
Ethereal Dancers of Existence..

Ethereal Dancers of Existence..

Of course there were of All Races and complexions…

But everything is so White Washed in the West,

that I thought that in Honor of the End of the Story of The World.. ( And The Word…)

That it is fitting that I post and share this Historic Moment

Which really is an Anchor in this reality of the Original Dancer of Grace.

The Ethereal Dancers of Existence.

You will notice how the code names of the handful of Principal Dancers for a code…



E.A/ A.E



American Ballet Theater….

And aligned with my Face Book Friend request from M.C.I…

* I found out that Richard Tracy had passed away in 2007.

1955-2007.. June 7th is when he passed… 6-7!..

7-6-7….Oh Jesus…!)

He was a great guide to me, who I first came in contact with through Christian who was someone I met in Paris and lived with him and 3 other men, in a great Farm near Le Mann France.

He had grown up with Olivier Martinez…

And though was an abused Orphan, rose to become a composer and entrepreneur.

He connected me to Robert who was for 14 years the Companion of Nureyev one of the Greatest Dancers in this Century… in the West.

Yes you might notice the code..

Nureyev Robert.. I…


I was present in Paris working at the Opera on a project for Robert Dupont then the Principal Dancer for Opera Paris

I was working on a Ballet Theater Piece which would eventually hang on the Walls in the apartment I shared with Stephan and Manu… S,E.M…

Yes that Code.. M.E.S….

And today I kept seeing the code M.E.S.A…

I was meant to Submit to to Mr Dupont, but that is when my body started Leaking Energy and I hurriedly finished the Dialogues with the Silence, then went to answer the call of my Twin whom I called Beloved Death.. B.D.. Twin to his sister Life.

The Image hung on the Wall…

It was a Ballet..

I was 25..

Elizabeth Clarizio 25 usd… 1967.. Birth Code!

( I knew I was correct but I could not prove it then.. 65 and 66 I knew was the Twins N N… Nnoyem Nadee Nakandala 7-28, 5-28…7-5..28 28…. 12 56… / 65

Nnamdi Nenad M. Djurdjevic… 69-66.. Geez I am still doing codes

Nonda Puma…Just liked a post… Noni Her code is Puma.. mine is Panther…

I passed through Prince Panther portal…50 USD…Recall her foto after ward a portal 66…

O.K..This is getting way to overwhelming…)

6:54 p.m….

Sacred Portal 54

And in represented the sum Total of understanding my experiences in the world..

It depicted my understanding and conclusions much better than the three Volume Journals… Talking To The Silence…

Ii was simpler:

It depicted….

My Word, why on earth… Of course, It makes sense that I am recollecting this after all these years…

Paris opposite the Gard De Nord… And the portal in which I went Home to the Orb, the Light to my Bro.. Not as Nnamdi…

No, I did not mourn him at least not that way…

I was going home to the Eternal Brother…

But I recall that before I completed the Journals at the end of November 1992…

I had already completed the Ballet…

And Had drawn the Climax of of all the Dancers on Stage at the same time.

Each depicting an Emotion…

Excuse… This is quite extraordinary… that was 25 years ago in Dec 1992…This play is insane…

I am posting and being moved full circle back to 1992..

To the very moment and setting when I went through the portal of that Paris apartment I shared with Stephan…and Manu…


I drew all the emotions as Dancers… They were all stuck on the Stage imprisoned by each of this emotions

Amnesiac.. A woman just walked by with that on her T-Shirt in a black Background…

…Yes.. they were each dancing and moving through the Emotions they each represented…

The Full Specter and Range…

And the One Principal dancer… O,MG..

He moves through all the colors and the emotions changing color until he reached the center stage… oh boy…

And a Beauteous Beam comes down onto the stage and he rises having experienced and surmounting every range of Human Emotion..

He is now all in White and in a state of Sublime Extase…

born Aloft… Ascended Elevated..

Ali Ghieri… Dante’s Inferno… D.I…

Ali Wings- Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Ala- Dark Matter.. Sarah Nkem Blackstock..

But he had not wings but he did rise, and he rose from the Dark Matter.. Emotions…

As pure Lightness…

Infinite Limitlessness…

Cassius Clay…

Cassius Ramone Hill.. C.R.H…. Code Records Harmony…

C C .. 3 3…

Mohammed Ali..

Ali (Arabic: ???, ?Ali) is a male Arabic name derived from the Arabic root ?-l-w, which literally means high or elevated

Sublime, Lofty. Excellent Noble…

A pet form of Alexandra (defender of mankind)

Muhammed Audu Audu.. M.A A…. NDU… E.J.C sent me the response to a message he sent me and my reply at 3;45 pm..

Mohammed Praise Worthy M.P.W…

Kangaju Mohamed… K.M…

It was a code…

The Ethereal Dancers I first saw of a matchless grace were not in the West, but it was at a ceremony in Nigeria of my Grandfathers opening of the Mercedes Benz Plant…

Ah.. 7:11 p.m Papa Mbwede… Yes… I did not forget…

I have not seen anything on this earth that has come near the Dancers I saw that day…

They were not Human, not even to me a 13 year old Western Educated child..

And they rose in me in 2011 at Tom Trumans Loft…

Marina Burini I believe witnessed the end part of the experience…

And my eyes turning blue..

She also saw the Ethereal Sacred portal of Nnamdi manifest..

I still recall her sitting in the couch and then her gasping and pointing to the table open mouthed..

Finally she said stunned… I just saw Nnamdi…

7:15 p.m


I must stop now…. Whoa…

7:16 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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