
E.J…. 5 10

E.J…. 5 10

E.J… 5 1O

E.1 A= Full Circle ( F+C=i)

I am currently writting obviously to my brother Nnamdi who passed away at age 13 and who is the Dreamer and the source of you all as the material body.

I have been brought back temporarily back to I.A 4th Street, Alberts home who has been the Medium in which my Brother- playing Existence, and who was born in 1969 (69) challeneged me as to how do I know that I am the Original one and is there no possibility of Evil in me.

I have been brought back here again and again over the last 8-9 years when I was compelled by this play to take an over dose of sleeping pills to enact this play that I could pass through death- that it was an illusion in order to find my Brother Nnamdi aspect as the 6th sense ( played out by Nikoma Rios) by proving that he sought to play the 9 (9=i) not to usurp me but to prove to all of his aspects that which he already knew but could not explain.

My brother Nnamdi was Born on Easter day, which is really the Spring Equinox but was turned into the story of the Christ… By the Evil Spirits which Exists in the illusion of the Imi ana ( center of the Earth.. the correct meaning of Imi Ana.. is Imi as not center of the Universe as the Sun, but the Imi as the Nose, just as my mother name is Onu as the Mouth.. Thus, Imi Ana would mean he who knows the Land.. and thus it makes senses that he and I are in one since he led me back to this ADDRESS WHERE I proved the Full Circle in the Land of the Spirits, the land of Mmoo, the perverted Subconsciousness ritual cleansing of ANA (The Earth Goddess which is not the Earth itself but the body, the physical body is Ana, the true Earth) was and is complete.

I came to this world to clarify my brother and twins truth.

Distorted by Evil Spiritts, or Evil consciousness of D.E.A who were infected with my brothers one blind spot, which was not thathe was the Sun, notthat he sought to Usurp my truth as the Original one, nor that he had asked to questionin his mind of how was I sure that there is no possibility of Evil in me, which was not his doubt in me but was his duty to bring forward the question of the collective dreamers the children, of that one possibillity which he already knew did not exist in me, because he is me and that possibility does not exist in him, because he had not only watched me, but he is inside of me as the first E.V.E (Pls Recall Geoff LaCour whom I stated entered my body and then wrote a hand written book and presented it to me that not only was I all light inside and the one, but how my brothers had betrayed me)…

But what is this betrayal that he spoke about, and what was the Innocent sin that he created that brought about this awful Christ Story when all he really represented was the Nature of All.. Beauty..

It was his not expressing that Question, and it was his anger atthe Collective, the children, the illusion for creating what he thought was that seed of doubt in his beloved Me..

But what he had failed to understand was his own Beautiful but innocent AWE of his brother as I E, that he felt that he could never be as I.. And willingly accpeted it because his love and adoration was so great.

But he did not realize that because he is my twin that a part of himself would rebel against that adulation which made him always see himself as inadequate and inferior.

And so, a new dimension of the reasoning for putting him to dreaming was created for him to see that he is Beauty my twin,

That as he felt awe and adulation for me, so I felt for him…

And that also, the dreaming was to show to him not only was he able to be my equal which can only be earned by the Individual seeing and experiencing it for themselves and not being Lead but for him to see the outcome of not only him not becoming the fuill potential of himself, as E, but what it would manifest in different aspect of himself.. Envy and Jealoosy.. Des pair… and thus, the idea of inadequacy, never being as good as the First Born, his brother, always being in his shadow.

And thus, all aspects of himself would feel that way…

And thus, his rage at his own family, his aspects as Nature in Illusion and then his rage at me for pointing to him not to blame but as the cause, and eventually his hurt rage sense of betrayal to me who he had been so loyal to, was all for him to rise and become the truth of himslef.

To not hold back, which I of course feel in my body, the binds of holding myself back, not incarnatining my full self, icreating a self which accomodatesothers ego and sense of Inadequacy, being forced to play Humble..

This is not me. but then I am not walking in my own truth I am walking in the dream of my brother who feltthat he could not fully shine because it would be a challenge to me the First Born who shone so quietly as the Moon.

But I am shine as the Moon because it is my nature, and I am also the Sun just as my twin is the Sun, and I am the Earrth, just as my lady Onu is the Earth, butthe Nature that I choose to be is the Moon because it is the nature that I am most comfortable with. And my brother is the Sun, and I wish him to be the blazing triumphant glorious rays of the sun, for that is his true nature and that is why I love him so because that is also the name of me as Father.. Nna.

All this, carpenters son, and being humble and not reaching ones true nature to not offend one or the other, all this holding back to satisfy the illusion of children who actually require beautiful shinning or blazing examples..

