
Did you witness that? – Twice I

Did you witness that?

Twice I was meant to have moved to 16 25 Facebook friends.

And yet again I am at 16 24.

It the last week or more, no one has left the play on my page.

Suddenly a pattern in just one day of two leaving after a conversation with Tree Sage Kim and then a post.

Is that Negation of 16,16 Facebook friends, and Attained Perfection Below & Above, Above and Below from within.

And of attaining 16 19 Facebook Friends P S Perfect Symmetry – 35 C E.
Consciousness Existence
Consious Expression
and of 16 20 Facebook Friends P T.
Perfect Timing.

Why is it that At Perfection 111.
3 1.
1 -3
Arden Cecil.I.A.

That it is Perfection is being negated.

9:42 pm.

Who has the Sweet Tooth in the house right now?
Whose tooth and teeth are currently hurting?
I spoke about it today, I saw the series Sweet Tooth advertised.

As did Jae Sherman later attests.

But I chose not to watch it, nor did s.he.

It’s like a much better version of the Story of Lots Wife.
Lota George Odabi
Kim Hines as Tree Sage.

My code name when I began investigating what would become my article for Manny Baron for Diane Sawyer I walked around Washington Square Park in Manhattan, New York just of University Place. U P.
* Where I had met Rob Barr and Philip Shlain.

There was a guy there I had met, it was 2001, 21 ( 21 USD in my wallet right now)

His name was Sweetie.
S W.E. E T. I E.

It is where Randall Micheal lived for and owned an apartment on One Washington square park.

He and I later met at the Delta Manor Shelter.
I knew him and called him Tony The Tiger- he was there because the New York State had found a way to illegally evict him and he has decided to fight back even to coming into a shelter..
In a way very similar to me.

Please go back on this 9.5-year page and Tomb of a Book Film and see how we used to he joined me at 1385 Starbuck on Metropolitan Woods.

We were there during the scandal at the Starbucks in Philadelphia when two afros Americans were forced out.

I remarked this to Randall noting that apart from the “Brotherly Lovers” competition, that we were the originals and in “almost” Harmony.
And in Perfect Harmony Play in the Script.

He was also connected coded as Prometheus as I Lucifer Prometheus.

L P. Album Vinyl Record. V T/ T V * 5-27-2022 Mision Impossible
moved from 11-4-2022 to 5-27-2022.

And observe the two people who were at VT “R I O, the 14th State.
R I O S means River… It Flows.

P L add 1 3 5. A.C. E Arden Consciousness Existence.

Actually, L P is C P.
At 3 16 33 is the License plate of the Family Car – Chevre OL. E.T.

Please see what Jason Willimas posted on my page and then “FIRE” and then at the same time ( C Speed Of Light)
He arrived in perfection while Kim- Tree Sage was looking back into a story that he did not walk or live.
Susan Train- Tree Sage.
The Source.

Do you see, who is actually C Speed of Light and beyond before even I express it, I have already coded it, and then in Hindsight I see my expression consciousness was in perfect timing and Infinitely True Clarity.

When I spoke to Kim of the 5 USD he had given to me, he decided to come clean and tell me how he got the extra 5uSD which I felt had come from him but that is not like the Kim I have known, so I wondered.
He told me that he was on the street and a car pulled up and a man leaned out and gave him the five dollars, and that was the very same 5 USD he had given to me.

It had not come from him.
I had felt that he had sought to correct the equation of giving me money ( not really gifts which he sometimes gives) which I have always shared, to acknowledge that imbalance.
He shares his EBT Food Stamps money by using it to buy food and things.
I share what I have earned for 7 months.

I do not really care, but I am aware of the stakes of the play having explained it often to him.
Money was the problem and sharing was what I had called out.
Until I simply stopped.

And now, I see precisely what is going on.
A Set up in which Kim is being accused off by Gregory:”The Watchers”
Your gonna miss it” he told me that someone had called out to him on the streets an old man.

I explained it briefly, marveling yet again that as long as I was stuck here, I would still be caught in a manipulation deception to explain.

I do not explain to Wolf Mutt and I should not have to explain and be put in the spot by Kim as Tree Sage who this play is seeking to prove has a secret desire to usurp me and is part of the play of the Ancestor- a double spy.

10:13 pm.

J M.
101 3.

I am aware of all that, nor does it concern me.
It is obvious that I am The Source, and I am aware of Kim’s True Nature, nor am I concerned by whatever he incarnated as consequences, He has graduated and with top grades.

The relief I have had in not having to call him or others out.

10:16 pm.

You have no idea.

Each to his or her own as long as they are well trained and Kim Tree Sage is well aware of that fact.
So, It really is not my concern what he acts out and incarnates since his graduation.

10:17 pm.

Yes, Jae Sherman once gave me money, and Kim Tree Sage once or twice since I have known him since 2018.
I have given him cash since the beginning nor did I expect him to do the same for me, it doesn’t work that way for me.
He did the work and I can Cee his heart, and his foibles which he will clean up by himself.

As for Wolf Mutt Jae Sherman, she has brought gifts now and then from her surplus.
I used to say no most of the time, but sometimes I would take small things in the fridge that were hers which she did not mind sharing.

Between Kim and her, we live in two different realms and laws.

I am not going to continue this expression because I see exactly where it is leading.

