


T.O… S O N.. G E….

10:39-40 a.m.


Hello ..

I wanted to honor the play which took place between Kasim and I but instead fond my self responding to an innocent question sent to me by Roger Attaway.

Link Roger Dean @ ATT A WAY… A TT.. AW… AY..E.

Link Michael Rogers M R…

Jude Rogers J R….

* The portal was never R M… I, and the riddle made that very clear. Even the Director of this Shelter is called Mr Bey…

Bey means Mr in Turkish…

The Rm.. called Space Creation World is a MANN..

Nasir King EL Bey

Dean Dunkwu

Dean Rodd

Roger Dean Attaway R D A… Represents unknowing to him, the last piece of this puzzle riddle of me and Our going home and the defeat of the idea of God God, aka Satan Devil .. Fears Doubts…

And the victory of Eternal Harmony achieved by my reaching him ( what he reprsents in the play) and vice versa.

Eternal Harmony being the vibration of the Origins of Mann and for all to reach there, to return there with bodies, and not simply as Ethereal Light beings or souls-Sols, E-Spirits/ Elegant nomads but whith solid bodies Elementals…

Ele Ife

Ele Ife…

After the last and greatest battle.. Menal and Psychological – Psyche.That this what the Great W.AR was about..

But the Family of E were not at WAR. We were, are R AW…

Reflection of Radiant A.W…E… Of Creation and I represent the Raw raw skinned alive to such a sensistivity from the savagery roughness brultality of those who were at WAR with us ( really thier Evolved Future Selfves present because we .. I represent that Eternal Truth of who we are..

We are not from here… but we are from Here.

Here being not this frequency of existence…

We are from here but on the frequency the planet is already shifted to since now it has fully sensed and confirmed the present of is source, is father mother and creator…

Yes A MANN..

So see Roger represents me talking through E S P To NN AM DI… I D MANN.. my son sum daugthter who played my father in order to to understand the role I first incarnated and Evole in his turn the Everything but this time as Matter…

and is twin male self as Energy.

I came into being as Both Body and Being in One…

They came in Manifestation (Right hand left Hand.. Center…

P.S My coffee yesterday I bought with the last dollar.. was 30..

P.N… Perfection Naturalness. Paris New York.. 16…* 1161 Facebook Friends yesterday… 16/61…) As Twins..

Being and Body… B O B… E…

B – 2…

Bean Emeka play yesterday… out of the three seted here yesterday.. Robert Kwame Bean… Bean gave up his seat for me… B.E…ING…

B B… 22…. 4… @ Delta.. ADD O.E.. O=15.. And 5….

24… 6… F… Sixth Sense Aligned to Fact…

Truch with 6 wheels…and code S .. 20 on it…

But you see they were realluy already one.. But they ( You ) had to understand that for yourselfves….emrprically…

Thus R D A…Represents code Roger Ecko Echo Bravo..

( yes Susan Otelia Nelson)

E.B… B E..

E BE, Completion…

Emeka Kolo is Completion..

To reach the E is to meet and reach ( if you pass the Examination Test ..E.T.

Thus you know who I have been addressing .. my younger brother past self.. Evolved through this play to be my equal…

The Rector..Dean of the University School of Awareness…

* Happy Birthday Arthur Hur A.H… Has finally been reached.

I am now at 1160 Face book Friends..

Observe… Roger Attaway born 01-27-1960…

1 27 60….

1 A-Z-A….

A .A-A.. FO… / OF A-A AH.. E.H…(58)

Here is the play which took place…

Dawn Piercy Isabelle Ilic and a few others such as Angela Marie Alexander and Anthony Bienke/Gabriel Binky Signar etc.. may understand the time codes liked to sacred portals

Roger Attaway


Thank you my wise friend. Are you able to see into the future?


