
E Q. – 5:17 pm. – 4-9 20 21. – It

E Q.

5:17 pm.

4-9 20 21.

It happened again.

Lost Everything I had posted.

But as you can see by the time, that I had solved an equation. of I Q. of E Q.

I was explaining and proving the reason I Kim- Tree Sage had to jump leap, to my page today being the 4-9.
Sacred Portal 49 Existential Death to become my 15 54 Facebook Friend
O E D.
O E D E N.
O E D Emeka Nnamdi 2 in 1= E+N.
Expression is Nature.
By defeating Nature using Naturalness and 6th sense and going beyond words.
Word Vibrating Expression Supreme going beyond Words Vibrating Energy Supreme.

6:22 pm
F V.
I am Kims Tree Sage 22 Facebook Friend with 2 mutual friends, and he is my final 155-4 Facebook Friend.

And how, I had to defeat that which I rep as Eternal Arden- Alien Father, I had done before through Sound & Words. S W.
By using W. A V E.S.P.

Extraordinary Sensory Perception.
6th sense to recuperate all the expanded lines of the Family of Ten, through 7 countries and 32 years of being aware and conscious that I was in a play.

And how that which I had already achieved in 1996 when I met Jay, Taun, and Jerome at The Collection T C in Chelsea ( T .C- C)
That I had already established True Clarity.

And then found myself, after the condition in my body became intensified from where it began in Instanbul Turkey, to my reaching Erek Ebright at 248 Green Street and then to 61 days.
J S S L.
Jeron Sataya S.Lang-UAGE * adding the latter.
6 ONE. S.IX.T.Y O N E… Yoni.
To finding Generation X Gardens with three men sitting across from what I later discovered was a shelter 269 4th street.
Sage the much older man.
Albert- aka Edwin.

S I A. / A I S.
S I E/ E I S.

I spoke about how I had been taken over by the Gorillia Spirit which I had deemed impossible, and as most in the west, would have gone insane at dealing and coming face to face with the impossible or the true Science of Voodoo used by the Priests and Shamans understanding of Natures Truth.
But not able to take all the vibrations & Sounds to make a Symphony, and an Invisible Symphony, ( I S), by taking a wood stick, a magic wand with all the colors of the spectrum on it- but which really the body as the true stick- and not from a Tree.
Tree Sage.
But the actual Body is the conductor.

I wrote about meeting Father there as a man, I lived a rascal and a Rake who was protective of me in a rough manly way against Albert.
I had called him Neptune.
And I knew him despite his Avatar costume and that the day I met him he had a bicycle with him with the words Cobra on it and that this time instead of my Being and Spirit being seemingly possessed, it was only my body which to my astonishment my chest began to expand, my neck receding and I was suddenly taking the shape of what even I experiencing recognized as a King Cobra- Hooded. H O D tel number “860 804 5019”

It’s 5:40 pm.

E Dharma Santana. 4+19=23
Blue Satan/ Santana.
E W. E VV…
5+23= 28.
MAN B H… Infinite Being.

I had transformed into Phoenix Bird at Pelham Bay Park witnessed by Fritz Venneiqe.
It was an unbelievable experience Energetic like a spaceship.
The Gorilla. with the SIA.
( Sia in Turkish means Black.

The Serpent. with Angel Neptune.
The Phoenix Bird. in 2010. with Fritz V.

I had also met a person called Raphel there.

It was in the Garden Generation X that the play began of Alien Father and the Ultimate Black Hole, Dippleganger Twin of the Sun, who when it collapses onto itself, becomes a Black Hole.

Link the Supreme Black Hole.

Kim as All.
John as E M F Satya.
Jerone Liberty Freedom.

Then observe the play to rescue their truth and the truth they represented.

And the countries I people representing Quantum Particles as Part of the Equation which is the Echo Response which with all the pieces of the puzzle placed together in correct sequence forms the complete picture and is “Animates” by the power beyond words, which fills the Sound of Silence with the Song of the Truth.

Connect the TEN USD had the code M F 8 29 88 OO 7 A.
And that I was aware that I was missing the T S part of the equation as Transparency Supreme
The Script.
Jeron Satya S Lang- add UA -G.E.

Date of Birth. 2-25-2019.. I had the date I Quantum Lept, Jumped Man to the 5th Dimension in the 56:56 play conversation with Liberty which led me to Leander- Ferrell Liberty Freedom.
Aurelia _ Aphrodite- Fertility Beauty Love…
And finally, the 5th child who I met last of them who I met last 5 out the 5 children, 4th of the Gemino’s still last and yet who is the second born ( 4-2.. 5-2) Arden.