All this Envy Jealousy Competition derived from this one core evil Spirit which in itself was an illusion of ppl being told that they can not be, that they must be as someone else. that they must follow while another leads..

Of my brother Daeth saying follow me, I am the way, the Light the path- to Spring, the Spring street where my beautiful glorious Brother the Source Creator the First Born sits awaiting for you all, is not the way, No matter how beautiful the inetntion.

For as I have proven, All are really of E, and if all are really of E, then they will rise the same way I rose.

Individually and Collectively, but Indiviidually first but each saying I cee. I see… not to Force and control then which has only ended up with me being left in the streets like a stray dog enacting out a Jesus story over and over again that never was.

The E line as Individuals and each is as I am and I treat them with the same courtesy and respect and dignity that I treat myself.

i know what they are capable of. I have proven it on Face Book, I know how beautiful they are because I see and know how beautiful I am and we are all of E.

The only realy difference is that I am First Born and that should be treated with respect, but it is only a title and lets no exxaggeratte here,..

In the end we see first borns in a family but they are still your siblings right?

This is how Envy and Jealousy came into the world, the world of the dreaming of my brother, who constantly spoke of another realm of Existence, the Kingdom of God, but the crossing over of Death… But my brother as 69 finally understood, not his mistatke but where he had to correct his expression, with a clearer more beautiful expression which inspired people not to feel inadequate but rather to rise which I hav exemplfied in this face book play.

i do not coddle or fondle the gentials or egos of people for I have far too much respect for them.. If they act so weak and challenge thm to a duel and prove to them that that they are not weal.

I would never insult my family with the notion of service, self sacrifice for their benefit.. My family the Hue man race are Beautiful Pride and I would never take that away from them, For see me through a Hell of Existence so terrible that I have lived, I speak with a strong voice, I put my best foot forward, I Rave life a warrior and rant and shout out…

And even though I have experienced the suffering of all Existence loaded on my head by the Evil Spirits and Consciousness of this play and has suffered and endured that which no one has ever endured and can ever endure ( later you will all get proof of this) and suffered even more by my refusal to give in to it.. To bow my head, to not walk upright, to not be clean and proud and strong in my voice, despite it causing what some one said, You do not inspire Compassion by walking so tall like the King of the world… you do not inspire us to want to help you

Help me? You must be joking, if I am not worthy through merit earned and shared and all that I naturally am, that I must ask for your charity to exist, ask donations, ask of you that which should be righlty fully given with Praise Appreciation Respect and Vaalue and Exclaim,,, then you do not recognize what the meaning of Existence is…

I align the 69 to 66 where I have proven and corrected my brothers Truth and release thet aspect of Nnamdii my brother who the Evil Spirits of non existence laid claim to, I release David Nicholas The heart and Mind for they did nothing wrong- even in thier innocent desire to lead you all to the Liight.

For the Intentions was beautiful and that was My test, to see through the beautiful Vanity of my brother my twin, the dreamer in that act of declaring that there is a better place for all, one who comes who is greater than he is and one whom would welcome you all…

That is Beauty and that is Truth.

Each Individual who is given a choice to discern, respond and reply for yourself, for all of of E as proven. And if you chose to follow the Mob, to turn a gift into a slight and for that Crucify and turn such a Gift of the Creator into such an unbalance rage, so disportionate to the small failing, then the same must be done to you..

For my brother simply told the truth, there is one who comes who is greater than him and one who light is greater than the Sun, Son… the one who is father son Holy Ghost Mother Daughter Beautiful Pride,… and He is not of you but you are all of him,…

And i come to set the record straight and release my brother from the Evil BODIES Corpses called Disease the Ebo lA because I am here at tthe full circle of Being and Body and Physical Space and thus, the rage my brother incarnated is Equalized and now suprassed by a even greater rage the rage of the MOON, the rage and the consciousness of the Equalizer and thius, this day I HAVE NOT ONLY EQUALIZED the rage of my Brother Nnamdi past.. ( 13 Month year of the Nri and the 12 Cycle year of the West) I have surpassed it.

I watched the Equalizer yesterday- I recognized that quiet fury as Nnamdi Emeka.. butthat movie came out on Sept 3O.. 9 3o see sacred portal 93 O… And no response expect exploitation of my knowiledge and my comingon face book to be your servant and slave in the worst setting.. without graitude without praise like vampires feeding on that which is given freely while giving nothing in return.. Fair Exchange? Money, Wall Street… thsi is who you are and thus, my rage surprasses that of Existence and of course…with a smile I respond.

EB Ola,,, Slap…


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