Enders Game… E.G.
5:21 p.m.
E.U…Code Esther Uzoma…
E:B.A… Eba is the Igbo Word for Strength…
4-5-9….D.E.I… Of I… 4+5=9.
There was a secret chord which David played which pleased the lord, It goes like this, the 4th, the 5th…
*See Chris Franco quote in response to Nikolai Tesla’s quote 5+4=9…
E-D.I…Meaning Herb and Rich in War and Rich protector..
I.D.E…Identity E.
Enders Game.. E.G
is a movie which a few years ago I publicly identified that this is almost the exact scenario I am in…
The scenario being a boy is selected with a team for what was meant to be training program to solve a riddle of invaders..
Out of all the candidates one youth, is selected to be the one most likely to solve the riddle of these invaders…
He selects his team and takes part in this training program, solving the riddle, and destroys the invaders.. not realizing until the last moment that all this training and setting him up is real..
Todays is my what was my brother Nnamdi’s Birthday..
He is or would be 47 years old today.
The relevance of this of course, is not my brother per sey, but rather what he represents in this play.. Namely through the meaning of his names and the codes of date of birth, born on Easter passing on Easter at age 13, and all the anchors in which his energetic signature kept appearing from the moment of his passing when incense followed me for over a day, reminding me that he was still present…
Nnamdi literally means Father is Present…
Father therefore is Energy… Energy is always present.. that is Existence-Creations Grace…
Energy can not be destroyed, and energy which was contained in a vessel which has reached light, or enlightenment…Is imbued with Memory…
And the source of Energy, that which moves Energy is Expression…
12 years I developed a code, worked out from years of observing and jotting down in my Journal the Anomaly-Phenomena which was moving me off course from my established path, I had created for my life.
This began in 1988, when I realized that the world I was living in was not the same world I remembered and knew existed…
A world of Harmony Peace…
And I then set out to demonstrate and prove that even in this world, an off shoot, and and a serious distortion of the Blue-Print of Existence called Symmetry and Harmony, Energy Harmony still Existed here..
I developed a code, while at the same time, watching where the phenomena-Anomaly was leading me..
It was a constant struggle at first between my desire to live in this world, and my memory that there was Nothing to do because everything was created in Harmony, and my curiosity (and Wonder) as to what did this Anomaly-Phenomena want…?
And what has the power to do this…
As I moved through my Life, or better still the Anomaly Phenomena
A.P. Represented by Anthony Pitts code name and meaning…
I began to piece together the puzzle, of another realm of Existence was existing here, in this World.
As well as the Book I wrote as an 8 year old kid…
As well as the Yeshua Christ story,
the Story of the Ancients, or ascended masters..
And my own Essay’ written about what would fix the world we live in today…
The disbelief, incredulity that those 4 stories, which I pushed to the back of my mind would literally had become my reality…
And made my responsibility to solve…
Which links to everyone having their riddles to solve..
But I realized that I was being used as the example..
A role though meant to flatter, it is not a role any sane person would aspire for if you have a basic understanding of human nature, because it is more like being Teachers Pet- because everyone feels that they are special and it only breeds resentment and then envy jealousy cruelty…Hatred and literal pushing people to acts…
Everyone wants to be seen, acknowledged and heard…
Imagine being a Specimen, observed by another presence and a family of E.T…
If that is the meaning of being The One’, it is no wonder that no one would volunteer if they knew what it entailed.
And who in the West or even in the World can you talk to, if you are the only one experiencing it…?
And what if by being in that play you have access to Laws of the play and that it is an Energetic Game about the Full Circle which symbolizes Eternity…
And that every person place your moved to is being moved by this play, but unaware of the play and the consequences of not being aware…
And yet, be aware that there is nothing wrong with Existence Creation or the Human Being except the emotive experiences which made them not See things in Clarity.
I assure you there is no nightmare greater than this…
Every Home I passed through, were linked to this play, I knew I was being moved and that only God, whom I call Energy could do this to me…
I had memory and I was literally fighting for my Existence, because if I did not figure it, I was and am literally physical emotionally and spiritually in agony..