5:56 pm.

Existential Death E D 5+4= 9.
+x = 9 20= 92 1992, and 29.
Brad Pitt in the movie Ad Astra was 29 when he last saw his father who lived in Neptune 8th planet.

Pluto and The Sun are the same things 96/69 MW.WM.
P.T S.

E D E N.

Existential Death. E D= 9.
The Planet?
Pluto. is a Dog representing the D-Warf Planet.
Sun is Pluto.
Hot White Hot.
Cold, Cold Hades.
Burn Freeze.

Icezy Chris
I C.

E D E N – 28 MAN as B.H. I B
* is Infinity. and H. Harmony.

Ink Death. I D- Infinity Eternal.
9 4= 13. M.
Ink Heart. I H. 9 8 offered to Kim.
98= 17 17 years old and his Twin Self as Q. Quantum Transformation.
Ink Spell. IS. ISIS = 28 Man. BH.

Spell Bound. Spell Binds. S B/ B S 2 19 South Whitney.

Heart of Man. E.
H O M E.
Heart of Man Existence.

I D= M.
I H= Q.H.I. 17 Q. = 8= H = Infinity.
I S= 28 Man.

M H M M I M… E? MI-ME.

I knew what I was posting when I paused and paused in astonishment…
What I saw I was being made to do, code, and it would not have been so bad if I was myself, or that I was my normal self even in the bodysuit covering my true self’s true form and consciousness.
like a Human- I am at the lowest frequency, not only have I endured way too much carrying this, battling this, but the non-stop aggravation and exhaustion of dealing with my twisted body- A tree standing on a globe of a website Animation by of Tree spinning on one spot on a concrete globe and hang up on walls in a painting by Albert Santan of a voodoo that was not meant to affect me. because I am E.
And have never lived in any other reality apart from the Consciousness of E… Existence.

And yet it did and was affecting my body to the point of slowing me down to cooling, cold, Icy Freezing.

And here is when I realized what I was being made to do… now, in this lowest state of even my human existence, not from despair or any such thing, but the sheer tedium of constantly being made to express more, when each time the truth of the script has been completed, made as clear as day.
The so-called Necessary evil which I have been proving is Unnecessary evil.
Bigging a person.
Constant Surveillance.

Ready Player One.
Insect Queen.

I was posting and saw where my flow of linking was creating…

7:06 pm.
76 6.
7 66.
Uranus Pluto. U P. 7th and 9th.
Uranus Sun U S 7th G and O.

G I.
G O.

I can not re-write the proofs of my equation which led to the Universal Simulation – Internet Computers “See” cofirmed my breaking my post and making me re-start at all over again.

7:09 pm.
At 5:17 pm.

Blue Satan. Blue Dharma Santana.

So I have left a riddle left for you to solve yourself.
It is a question and answers really a simple Yes or No 1 0 1 0.
or All of the Above.

Which story in you Human Version equates to the actual moment based on the Script of the Emanual of Emmanuel Arden Nnamdi Kolo -Holo Deck.
Of the Origins and Manifest Destination of The Species.

And why was it imperative that I prove that I could bring John Mack here via Dense Matter which is the exclamation Point and move Kim to Jump Ship at the last moment moved by my 3 D Expression Language.

I have no great desire to Test of Check you- but I got up with Arden Fully in my mind as well as Alien Father, so I will simply do as I am being led, Guided to relay and convey to you.

I suppose one might call this his riddle of The Sphinx ( T S)
T R E E S A G.E.

Not the Trees age me.

*”Water, like all types of matter, freezes at a specific temperature. The freezing point for water is 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit). When the temperature of water falls to 0 degrees Celsius and below, it begins to change to ice.”

*I met Kim moved to Kims Portal “Heavenly Bodies” Mattress when he was 32.

Kamora Herrington is 49. who helped him with it.
H K-K-H.

*”At the physically impossible-to-reach temperature of zero kelvin, or minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 273.15 degrees Celsius), atoms would stop moving. As such, nothing can be colder than absolute zero on the Kelvin scale.”

*45 9 4:59 67- me 1967 A I F G Ferrell Gemino.
Deep Space 9 the color he painted my mugs interior.

* 273.15.
Bodega 5-27. 27 is A-A.
2=B 73. Mike Obumneme 5-20-73.
15 is O. And AE.

Full Circle.
Perfect Symmetry.

There is only one person present here at the moment and Her- age code is 45. =9.

