
Eleven Novem…Nine Eleven

Eleven Novem…Nine Eleven



(What is the Meaning of 11:11..Hmmm and who makes it manifest)

1:47 P.M.

The Play Script…P.S.

The Sacred Portals.

Hello…Hell O…

I could not help but notice today that Chris ( Togba Chea) code T.C… Wrote his last text to.me at 1:22 A.M…which aligns with the last post of the Sacred Portal 122…which he liked..

We are meant to meet today, which I can see and link or Names as E.T…E.C…E.T.C..

and E.K -T.C…and E.K.C.T.C…

This creates the equation of the latter, based on his first text to.me based on the equation Black not being Lack as lived by me, representing the consciousness abd meaning associated and created to represent the Black Man or Person.

But rather B.La! (Six note) C.K…Which are the full initials of my.name: Chukwuemeka Kolo…

Meaning The give Praise to the Creation or the Creator has well.done and he is a Man..

Okolo means virile Man

Thus, the code E.K.C.T.C….meeting creates an equation, represented as my Art and Science attests, being that all Human Intereactions are equations. And that we each are anchors representing different pieces of the fragmented plan of Creation.


Creates Emeka Kolo Chukwuemeka T.C..

T.C being the code on Sacred Portal 2O..of Lady Echo Response.

Which we have already enacted with Chris Franco and Raz Berry who gave me a money

2O and 3…23 Double U.

The Code of both David Nikoma D.N

(David Nicholas David Nnamdi) represent 78-78…

This is the total number of the Tarot.

Tarot comes Egypt and Kabbalah..(E.K) and were used in the 15th Century Europe with the first hand painted ones coming from Milan and numbering only 67-76.

The cards where used for Divination Occult and Mysticism were introuduced from Egypt..

The words from the Arabic word Turque meaning Ways

Taraka, leave Behind

There are 22 Major Arcana and 56 minor..and 4 suites

And the Fool …

I am no Fool.

Also notice how the all these codes from Egypt to the numbers of Tarot all.align with.the meaning of my hosts home address has symbolized.

And looking at the 4 year time period I spent lived hete from 2006-2010…which then proceeded with.the meeting of Marina- through John.

And Tom Truman…

E.M.T… Which is what my.former.host recently became…

And.here I am at this same portal which.has consistently been the loop I have been since I.met John through my former host.

Nikoma representing.78 spoke.with.my.former host A over the phone..Sound….abt SilverLight the animation programme

And met David Philipe Gil here in this Garden who reminded David of his former.Sensie…

Thus, one can see the matrix really as the House of Cards.

The Leviathan…

Bruce Lees Enter the Dragon…

The House of mirrors…

The test if the Truth of man.

This would also.mean a True Sacred Portals were fighting the labryinith of the Eqyptian (Kabbalah) Mystries which moved humanity unknowingly, through a maze of portals and destinations…

Mind Games which create frustration and rage…

Imagine some ppl having such power, and using it.

Of course, the basud of you entire modern day reality.would be based on these secrets, known to secret societies who have been controlling the minds, the mind set.and thus the physical manifestations such as cities and its economic stucture…Everything since Egypt…

Africa…when the corruption of knowledge began.

You do not wish to concieve of such a Truth..

Blaming your Creator for your lack of free will..

When evidence has revealed to you the Truth of a E Espirit in all of you, seeking to guide yiu, alert you, get your attention that you are trapped in.a maze created by.men and women with a thirst for power to control the Sheep…

Which.saps you of will which you give up for material comforts.

Forcing me the E line source to come out from within, where you.have ignored all the E harmony in you, to play.this role.made.so sickening by these powers of control setting up a script and a challenge to prove to.the E,

That humanity.like and chose to.be dominated, enslaved…that they do not know how to deal with Freedom…

Just as depicted by the series Supernatural.

But you are No Angels…

And then, you treat the E like a….

And then people.have the balls to.blame the Creator of creating the Illusion of Free Will and Choice, when you excercised.your Divine Right to not listen to your Espirits, nor even when the Source of the E Line is forced out from undercover to assume a role and face that Alpha Bet…in Alpha Bet City of these Secret Societies behind the :Viels controlling Knowledge and keeping it secrer and using it to manipulate all reality… Who sought to justify thier.taking control and playing God, by seeking to prove that this is what you want….and deserve.

And who fight me tooth.and nail.not to.reveal their Secret Knowledge which.was given to them to share with.all humanity…whom these secret socieies deemed impure…diseased…corrupt.

And still you ignored all the evidence and most stood silent as one man.in.Human.form was chosen to.sacrifice and risk.all to Share knowledge with you while being crucified daily before your very eyes…

And most of you did nothing…

Of course it was a script.

The E, a contest to the Con Form and In Form.

The E line won the contest, but its is true what the Secret Socities said about most of you.

But this was not about Knowledge Chris…

It was always about Truth…

Becauss it is the E Truth which.moved all of you, in this play script, used to.reveal the Truest.Nature of you..

The treasure which deep deep deep inside of you, that buried treasure of your true self worth and value, that no.matter.how.deeply, you chise to.conform, to create that illusion of excrement Diarrhoea of the mouth called Shitty Fart like Expression…

Talking.literal through.your asses…

You still were moved by.your first trutu,

The first contact with E, with Light with truth…

Even if you forgot…

The E in you, and the E outside of you never forgot.

All things are moved by Beautiful Energy Truth…

It was not Emekas Knowledge which moved.

It was Emeka’s Truth

Which.moved the truth.of each of you within to.respond creating the most Exquisitely Beautiful play….

Set on.a backdrop of A stink and shitty expression.that that.the toliet.where one shits became the cleanest place in.your world to exist…

At least in the toilet, the smell and stink.is natural, and after a while it fades…

Hell, you can even make the most glorious perfume from natural refuse from the Ur Anus mouths bodily expression…

But the shitty, ungrateful, ungracious expression I have observed in this play of D-A.D 4 representing a certain consciousness goes on and on even to this very day…with not even.the simplest knowledge of thank you…

To the Creator, to Gode (The Truth) to.E, not even for the Revealtions of this playscript.

Nothing can be done with this kind of Stench…certain things can not ever be transformed.

Certain.things are beyond the Nothing, beyond even the Nothingness…

But fit only for the Rage and Frustration such an expression created, for Fenrir, the Ball of Mal to consume and make such beings pay…and pay and pay in the darkest tomb of a place of none existence, none expression to which that stench, of every word and expression not.cleaned up.stays.

Let them live in.the Fart of Gode…the very realm.of expression they did create.



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