I recognized every single person Energetic Signature, and even the scenarios they were in..
Everyone was where they were meant to be and only their Cee had to be adjusted..
I found myself acting to the reminder to the World of that which they already knew.. Perhaps not consciously because so many had given up their dreams and visions of truth, after trying to unsuccessful navigate in the world..But their Eternal Selves were..
All recognized me or found me…
I pointed out that they were still in Harmony with the Blue Print of Existence… I could not understand the point of putting me through such an experience when as it was in the beginning was perfectly indented in them..
Why was I being contained in a play?
Which created the illusion that I was playing a character in one of the many creation stories of Humanity…
Interpreted by humanity as Saviors and messengers and prophets when in truth, I was none of these and almost violently denied any of them being what I was doing or who I was..
And proved that this idea of dependency on an idea of God which was not grounded would mean the People would never Evolve or grow up.. But remain children.
I was aware of what I began to deduce was the real purpose of the play but there were so many distraction from the set ideas of men and women from Ancient times to now, that all I have been saying repeating over and over again when I was alone. is What is this?
How is this even possible?
Until I began to figure the Impossible out…
I knew it was Nnamdi…Not the Torture and torment- that was more from the Minds and Spirits (Memories) of Humanity and their collective experiences in this Human time line.. Their belief Systems…
Please see todays Share posted by Nenad M. Djurdjevic about the Igbo Creation story, from the High Priest of Igbo land
Nnamdi is Energy, it was His expression moving through every one..
After all, over 5O homes of mostly New Yorkers would not normally open for a stranger without home, luggage, and his body and expressions have a life of their own…
It is a harrowing experience to be without a Home, being asked to leave a person space because the intensity of this work, worrying about money, family, people getting the wrong impression, and the constant state of not feeling safe..or respected..
Even though you discover that each step is taken care off…
Or to get peoples attention that they are in a play which, one Beautiful and the other unthinkable, that Spirits of Ancient Africa are moving and influencing your life, the same way in the West, they control Peoples Spirits, with Mind Mapping, creating Behavioral Patterns, using television and sound to do the same thing..
While your body is the constant distraction 24-7, and with only great self mastery and will, can you type and interact..
Witch craft.. Through Ancient Arts and Science and technology..
And then prove these things as not being true Art and Science..
Code linked to Anthony Spencer..A.S…
Alberto Santana… Lotus Santana Dharma Shiva..
Which is why Nenad M. Djurdjevic post was a final Victory…
The evidence of the interference with the one play was and is Evolution..
And Evolution was being proven by Energy God.. 57.. 5 continents7 Seas.. 5 Chakra 7th Crown Chakra..E.G by Example..
Energy God rising to prove through its Source Expression Mann that there was always a blue print, a God Code, and a Source code which if read would bring clarity as to why we are here..
And that Blue Print though also existing in Nature, exists within every living persons…
It was only yesterday that I received the affirmation- revealed right on Face Book, of sacred portal 56…
A family arriving with a book of codes…
It was all about the codes of E.G…
57 which aligned to Donna Sullivan…
Notice that She is no longer in the Play…
Because of something which played out yesterday..
Which was the evil of this play, especially knowing the out come and yet a viel of mystery being created so that it no longer is recognizable, then finding the thread on a need to know basis…
And having to recall that every moment is part of the play..
I knew that the greatest conflict arises when two literal ways of perceiving can create conflict.. I have lived with that through out the process.
People are in their Homes, I am their guest, the initial Euphoria of Energies meeting each other is short lived as the Human Being and person who has lived all their lives in this World takes over the E,T being…
Something which used to confuse me, and is exhausting, keeping the persons aware that they are in a play..
Donna and Jonn Blackwell were the ultimate examples..
They, just as I were set up in a play…
And a play of the kind, which no one really wants to accept of people being moved by Spirits.. Interfering with Energy and Expression..