Emeka Kolo


Roger…. What a question.. . I feel as though you and you E-Spirit are checking up on me… The Observer exists outside of the Full Circle. Like a person watching a Movie.. Or listening to a Majestic Symphony and a Theaterical Production we know an see the entire production. A full Circle is symetry…the entire story… Do you see where I am going with this? If you remember, literally remember that we do not come from this realm then we perceive reality as Theater. We see everything staged within a Full Circle…

A Story. A Stage usually is a Square… I, after 17.5 YRS in New York, literally brought here by people sent me to come to New York ( even agaist my will.) to prove this truth.. where everything and I mean everything including my passport was taken from me so I could not leave, and my body developed a condition so extraordinary that the doctors have no idea what is happening to my body ( I do)… I found myselfinvited to live in 55 differnt homes by New Yorkers, strangers, each person leading me to a next person and situation, as I solved riddles and codes which I knew were sent from the Invisible realm which is called Spirit realm or Mind.. Psyche.. Psychological ( That was the Holy war by the way.. the sao called Armegeddon) … Each riddle led me to the next but at the same time to the manifest confirmation of my truth that this life is literally a Staged Production.

I am currently at Delta Manor.. It is a Homeless Men shelter…It houses people with slight mental dis-orders such as Bi Polar and ADD.. OCDC… I was led here the riddle led me here. I balked at every place I was being led – knowing full well how the world here would percive it. I have not seen my mother in almost 30 yrs because of this play which I have not been able to escape from because i knew I was telling the absolute truth. My entire Family friends you name it abandoned me. I am was seen as A Golden Child and had been successful in many fields and had been Discovered and set on the Fame route in 4 countries so by the time I came to America people who thought that I was sure to be very rich and famous had begun to give up on me.. I state all this to give you the context and the surety and truth of this being real… This testing and trial… Examination Test of the E.T… Eternal Truth of my having no doubt that this is a Stage… tHE Shelter I really balked at, I am a rather elegant and aristocratic by nature ( not pretense) aristocratic of Hue man Nature.. Beauty is our food… I had seen enough of the ugliness of this world and people crucified me for refusing to acknowledge this world as real. While many, using my knowledge which was shared to help them remember… took it for granted thinking that I did not kow my own worth.

What was really happening was that I was in someone else’s riddle.. The riddle to two aspect of the world View… the collectie will of Humanites Truth the Child.. who knew this truth but could not prove it empircally and rationally, and the Collective Will of the Lie.. who had accepted this reality as the the Life the later had done everything in thier power to stop me.. Secret societies, army mitiltary C I A… The proof of all this is the all proved and cofirmed pulicly in this 6.9 year script on Facebook….written in almost literal actual tie each day.. A Log Book. So yes, was led to the final place this shelter called Delta Manor… Delta means ‘Four’ – a Stage… And here I have been for an astounding numbing 23 almost 24 months in a play of rooms and bed numbers in which I have had to prove that this is a play theater… and that we are not from here ans I remember…

So seeing the future dear Roger, is me knowing the play theater… being both Outside as the Observer and Inside as the Actor on Stage aware.. that this is a PLAY.. Because I never forgot.. I have Total Recall TR..T=20..R=18.. 2018..Which is yes, a program created for me to attain programed by the Sources of this play- The Universal Truth represented in the Child Consciosness of consciousnes of CHRIST. CHRIST actually means Word Anoined Vibrating Expression Supreme WAVES.. SINE… WAVES… Effect of the Moon on the water and air.. Moon LiGHT.. CBS Leslie Moonves was outsed because the original truth of Father Moon represesnting the Great Communicator.. MR tv Silver Screen ..The Original L M… / MOON Light.. M=13.. Rep Manifestor M= 13.. Light… ( See meaning of the name Robert and Ebright..Emeka means Praise .. Well Done.. Doer of Great Deed) ..The Original Father Moon.. has has been acknowledged by the play as rep myself… M L= 13 12.. 25.. Y.. Male Chromosome…And that is the original source of Light.. Not the Sun not the notion of Ra… the Sun …and Moon Light is not the actual moon bit what the moon represents…. Motion, light growth… subtleness.. Beauty… Light in the dark….

