met at age 21 he is now 22.

* My mother only recently realized that I was not 21

The age she last saw me.. in her words 21.

My correct code age 30 years ago.

But hardly anyone was ready, doubts and suspicions.. this Adult Mentality and Trauma..

This collective P.T.S.D being possessed by The Dead, of a Species not cleaning up past deeds, and thus End of the Homo Sapien Age

I never gave up on Humanity ( until 2010-11)

Instead for 29 years, until reaching the truth and veracity of my Immortal Technique, reflected back at me by the universe as the Conscious Expresion I did at that age, as Perfect.

And the Beautiful Way.

Esther Uzoma.

*(See name meaning and the woman’s literal being embdying and reflecting her name.)

Proving the 100% performance perfection of the Immortal Technique.

Erica in Paris, once told me when she had arranged for me to stay in a sick friends apartment who had Leukemia…

And had told them man to my amazement that I could heal him

I asked her, why had she made such a promise and what was I to do?

She replied smugly, charmingly

Oh just be yourself

Puzzled but now more relaxed,

I wondered to my self quietly..

Hmm what will I do

And so I endeavoured to observe my Naturalness.

And what I observed myself instantly doing was to Converse with him.

And Ceeing him through the Conversation,I could see gaps in his reasoning and points of view which I filled with out people.. he realizing.

About 4 months later, after I had long since left his home, Erica came and told me, that she had news that his Luekemia Cancer had been completely cured .

This was in 1994

S 94

Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira phone code 94.

It’s also where I wrote the Freedom Song.


6 19.. Date linked to freedom from a Cell by Frank Archambault Standing Rock…and linked to Fiance Alicia Norris

Bill to myself 196.51 paid. 19. 6. S.F

And Number owed linked to Mckayla 196 71

Solid Facts


Feelings Sensational

S.F = F.S.

Only Proof of my awakening story being True, can bring that.

All mirror reflections

Melvin Erer. M.E. 13 5. E.M. Elon Musk

CHukwuma Ogbonna. C.O. 3 15

Iyke Ogbonna. I.O. 9 O

Ogbonna means Mirror Reflection of Ones Father

Mackayla Ray Anne Burgos. MR B. 33

John Spencer MacDonald. M S J. 42.

R B. Reflected Being

S J Sacred Journey.

M.M. Manifest Z ION

Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn


7 4

Manifest Being..


Muhammad Band E. 74th President U N

Michael Bennett the Facebook Conformation Response.

No one paid me for the work I did

Marina Burini M.B to the greatest degree

Axel Love. Anderson..

Esteban Miquel Filgueria Stephen

E M F S. More for his caring about my Humanity and the Truth of Love

There were others of course who were generous with money and shelter..

But they betrayed the truth of their intentions was not for my Truth or out of Love.

7:51 p.m

See Serenity, Kims daughter, age three so easily linked to the E portal and see her mirrored in her Father Tree Sage.

No, I have known I was able to health with words and conversation- a ritual I understood by conversing with my mother when I was a boy and then a youth.

She is my mother, of course in her way she made sure I knew that had this ability, in order to protect me from the Need and Greed of the world.

She was always scared at what the world would do to me, and she tried to make me change…

I always knew, through the years the value of the energy frequency I generated and the effect of my acting out through conversation as Particle and Wave.

I could see my Immortal Technique working and watched quietly as many quietly did not recognize what I had done, that I was aware. They believe I was not even aware that it had come naturally.

And acted as if it had no great value by refusing to acknowledge..

But to offset this, many others did, some making it a point of spelling it out, other weeping telling me that no one has ever done for them what I did.

So I was well aware of those who took for granted the work and care done for them.

Tossing me peanuts and some going so far to demand I be act more grateful and appreciative though, even they felt the danger of having gone so far, for even they suspected that my naivete was really a guise, that it was my nature to be elegant and graceful of manner to viel my astonishment of such a response after initially being so amazed at how our conversation had lighten a load, a weight which they had forgotten they carried and had been dragging them down.

I did,

I have always been aware of the value.

C’mon… invited into over 100-150 homes in 29 years?

And the force making it happen ?

1.38 p.m right now ( edit) of course I knew another force was doing this to me.

M.W 87.

M.W 69.. 13.8 Billion Years Universe

Reached Holly MacDonald H.M.

13 8. M.H. A Demand.. Manifest Harmony.

( Proove your Expression that Harmony, not chaos, chance, randomness does not move the world. And at reaching John and Holly MacDonald, 29 years later H.M.

Harmony Manifested, I knew it had finally been done- despite this furious mad venomous script, which is why I knew that I was meant to have been released from this Job of Hell and left South Whitney, and this Evil Selfish Script.

I had proven Harmony

E Harmony

And made it Manifest before a live audience for 18 and 7.5/6 months on Facebook.

But it lied.

Denied me my reprieve going against its own law

Using my Art and Science as a technique of people’s Need to seek to whip me, humble me mold me, control me and my Free and Indepent wild nature which can not be controlled or tamed, especially not by evil.