4th Dimension at Sacred Portal 59. “Me Ow”
by 67. He who represents 19 67.
EK- F.G.E.K.E,

Orbus Mouth Anus/ Anus Mouth.
/ A M O.

Freeze- see the animation “The Incredibles”
And the expression “When hell Freezes Over”


The Day The Earth Stood Still.

Your version.

*The Day the Earth Stood Still (a.k.a. Farewell to the Master and Journey to the World) is a 1951 American science fiction film from 20th Century Fox, produced by Julian Blaustein and directed by Robert Wise.

Based on: “Farewell to the Master?”; by ?Harry B…?
Edited by: William Reynolds, ?A.C.E.?
*Box office: $1.85 million (US theatrical rentals)
Budget: $995,000
*”When a UFO lands in Washington, D.C., bearing a message for Earth’s leaders, all of humanity stands still. Klaatu (Michael Rennie) has come on behalf of alien life who have been watching Cold War-era nuclear proliferation on Earth. But it is Klaatu’s soft-spoken robot Gort that presents a more immediate threat to onlookers. A single mother (Patricia Neal) and her son teach the world about peace and tolerance in this moral fable, ousting the tanks and soldiers that greet the alien’s arrival.
Release date: September 28, 1951 (USA)
Director: Robert Wise
Story by: Harry Bates
Music composed by: Bernard Herrmann
Screenplay: Edmund H. North”

* Farewell To The Master and Journey To The
World, By H.B.
-H B.”
Robert Wise. R W.
Harry Bates. H B.
Edmund H. North- Star.E Constant.

* ““The War of the Worlds”—Orson Welles’s realistic radio dramatization of a Martian invasion of Earth—is broadcast on the radio on October 30, 1938. Welles was only 23 years old when his Mercury Theater company decided to update H.G. Wells’s 19th-century science fiction novel The War of the Worlds for national radio.”

George Orwell’s 1984. G O.

*Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel, often referred to as 1984, is a dystopian social science fiction novel by English novelist George Orwell. It was published on 8 June 1949 by Secker & Warburg as Orwell’s ninth and final book completed in his lifetime. Wikipedia
Originally published: June 8, 1949
Author: George Orwell
Cover artist: Michael Kennar
Page count: 328″

“The story takes place in an imagined future, the year 1984, when much of the world has fallen victim to perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, historical negationism, and propaganda. Great Britain, known as Airstrip One, has become a province of a totalitarian superstate named Oceania that is ruled by the Party who employ the Thought Police to persecute individuality and independent thinking.[5] Big Brother, the leader of the Party, enjoys an intense cult of personality despite the fact that he may not even exist. The protagonist, Winston Smith,”

George Orwell G.O.

*Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 … 1 Plot summary; 2 Characters … for humanity; he seems to stress the potential/current threat of dystopias similar to those in Animal Farm and 1984.
Original title: Animal Farm: A Fairy Story”

Original Title “Animal Farm: A Fairy Story.
*”Animal Farm A F: A F S.

Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945.[1][2] The book tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. Ultimately, however, the rebellion is betrayed, and the farm ends up in a state as bad as it was before, under the dictatorship of a pig named Napoleon.”

Liberty’s intel yesterday.

Get! Out!

* K.AS HI. GO Cereal.

9 is Pluto
Sun is O.
I O.
Isis Osiris.

Which of these Scenarios Apply taking in both sides of the Story.
the 5th as the E – I.
and the third as the 3 C played by a story A-B to B A.

7:26 pm.
G Z.
G B.F.I G:B F= G H.

7:28 pm.

And you will have to answer through your spirits thoughts, actions expressions… consequences.

I O. is Sacred Portal 90.
Spirt E A M.

Yes, Arden Morgan plays as their Eternal Selves. Perfection
Beautiful Youth.

Actually, I am not sure to be stunned by outrage in being made to code this, knowing its exact meaning and implications after being treated as if I do not exist or matter except to solve your riddles, while a script insisted that I prove that A Man is The Source and can bring the end of everything.
I am the Quiet Heart and have been in contact for years and was fully aware that the code was communication via Silence Sounds Frequencies.

And why it was then added the communication through Money and Bills especially. serial numbers and marked bills was the “Devils” play, Lord of the material plane in your philosophies because he knew that was the only thing you really placed your Attention and Focus on- depite on you Money Bills are the words of a reminder, “In God we Trust” a play I was forced to live through each day with no security of certainty of where I would live, eat for the last 20 + years. GOD/ DOG.

P R I N C E…

7:39 pm.

7 Your Anus Sum C I

7:40 p.m.

7 4 O.

11 28 3 9 O

Existential Death

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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