E.T Come Home.
I paused yesterday suddenly to connect all the dots in my life in this World, all my posts, leading to yesterdays posts.
And suddenly it formed a picture.
And I realized just how deep I was undercover and that each post was a lightening of a massive load.
Each post making me remember what I already knew.
Rising and rising from the depths of a great ocean.
The Atlantic..Atlantis
From a dying Sun of this planet which became a Super Nova then an enormous Black hole.
Rising against the Crushing pressure of an ocean a sea of of this current and currancy of human consciousness towards the Light.
From the intense gravitational pull of a dying sun of Earths future back to its warm light rays
And through the tunnel of love the Pen I.S…back to the beautiful plant fixed E life
And suddenly it all connected.
My whole life connected.
The Experience of Neo and all the Neo’s in Histories past..frim Elijah, Jesus Orion.
To my vision at the age of 8,
I always knew as truth of being dropped of here for a mission by a family in space ship…and their promise to return when I completed the mission.
At 21 splitting up with my girlfriend Mary Jane, who awake as I was knew I had to do a journey which she could not come.
Then my training with A young Prince from Onistha who knew me and my mission he told me would take place in the U.S.A.
Time stopped for me when I reached 21.
And at 26 finally getting empirical evidence of the Light which had summoned me when my physical body gave up from the exhuastive research of the human species.
For this has been my mission..I suddenly realized this morning.
20 years ago I had been told that the key to my life lay in my Books/Manuscripts called Talking to the Silence…
But I was never allowed to publish them despite international interest from the worlds leading publishing houses.
I realize that I am the Book…Literally, and I am Face Book.
My Face the Cover and by Body holding the contents and my being the keys.
For suddenly I realized that my entire life has been like that of the Fifth Element where I have met and conversed and listened to the stories and point of view of thousands of people, representing all the cultures and people in the world.
And lived in the homes and worlds and dimensions of over a hundred people as I searched for my own home.
And that I was downloading data…so much human data.
Then researching reading non stop scholarship.
And the knowledge became like a wieght..I carried the Beauty of all these people I met l, loved and experienced but I also carried what they gave me or shared with me of thier experience of Existence in this World.
And so the wieght became the darkness, the blackness the horror which made me sink and sink while the light of their true Beauty, their essence and perfume I had captured teeasured, guarded became my torch light in that pitch black dark in the bottom of the sea, in the Abyss…of a dying star, in the Cave if the Vagina and the tunnel of the Pen is.
And so I began to transform the blackness which almost made me blind, heavy, sleeply…forgetful by up loading on Face Book for 21 months
Transforming all those experiences of their into light.
I had done the same thing with my own experiences in my Journals which lightened me back to Light.
And so I saw myself doing it again for 21 years…No longer writing in my journals the experiences, but instead listening to ppl and listening so deeply I was in one with them, I experienced what they experienced, felt what they felt. And as they unburdened themselves, they became lighter and I became heavy…and heavier…
But even as I sank to the very bottom the light within and outside beckoned me and pulled me towards it in me as Existence and outside of me as Existence..Like a rope, like a fisherman…whose rod had linked me…I was pulled upwards, I swam upwards…Transforming on the place I was lead to…The mirror of what I was representing as the F Book to its counter part in the world of illusion Face Book the social media.
And so For 21 months I down loaded all which my Mission had sought for me to upload…all the data of the human species…
Then transform it, transmutate it, be the philosophers stone by using Alchemy and higher undersranding of nature and consciousness into Silver-Moon, Gold-Sun…Colors-Earth…and Darkness of Ethereal Space of Death Sleeping back to Air…A.H!!! to breathe…Umeano!
And so my twin aspects…Symbolically representing the Light I saw 21 years ago Yonathan Yohanness (who is 21) whose F.B image is now a photo of himself behind a light, and has similar memories and stories along with his mother Lady Seble M W…affirms my last posts, just as his mother vision memory of the Bridge…inspired the post of the crossing over…
I am back to Light after 21 months of downloading what I had uploaded for 21 years…
Taking all the Human Experiences recounted to me and brought it back to its true meaning…the alignment of human History back to the first Hi Story of Men and Women passing through the Star Gate Portal…and leaving behind their story, set in the Stars.
Thus, this Face Book story is my Body as bread, my blood as wine…which is to intoxicate…Elate..to Extase and Bliss…which I leave behind.
Coming back to this address which seven years ago I had identifed as the Full Circle of mymission complete..and it being the only doorway opened to me at the end.
Here I am..
I am ready to go home…
Original Facebook Post: Click Here