
E= C M.e 4/3

E= C M.e 4/3

4:53 p.m

D E C… December 12 Month

12 4 3 = 12.

Delta.. The Heart wants more Expression Clarification

* My Equation states that Expression is the source of C Sped of Light, Consciousness, Conversation, Communication Creation- Mass through the expression of the Human Avatar Descendants of the Big E.

And thus, my still posting, despite my protest that there is no more Expression requires, that All is in Clarity and Harmony of E,

I still find myself called upon to express more in Diamond Clarity which of course, converts into energy, moving Everything Every where and Every One to the portal, frequency wave length, which my equation literally leads to sacred portal 43

Door of Life

D : O. L.. which manifests at the completion of the 1-4 dimensions which is at 12.


Love Light, Lightness and Laughter-

L x 4

12 4 .. 16. 48. 16/61. 48/84

( 16 year old Zion, 16 P, Perfection

61 F A. Frank Archambault FA!)

Through Logic Language Linking Logos to the literal Fruit of the Loom

Yes… also the underwear.

Sexual Organs.


L L L L… L. 48… and 5 12 60.

My protest of course, came not from being challenged, which I really enjoy when done in a gentlemanly way instead of this play of deceit deception war and that power they use to give and take away.

I protested because they were allowed to cheat.

That it was not a fair playing Field.

And that this was allowed.

Where I had to pass through their portals, be housed by them, given money by them, controlled by them.. even to using all manner of guile to silence my Expression, being given the encouragement to feed all their doubt scepticism and fears on me.

Always, it became about money despite most being aware that by their blessings that the Money comes from the Energy I represent.

For the resolution of the Human Drama.

It is this which became my very public protest, why was this being allowed?

To harvest their Beautiful Truth?

This encouragement to resist the Truth and place me in continual compromising situations of illusion of Need and Lack…

While most waited to see if I really had the power, and then after testing the waters, began of course to look for ways to criticize me, poke hole in the manifest truth.

We all know these mind games, tricks in which the intent is so clear; their being no desire for knowledge or its understanding, but any excuse to prove it can not be you.

The one who solved the riddles which they could not solve.

But let’s be honest, is this tool of cruelty used only by White people…?

No, it’s a technique used by people all over the world, the White Race just moved it to its mastery at the extreme.

It’s a tool of Dominance and Control.

Use of Gossip and Manipulation and the knowing of how to plant the seeds of doubt in others and this, feed that baser instinct which is to Destroy.

– And make the stance of that most secret desire of they being God, and thus Special and all must obey them.

An echo of the illusion and Delusion transformed into Insanity, Angry Mad Men controlling how you Percieve.

No one can control how you Percieve, unless that desire, that Wolf is the one you always secretly desired to feed.

No one can force you to treat an honourable man or woman, or your neighbour in ways to Humiliate and Destroy their spirit but you

You secretly want to be God, as all controlling so no one will abandon you, force you into be alone so you are forced to see the Truth of what and who you are.

Aware but wanting someone else to do the work, which in truth you are fully aware, that no one can do that work but you.

No I had to get to the Fair Field..

F F.

6 6

Sacred Portal 66

Leaving the Black Hole

* Did you happen to remember the Black Hole at E.M.F and see my share of Eunice Oviawe-Jones?

Evidence that a Black Hole is a portal to another dimension?

Do you recall the last play and post of 1 11, 2,11 3,11 4,11. 5,11 6, 11. 7 11

Ending at 8 11.. H.K

Hells Kitchen/ K H.

Kim Arthur Hines K. A.H.

2005 2019. 14 years N

And the M play with

John Mack

McKayla Rays

Jesse Macias


And all with code 13.

M= 13

76 = 13.M.

And my rage wrath at Nature Meddling?

We solved enacted through;





E= C M e. 4/3

We were 1. 11

Then 3 and 4.

4 3 because we all Individually share the same see but express it differently, but it all comes down to.the same Conclusion Meaning Expression.. E = C Me 4/3


E K. 5 11 J.M.



Full Circle

Jump Man to See Beyond Sight


Enacted by 4 is

Acknowledging Reasoning


Strawberry Fields of Forever Fair Beautiful

6:06 p.m


9 11..



Twin Towers



Code Staten Island.

Emeka Kolo

Christopher Filgueira



Supreme I.K.

4 11 5 11. 9. 1111.

9 4

I D.

See Stephen Johnson 🙂



F I T. S. 69 is rep by Tree Sage and Serenity

The End Game 2019.