The Body and your Being… it is an inconceivable thing..
I knew it was time to leave, that this setting, not material. for Jonn and Donna provide with care and consideration all of my basic needs and even treats..
And they are not rich, thus it has been a strain, while for 8 months I was fighting to find my portal home and establish why I was here..
Of course, I recognized the play, I was housed in the Basement- exactly where I was meant to be.. All about me were the codes..
I was meant to be representing being buried under the Earth, which is what Nenad M. Djurdjevic post alludes to…
That he rises from the Earth and is not in the Sky
Everything from car license plates, addresses, names, every detail in their Home was and is off the play..
Which I demonstrated night and day..
Still confused as to why I had come back into the past after having reached 268 and spent 9 years here…
Jonn Blackwell and Donna had provided intel and fullfilled their roles which I kept on bringing to their attention..
I have not left the house perhaps once in the 7 months, because of my body whose condition intensified here..I could not be a normal guest because I was not here for that reason…
And so night and day I worked, solving linking at the same time wondering how it is possible I am here..
Yet knowing already that it was to fullfill a contract of those who will be left behind..
That there would be a destruction of the old Human Matrix and that I came here to manifest through a play in which we were all being used but at which I had been made the most aware…
It is hard on anyone, especially one man and a couple…
While both went to work to earn their livelyhood and support me while I supported the Energy and Evolution through 24/7 proving…
Such conditions are not the best setting for a play.. such as this..
And one in which I have no true affirmation how long it will last…
And what I felt would be the equation of C.. Three months, five months tops had moved to almost 9 months..
For Jonn Blackwell had conversed with me elegantly about the state of the financial situation which pricked me because it was the truth and my equation which affirmed them abundance had yet to manifest…
I already knew him to be in complete Harmony so I knew when he felt it was time to leave this was a message from Father.. Nnamdi.. but the Nnamdi of the Past..
He stated one more month.. Which would make it 9 month.
But Marina Burini with Tom Truman had witnessed this same experience with had lasted 9 months..
I experienced it with Rachel McWilliams Young…2011-2012 leaving Green Street on this Very day…
And Billy Hung had witnessed it while I lived in the Holy of Holies in Kew Gardens..
Total Isolation, 24-7 doing the codes solving riddles..
It is not easy for someone housing you, to bear while in their home, and so sensitive to this, one goes out of your way to explain, be cautious and express love through seeking to respect and pay attention to their feelings while at the same time calling them out, alerting them, even fighting them because they are in a play which is awful because you already know the outcome…
But let me demonstrate how Donna had to leave the play yesterday and is in perfect Harmony..
Kristine Baluba
and Jonn Blackwell both left the play and returned..
Donna had the sixth sense that Kristen would return..
And just as Jonn had returned at 5 43 Face Book friend- Sacred Portal True Life,,,
So did Kristen B.. linked to the code K.B/ B.K..Book..
Donna perhaps frustrated by this play, left yesterday, bringing me back to 566 Face Book Friends…
Jonn at 5 43…
Proving that She is in perfect Harmony, with myself who knew that would be like condoning evil to continue this play- especially without financial aid, and all which has been endured…And my constant working…
I was aware, that the codes had saved my life, because the play yesterday if I had not used to codes would have moved me to a place of refusal of everything..it would have shattered my heart…
But I did not feel anything like that, just sadness, tiredness and a strange peace…
That She as everyone else in the play of the three of us, was being moved by the Africa and the West…But despite that both were in perfect Harmony..
Look at the post of the High Priest.. he offers 9 yams..
9 months, Osirus- the sun Setting in the West and rising from the East, each day, I rise from the Basement to the decks..
If you look at sacred portal 66, it shows my E-Spirit emerging from a Black Hole, with two Heads.. A Wicked Witch and a Tech Wiz- established as the two sources of the Illusion and the root of Evil and Non Existence..
