
Excerpt From The Elegant Nomad… T.E.N.

Excerpt From The Elegant Nomad… T.E.N.

November 28th, 2001… Atlantic Bedford Shelter A.B.S..

But Written in the Library Forte Green Prospect Park…

page 26…z.. 8:51 p,m

,,, Most of the people I had encountered in the seemed somehow quieter,wiser mores subdued than the people on the streets I had encountered.. As if by living in this Shelter System which seek to demean rather than protect, they, the people has slowly woven this blanket around them. To SHEILD themselves from the cold isolation of their situation.

Instead of being locked outside, with the more volatile guys who prowled the streets around the building like angry panthers, snarling their rage.

While those sleeping inside, stored up pent up rage, at the way their masculinity was being ridicule, letting their frustration explode in passionate and undirected outburst- fights sporadically breaking out like thunderstorms throughout the night.

The weather has been great Today, we’re walking trough a clear riotous Autumns day in Winter. Its crisp clarity, and the morning rays of sunlight make my companions ( Eric and David) profiles stand out as if they had become part of a Frame.

Again, I have the strange impression of being in a Movie

– And that this could not be real, me, in a shelter in the middle of Brooklyn ( Bronx) on my Birthday with there two brilliant but unlikely companions.

I marvel yet again where this Journey with the Manuscripts, Talking the the Silence, has led me…

So the Equation of the Rooms has to be Corrected Modified…

Room 5A… Which it eventually ended up being,

Meaning that was the True Beginning…

Room E.C.. ( 53.. Keith Grant..Dette Grant… K.D..G G…Kevin G Gordon.. 7-28..6 4-5.. was about rescuing my Sister Line… Not I.E.. I was tricked manipulated but as documented here for 50 months, I already knew)

Room B in 2015… 35… 8… Bed 53

( I was in bed 49/94)

35/53…88… 16.. 64… HH…P…Fifth Dimension…

Remember Room 4B Bed 4016…)

2016…Room A… Bed 007… 2016… 36… 9.

8 9… 17… Q…

Delta Manor… Room 5 C…bed 5019…69.. ( Never slept on that bed.. but I did do the code of E.O..S..Stephen)

Room 3A.. B.E.D 3002 32..5..

*( 2012…32…March 20, 2001.. 3-20-21

32 O 21/12 20 32 5..5A)

Room 4B…BED 4016.. D.O..P…D.P..

*( I was in bed 49/94)

35/53…88… 16.. 64… HH…P…Fifth Dimension…

Remember Room 4B Bed 4016…)

Room 5A… BED 5006… O.R.B… 56…

B.A..( 49/94…For 53/35….88. 3×5= 15..OO..66.. F F.. Bed 007..For Micheal Prunty… bed 005.. Released… Freed..)

8 9…

Then 5 C… 3A 4 B…5 A….

5C…3A 4B…5A…

5 3 4 5….C.A.B..E…

53 45… E,C…April 5th… 4-5

( Kelth Grant.. Nnamdi Kolo… K.G..N.K.. Weight Kilo grams of the ANK..E… Awareness Carried the Weight of the ANK.E… Key to Life Key to the Fifth Dimesion…

See David Enke and his name on sacred portal 59)

See play the Cab with Orien Laplante…

5019…3002. 4016… ( 69.32 56)

*( 69 MW.. 15 O 6..54…9 20…2O….O.F..x E.D.I..T.B.O 32 5.E…56…E.F… 56… 11.. 1 2.. 5×6..30..3O… 11 +40… 51…Room 5A…51…E.A.F… 11 K…A.B..C.O..D.E A


5 3 4 5….C.A.B..E…

7:56 p.m

8:09 p.m..

2015-2016.. B.R.C.. Green Point…

B.A…( Bed D.I..E.O..E.C. G.E.. Bed 49 Bed through bed 50 Paul E Nilson to bed 53..Keith Grant. ( 9 months Later through Jon Donna J.B DOS..) to 007- 005 Michael Prunty Staten Island)

D.I.E.O.E.C.G..E… 89… 17..Q… Luke Wilson bed 004 (Freed) to Luke Quinane… L.W..to L.Q…

5 3 4 5…. E.C is .E…C.A.B..E..K….

Sacred Portal 53 45…E.C.D.E…IS THE CAB OF E.K..

Emeka Kolo.. to go home…

His CODE..

To bring 53…8… 45.. 9…

Harmony Infinity…

17… Quantum Transformation 72..Green Blue.. the Green Way ( Way of Nature .. Comet Michigan Fed 2nd.. 6-2-2017)

17 71 in two full Circles…



And bring them into one…

99 18…9

88 16… 7.

*Currently at 906 Face Book Friends

97… 6 3…First Contact… with I.

97 (16 7)..7….63…9… 79…


..by the 17th…


B.Q…Particle Wave .. T.Q… 37.C e.G…A.O..H

2017…. 37.. 10… Jay Livesay

OF E. D.I.T. B.O .E.K…. A B CODE…

OF E Say Dit ( in French) Di /ID.. ( Is Here- the ID.. Identity of The Beautiful One….Emeka Kolo A.B.. C ODE…


B.R,O…O.K..E… S.- H.E.I..L.D.S ( Heil Hitler was D.S)

8:34 p.m..

8 7..

DD.. 44 8 16…87… 56…

Which he has now Competed Done… 11 1. Be..

8:36 p.m

8:50 p.m.


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