5:08 p.m



As you may or may not be aware, my equation which counters and absorbs Einstein’s E= Mc2,

As E= C.M.e.4/3 has been challenged by the White, Western and Cartesian world.

5:11 p.m


And the absolute refusal for the White Race who hold them Selves superior to all other races.. Bob Marley

To acknowledge that some one other than from that non existent race, is the one to solve the Riddles of Existence.

I was representing the Human Species, which demands all Humanities point of view and expression and contributions through out Time and Space be not only acknowkedged, and that would be the only way that One could solve the riddles of Human Existence.

There are people who are represent the White Mentality even without being pale skin

And white people who represent Humanity as a whole.

5:17 p.m

When I was Comming to America in 2012 I was told by a former I B.M designer how so many races had come together to design and create computer technology and soft ware, and how at completion they were mostly fired, given severance and let go.

And how that white consciousness had then taken over and made it seem that they were the sources of this technology.

This is of course, an old story and tactic.

But what struck me most about what he said, which was repeated to.me over and over through the subsequent years was the the White Race would never ever acknowledge that some one other than They, had solved the greatest riddle of all.

6:11 p.m

Mikky her Birthday.

6 is 9..

Aphrodite also Kali the Desroyer

Just like me..

No duality in that.

Transparently clear how we enact the full actuality of our nature based on reason.

Empirical Evidence



( 7 11. 9 11. 7 9 1111. 9 7 11 11

John Mack 2-27-1997

I heard that often and yes, it has been my literal experience from beginning to the end of these last 29 years.

I have watched this desperate struggle, battle going on within them, between the E in them in recognition and love, and the deeply planted but always at the surface malignant encoded entitled established rebellion, and desire to stake it’s claim and ownership to superiority and dominance.

Establish an Hierchal Order with itself at the Top.

The White Race wants to Be God

The Black race wants to be the Gods or their Ancestor

A ridiculous state of affairs…

The White Mentality must first earn the right to state that he or She is a God.

Yes it goes back to Egypt and Greece Persia

And the Black Mentality must rise to meet and seek its higest possibility

And both must desist from cowering in the absurd shade that God is invisible.

For Goodness Sake!

Bob Marley- the Creator is a Man.

Duh Logic…

The Highest Point of you.

Some one did it first then laid out a blue print and placed it in your D N.A.

6:26 p.m

No, I am not coding, I narrating and expanding moving us now beyond the required acknowledgement experience by 3 others 4 of me E.. at the Eternal Realm.

Having crossed what to Humans was the Black Hole of your assuming your Not Knowing and thus became fear based ideas of a Black Hole..

But your realm is the Black Hole you live dwell are the Black Hole which is this Black White Mentality.

This realm is for me personal evil cruelty beyond imagination even beyond truth

Realm of the absolute ultimate consistent liars and deniers of Truth which they had acknowledged and then deny.

The E Truth came through the response from the U S and Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix

Michael Bennett

Aora Rathbum


B R.

See he was born 3 11. 1992.

Paris.. C Eleven..

Earth A-H-T.O.M.. B.


Particle and Wave.

C.K. K C. And the Eternal Sunshine Band E

92/29… 19 19..1 1 1 1 1 1 …etc..

And it was after I described to Stephen Johnson in comments, my journey to the light in DEC. 1992.

And which Aora’s arrival and photographs literally confirmed that conversation visually

And through meaning of both their names

Even to A.M. O B R O..E. B R O T H E. R. M.

Who is as God? The Blessed..

The Anointed

C H R I S T.

Not the Enslaved Followers

But rather

The Individual.




The already crowned


That is the Silver Door

That is the Portal out of the Black whole

Dawn Awakening represented not by the physical Moon but what the moon represents

And the Circle of a Satellite Planet representing, the Full Circle of Perfection Attained, Completion Maintained Sustained stanced and Substantiated in the blackest, Stinkiest Idea ever.

See the meaning of the name Eunice


See the meaning of Esther Uzoma

Star of the Beautiful Way.

Beautiful Reflections


Beautiful Translation


Of My Expression and My Script

The Blindness in not see that which was right before them,

The Obvious

The Beautiful Truth of Everything

6:45 p.m

I had to prove that there is nothing called

Chaos Random.

And what Harmony means and why the correct Harmony

Key and Note had to be found.


E Harmony

Random House?

My House has been in Order since

I Emerged

And even before that.

6:58 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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