Nnamdi would be 47 today.. See Sacred Portal Arch Angels of Destruction…Entrance into the abyss…
Meaning that the Eternal E-spirits as well as their true hearts were of love, 5-43, 5-66.. Are affirming that I represent the Sacred portal to true life…
We were but three players, in a Supernatural Play in which all three of us conquered our hurt, the confusion wrought by meddling Spirits, of that which they deemed as Set..
I am not doubting for one second that the Creation stories especially the Igbo Creation story was not of the truth but it had to evolve…to see the true picture…Not just one set point of view…
I already mentioned that in Istanbul, the first Production I did for Wella Turkey, was a story which the company insisted I use a Gorilla costume..
I created a story of a Gorilla in the Forest and beautiful Dancers- the Beautiful Elementals, making first contact with Beautiful E.T beings…and the backdrop there appeared the Silver Surfer, messenger of 6th Sense…
There was never really a Gorilla in my story, I used one of my best dancers, who looked literally like a Greek God to play the Gorilla in the forest..
See Michael O’Donnell Silver Surfer on his I.D page…
How is it that in 1998, I created this story…?
Nenad M. Djurdjevic posted today.. And was forced to add a Gorilla to a the production despite my protests…
Did not someone interfer with the production?
And was that not rectified by my employing.. ohh my word, he was 19!.. A 19 year old dancer who was undercover, playing a Gorilla which answers that Question of whether God created man from Gorillas first who evolved into men.. is not the true story…
Rather it was an energetic cover represented in the Animal Kingdom of the true Passion and power of a already realized Mann…
Just as I gave evidence in the of the first two years of these posting
how a youth transformed into a Black Panther, (Code Prince Panther) but was undercover the Prince of Men…
Which is my Face Book password code…
Meaning a realized man can energetically transform into anything, especially of Animal Nature… Because the Evolved man is Everything…Everyone and like Energy… it is Every Where…
April 5th… 1969…
8:50 p.m.
He is my Symbol of Eternity, the story I recounted over and over again in the first two years and even here…
And in the end it was His Expression I was following..
Which is why Donna was in perfect Harmony, of the E line, and not the Spirit world…
Because she affirmed that this it all began with the story of Two men, represented by Myself and Jonn (Haun Delguidce)..the Actor in this play..
5 10… 3 10
58… C.H.I…Energy…
Meaning that Jonn and Donna are Doppelganger of the real kind, constantly reflecting each other but both being Individuals with the same mind each interpreted differently.. but of one.. Infinity..
They are the Hero’s of the story of the World which will be rebuilt…
They chose to work with me on Energy despite the Money not being in abundance..
Which is why through them the last of the play of Money being purified and aligned to Energy has been played out by them…
And so of course, there is a quite rage in me, of this play…
And why I knew even before this set up was uncovered that I can no longer stay…
9:11 p.m.
I have suffered enough – infact after the Awakening it will be revealed that no Being has suffered as I have, I bore it.. but to make my family suffer, the E line, those who retained their Eternal Truth…
That is what I promised that I will never forgive..
Energy God made me promise to not forgive…
Affirmed by the shares of Vilaystarloveceleste Sunmoonfree..
my 567 Face Book friend.. the third 567 F.B.Friend…
Evil had to be rooted out and sent into Existential Death..
Which is why Nnamdi Father used Jonn and Donna..and myself as the one fully aware to make sure that they would not get stuck in that role, but act it into Existence infront of the Entire World..
Moving Donna in perfect Harmony out of this play..after moving Jonn out and leaving his signature..
Do Nna..MD..I… MD Michael O’Donnell…
Because E.N..C.N…19…S…. 17..Q…1O..8.. 1O8….18..Mountain View
9-I..Are one and the same…but also the First born Twin and Nnamdi the younger…
Emeka Chukwuemeka..
Nnamdi… Nnonyelum…
Welcome my two New Face Book Friends…
Vilaystarloveceleste Sunmoonfree..
Tebatso Marubyane…T.M…
and I see I have another face book friend..
9:25 p.m
Original Facebook Post: Click Here