
Egyptian Greek… E.G….

Egyptian Greek… E.G….

Egyptian Greek… E.G….

17 99… Q I I… Se sacred portal 99 I just uploaded.

17 is Q.. Quintin bed 4-006..It means 5…

46 code Emeka Eri… and reflected in the Feminine aspect of Lisa Natalie Johnson…46 code…

17 99… 89…Yes See the 8th Ball of Destruction for the Gall…and your Balls…

196.. S.F… Stephen Filgueira.. F.S… FAST… Feelings Sensational…

1 96.. Dark Matter… D.M.. Delta Manners… Hell..

69..1… R.O… Red Orange.. R.O.C.K… R.O.Q… R O Q Transform…

The Rosetta Stone is a stone with writing on it in two languages (Egyptian … The Rosetta Stone was found in a small village in the Delta called Rosetta (Rashid)

As I made my way to see Lisa Levine I walked passed two men amongst a group, their backs were to me

they both were apart but together, on their jerseys backs were both the numbers 1… So 1 1..

One the White one was The One… and the other in Red Letters was Rose…

1 1.. The One Rose… T.O.R….. E… TO.. R.E..Robert Vlaun Emeka Kolo… R.E…V.K…. V.I.K.ING… Sean Ragnar Gill Kasper Lomholdt Serup…. Ragnarok… Rag Nna Rok?

Ha.. Rage Nna… R..O.K… Good…

There… Finish translating and converting the Two Arch Angel Gabriel ..A G E… And R.O….SET.TA… S.E..TT..A… R.S.. RI.SE… D E SI RE. set in Stone and Flesh Body and Being Earth Universe….

G.R… Golden Ratio….

G.R.E.A.T… Says Tony the Tiger.. Eye Of The Storm… E.O.T.S…..E.O…2019… 39…C.I… E Galaxy 1O 11 C.I… Response now with true Fury..

EAT…! EAT Their Spirits Souls Flesh.. it is made of Nothing but numbers…


7:37 p.m.


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