W.W. 46

( Jesse car. A.M 4O6. 3. Age code 39.

Son Zion. Z. Age code 16


C.I Perfection

I P … 9-16- 016 The date I was moved to Delta Manor bed 5 019. ( E O.S .. Meaning Dawn… E F.S. E. Feelings Sensational.. is me.

It had nothing to do with me, hardly anyone saw me, when they addressed me, I saw need a plead to help them fill a gap which was not even there.

They could not Cee- See.

And then they could.

And then went back to the same bad habits..

I worked hard for the Money to set you free.

My work and process was acknowledged publicly by the Universe, the Ancestors and Facebook friends and people in New York as priceless..beyond quantifiable.

I can quantify it,

It’s the technique, the Immortal Technique which brought Everything that ever was, or ever could be, into Existence Being.

Sacred Portal 27.

Conversation with Ones God Self.

A True Conversation Between Expression: Energy E and A.H.Tom.


8:07 p.m


Christopher Filgueira

Kim Arthur Hines

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

M W 87.

And so you might begin to understand the True weight of the Knowing of the Insult done to me, and the one who sent me back into this world and kept me here, with all these Human Horrors whose fears and love Betray me with truly terrible expressions woven in truly evil tyrannical deceptive ways and flung back at me, body writhing, twisted voices rising up in me, even dare.. smh dare mock and mimic the dragons rise and roar of rage in me…

See they pipe up, nothing happened to me, it’s all in your head Emeka

8:13 p.m

8:14 p.m right now


H N.

Never ever would I have believed conceived how far this play was allowed to go.

Get A Job.

Your a Bum

8:16 p.m

How quickly they forget the gift

And that to heal them takes a lot out of me, only because I am forced to fight Illusions, their Demons who I personally can not see because they are not real..

And as the Mirror, I reflect the Truth

I can not control what they choose to see.

But I am also the man behind the Mirror

And I am sure of what I see

8:21 p.m


6:01 p.m

6 1. F A

Linked to Frank Archambault

And F.A. 4th Dimension

Father Reason


Links to McKayla Rays



F K.

F A-A.

Memory Remembrance

Manifest Reason… Being.

M.R B. 33.


Transform two forms of Consciousness

Energetic and Movement ( E-Spirit )

E M. = 5 13 = 18. R. and A.H.

9 I.

E M R… I

…to Diamond Clarity at 6.

Emri means Peace

It also.means Immortal from the name Ambrosia.

Industrious Leader Ruler


I. M.R. E.

( numeric value. 45. 9… Billion

Planet Earth

4 5 ..9

Mars Jupiter Pluto. P… J M

Jesse Macias)

Jesse called Slick today as he went out with Zion

I had two nicknames given to me as a Grown man given to me by people

Slim in New York Washington Square when I first used to take walks there when I arrived

And Slick by the E line undercover in this world a certain line of Father as my Brother, though originally my Son.


EMRE means Best Friend in Turkish

I had two assistants in Turkey

Atakhan and Emre both made appearances on this Facebook page

Welcome Alicia Cohen.

A.C. 1 3. …1

C. O H. E N

Alicia means Noble…

Cohen means Priest

A C. A Noble Priest

Yes, many of my older Facebook Friends might my outrage and proof confirmed that I was made a Warrior Priest

Knights Templar are Priest

Called A Saint

,ending up playing The Saint

Simon Templar.

And Nri Warriors of Peace

By Chikodi Anuobi.


Alicia Cohen

A C ( Flipped C A 49/94. Fill Circle)

Chikodi Anuobi means

The Spirit informed the I.S. present

That the people heard the Voice of God in expression as the Divine Messenger

Hermes Mercury.


8.13 13.8.billim.yrs

But they chose to ignore me, you father.

They pretended not to hear.

That is why requested Power to back me up.

And Meaning and Reason

( M.A R. S. R. A.M)

God of War and Comunication Life was sent

.M.R E

E M R I.

I. M.R E

To show how his Matrix and Universal Simulation play works

And by learning how to read

It, you will learn once more how to See the Meaning and Reason of Everything

How Purpose and Justice is served.

On a Scale of Balance



44. 8

44 Equality Divine

55 Equal to E Existence De-vine

Three Alicias

Alicia Sieferd

Alicia Norris

Alicia Cohen

A A A. S N C


3 14 Supreme Pi..

Consciousness Cee Naturally Supreme

J.M…Perfection P 16th letter

Zion is 16

Anirbas Lem

4 5 equation. Above

Correct you are!

We are .

Jupiter and 4 circling Moons


Venus Mercury Earth Mars.

V. M.E M.

Michea l E M.

posts on Tree Sage Comment or seeing 926..

I Z. I B F. Best Friend

M E M commented he kept seeing 444. And 49.

V. M.E M E. Chose.

Same Thing.

9:01 p.m

My Cap recall Stephen Johnson…

3301 in Istanbul Turkey

Age me Always 33..

If the Cap fits let Him wear it..

Enough with the Haters

9:03 p.m right now



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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