Thus here at Delta was the last challenge.. in a most cruel evil unfair play created by the Lie which did not want the truth of Past Present Future empircially proven through reason. And which of course, was the riddle they set up with the notion that no one could ever solve it… While the Truth – that force within all humanity the Wave.the Wise Child which is the basis and the root trunk of the tree of life in all Humanity.. The Conscousness of truth which was dying in this world… Bullied me forward to prove it… Yes I know ther Future becaue I kow the story… Which is how i was able to Blow you away as you put it. It is because this is a play… A Script.. which I recall and you were probably the last of my test.. 17.5 years of them.. Every day… Terrible, vile viscous…violent physical torture.. mental and pyschological torture and torments.. They threw everything at me and I will never forgive the Human Children of Truth who let it happen… did nothing to help.. resentful angry hurt by thier own suffering for knowing the truth but not able to articlate it.. And even more resentful to me when I pointed out to them that this was thier riddle.. Thier Earth School and that this is what being born in a body and coming down here was all about Discering what is true and what is false… YES N YES NO.. 1010101… Not getting caught up in that which is the play theater and forgtting that in every Productiion theater.. there is a Point…

The point was to find a universal Truth where every one could live in harmony while retaning thier own distinct unique personalities… Snow Flakes… Grain of Sand… Mustarsd Seed… Snow… Beach..(The shelter is on Beach Avenue)… forest woods…No oe left the Garden of Eden.. No one left paradise.. it was never lost… All were in a School play to understand teh point… E.H… Eternal Harmony.. how it was achieved and why that understanding is the only way back home.. Triumphant return backwards through the Child now grown up to be the wise Child called the Spirit of Eternal Youth… And through that portal.. Child Youth.. back to E.. me.. rep of Origins… I have a room mate called Yuin Chen… YC… E.Y C… Eternal Youth ( Jupiter) Child..( truth) E.T.C… I… Code for infinity.. When I am forced into these plays ..

Each day I am sent into the pit of darkness..the forgettng.. This is done by creating a non stop barrage of physical Lacks… Suffering .. food shlter love not able to even make a phone call… all taken away. By creating this illusion of lack i am forced to enhage in activties which the body requires to sustain itself..Foods soap to shower… coffee… small comforts like sleep and rest are taken from me.. This creates distraction. form the true point. Only by solving the riddle.. of the lack the play creates … do I create the light which dispells the ILLSUION of darkness.. Dark Matter.. Doubts… llusions. FEAR.. THAT i am wrong..But each time I have proven that I do not have any doubt. ah 10:26 a,m.. Dee who works here mentioned this time today as she served me a n extra heaping of the awful fare here. ( food) I knew it was relevant… Dee who worls here her name is spelt out in one of my phine numbers… 1 917 5 69… 6455… 6- D EE… F D EE.. Fifth Dimension E E.. And then I saw your message…

And so I knew that I was back in the play. And my respone to our seemingly inocent question by you- was is a set up by the Testers line of Father Guide in you called mirror ref and portal back to my world.. E.H.The portal to True Life… There is a person who messaged me at 9:18… ( I R…A.H…Actually..Confirmed by my face book friend Arthur Hur.. AH.. is the code…RELIEF..).. The person name is Gift Adekunle..G.A… John Legend won the EGOT.. E..GOT… E H/G OT… E HOT.. Eternal Harmony Original Truth/ John means Gift of The Creator… legend is the end of a Book… Log .. Adekunle means Much Praise Home.. See.. I is a Riddle.. a Log Book a Book or records.. Not real a Ledger… book of acconting balanced to Zero..Thre is no such thig as Ground Zero.. or Zero.. all there is, is the FULL Circle.. 9-11..? That was a Rebootimg of the system..A Wake up Call..

I will share this response publicly… Can not write it again…

10;39 a.m.

Seen at 10:42 a,m.

And yes Michael Rogers She never reallu went away… She, They .. ALL come back to you….

Total Recall..

11:28 a.m.

Emeka kolo… 11-28-1967.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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