
Evidence B.O.M.B

Evidence B.O.M.B

.. The Greatest Insult I have recieved throughout this play is the response that…

I.am a Liar..


And Everything thing I have said is a Lie.

My life

This mission,

This 13.8 years in New York

These 31 months on F.B.

And the second greatest insult, that I Need to Convince you that I am telling.the Truth

That I.Need something from you or want something…

What would have been nice would have been your support.

Financial from.a Dollar to a simple word of encouragement and praise such as given by a very few headed by Siththy Ameena…

I.have never begged anyone for anyone in my life.

Nor taken money.from.anyone I did not earn.

I never took anything apart from what the person could give and would give evidence that not.only.was I placed in the situation for thier benefit but that I was saving their very lifes…which.many stated my knowledge and consciousness did…then promptly.forgot.

I have never asked my sister

My brother, who are both professional one in Advertising and the other Investment banking.

Nor from.my aunts, or thier husbands

Cousins who are all medical doctors and Ivy League graduates here in the U.S.A.

Billy Hung invested in me and I sent all the.money to.my.Mother and Uncle in.Nigeria, I.lived well for a year and went back to.zero.publicly on.F.B without.batting an eye.

I.gave money.to even one on F.B bc of the play which prompted ppl.asking me for money.

The response from most is a lie or I would have been supported…not told that I need anyones help.

I.have asked no.one for donations

Nor anyone return to the homes of anyone I had completed the work with, or called them.to.ask.for anything.

Unless the work demanded I.met such.a person again, and in almost 14 yrs there were less than a handful.

In every home, not only do I do the Energy work, I cook.clean, help.ppl.in thier.lifes while they obserbe.me in spasms, being stulimuated and doing.the work.24-7.

To not support me, means that I am a lie..

And since I gave evidence that I was sent..

Then that means the one who.sent.me is a lie.

That the one who.brought.me.here is a lie.

That the one within.you all, responding.to.this play is a lie.

And the one outside of you.is a lie.

Two.ppl.sent encouraging texts

While others make demands ask.questions to.help solve thier riddles never enquiring of my well.being.

I.do not.need them to.but it offers a barometer.

Let.me offer you now clear evidence that even.the one who.sent me the text while I was in Spring Street Star Bucks was a set.up.

I.saw his text immediately after I completed the Yam and Cocoyam text.

Only.one other.person had made such.a gesture after helping him through.a rough patch…

Intials B Bachhus…and the other M.O.



Yes, it is a code…a message for.me to.make real…



B.M…M.B ( Marina Burini of the Silver Lap.top.code 3O71)


O.B Ocean Breeze…

OBi…Heart…And He Lives


I am in.my former hosts home aka

Albert Einstein…

But I am the E. B.O.M.B.

This play and riddle solving has nothing to do.with.me, but was an act of compassion of.my E True family, to.help you solve your riddles…

So you could come back to your senses and see yourselves and see us…

Expression True.

The E.T amongst you.

This is the E.T. B.O.M.B.

They sent me to.activate by decoding…

For Calling the prove proven true…a Lie.

Action Expression.is Everything.

And the Silence is Denial.

Yesterday I had no.money for tobacco..

A grown.man who.has been compelled to.gibe everything for the evolution and well.being of all to his deteiment.

I have a certain agreement made with.the E line and this play for the last 13.8 yrs…

If I can not eat a meal a day or can not afford to.buy ciggarretes or coffee…then it is no longer you.

For 13.8 yrs these have been provided, including elegant clothing befitting my.rank.

Yesterday, I knew that they were telling me something…

It had to.do.with what Togba Chea represented and the so.called Black.Man

Once I finished the Star Bucks Yam CocoYam post, my usual.brand American Spirits (A.S.S.A…My Hosts Intials and Siththy Ameenas intial.meaning Assa! Mpete! -A.M- Beauty!)

Was made available to me.

I never needed or wanted anything from you..especially not your help…

But your support would have been nice…

Edward Eceinco

Erik Ebright…

Both offered.me a place to.stay…

Notice something…

Intials of both EE.EE…

And Siththy and Santana my.host…

I stayed with.him…

And he kept.his door open

Bc he knew that no matter the Hell.he had seen me endure since 2006, and his testing.me to.see if I would break or compromise to a point that I could have been pushed to.be a murder or to.rage so.terrible, he saw me hold it in…

Swallow everything he could throw at me…

But nothing could make.me loose my Focus on the work and my the responsibility of the Evoluttion Awakening and informing the world.


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