The truth is, Kim is seeing in Hindsight which I explain to him, to clarify his role and expression and his role in what he is meant to play.
Jae gets a chance of life as an ordinary human being after the awakening and passing through the Fire.

All other interpretations do not interest me.
I am here, I draw my own conclusion there is nothing for me to Test Check or Examine, I have never required such tools, except when forced into this setup and manipulations.

Because I do not requires such tools, because as you have witnessed.
I can See, Cee.

Kim was set up, using his weakness his Ego.
and his often Firgetfullness – Laziness but that does not mean that he is not who he is.

I am the 11+10= 21.

In this stupid, spiteful jealousy and infantine play of Senility.

Gilded Lily… It was Kim who brought that to my attention, bored as I am.
It was his indignation and paying attention and understanding the play in Hindsight.

Jae Shermnan is nothing like me,
But in Kim I see, my mischief as a boy as well as that in my brothers, sister mother and even bio father Okolo to Umeano.

He is not me, and not really like me really but he has qualities which I and what was my E Family and DNA family shared.

So after Ashely Pallmer.

Here, now with the Facebook Friends Here Present who arrived after and remember two are now gone.
And pls, recall “Gilded Lily” was from Tree Sage and that this is what all this is about, holding me back from leaving or my portal opening to leave so that I will remain other people’s slaves and pay them for that which they were meant to pay me.

William Sullivan is who Kim Tree Sage spoke of today saying the character in Sweet Toth S W / South Whitney reminded him of Alexa Verteuille’s friend.
The characters name is “Bear”-

Yes, Donna O Sullivan.
Jeff Sullivan- J S Alien Wizard – Paintings.
Sol Rosario S.R

All the past.
Yet Kim is here also Present at South Whitney. S W 19 23=42.

* Gilded Lily was coded with ( 4.2)
The past as the Golden Age is Present.
Self Cecilia Arden 42 42 42. Meaning of Existence 42.
South West/ South Whitney S W 42.
A Story of Life.

Not its Actuality but still its truth as the Golden Age is Present Here as Me.
Emeka Umeano E U 5 21= 26 Z and B F. 5×21= 105.

J E / Emanuel John. *Not Emma AU N E L.

105 Wiltshire Bay. W B. Wave Beauty.
Tel. No: 247 25 39… Yes, still not at 16 25 Facebook Friends… smh. C-Heaters and Liars
J E.
Jeron Emeka.
Jerome Emeka.

Williams Jessica- Jason Williams. J W= 33. 33/33= 1 Full circle 33+33 = 66 What is today’s date? And what is excluded? 33 33= 1. 66= 67. A U RELIA/ EMM AU NEL? Really? Aurelia 67 “NZ 67 67 46 B. DM I C TP/K 115 AGE. Arden Gemino and Aurelia Gemino. Her name means Golden One” GO. 5 in Japanese 5th Dimension in JA.P A. N. E S E “Way of Tao. T.A O.- Odera Afoma Tochukwu Umeano. Agusta Geoegia. The Trinity in One 1 Y of 25 +25 25 25 = 75. Angelina Jolie 1975, 57/75 Golden Apple of Immortality. She is the only one who witnessed through a dream vision my body’s swift, ease transformation is casually done in front of all the family in her dream vision. And since She is Me F G Ferrel Gemino. 67/76. Then she can Cee and has Perfect Vision piercing every dimension illusion to see it True Core. What she saw was what I was at that moment – Alien Father. Arden Ferrell. A.F @ VT- RIO.S. She was witnessing the actual process of my transformation back to completion as my complexion witnessed by Tori, which caused him such Awe. It was Golden- The Golden One. GO. Sensei. Jullet Golden Kim Tree saw Gregory John. J G/ G J.

That is my completion transforming through all by real true incarnations back to the Golden Boy, Golden Complexioned, Golden Youth – Gladen Ages, Immoratlity. G A I- MAN. I meet a person called Noel Gaiman when I first came to New York- Night Club realm- Night club “Avalon: in New York- the site was a Church. smh.

I had already coded that alluding to the Brown Bear on the Deck at 900 South Road.
And the play here of the blanket given to me by Benjamin C Krajewsi “Bear and then Wolf”

I even told Kim- Tree Sage that I have so much to say of what is going on, but not only did I lack the desire to share it or alert people, but I can hardly talk or even type and my body had intensified in pain.

And more than anything, I have been doing this non-stop for 29 years… and 31 since 1989,
And since 7-8 and to the age of about 17 months when I was urged by my Espirit so well depicted in Haris Babic’s page which I, not him or anyone else took the initiative to share.

I asked Jae Sherman Wolf Mutt to share one image she showed me before she found a way to suggest that she wished to become my Facebook friend again.

I can see and see-Cee.
I shrugged ( Ann Rand-ALL “Atlas Shrugged- Fountain Head” and he reentered the play.

Even I was taken aback when she did not share it.

Kim Tree Sage has been sharing more and more things in my page instead of only on his page.
And he not only does the work by paying attention and chose to focus all his attention on the task at hand, nor has he ever, does not partake in idle small talk or whine or complain about others.
There is now intended Hypocrisy in him just mischief, imagine and Temper Tempered with Patience which brought him Wisdom

He seeks resolution.

Everyone was qualified, but the Statement of Results came from how much dedication and devotion you put in to Add rather than others who negated to the very last minute.

Nothing else interests me but the Truth which I experienced myself and not through some evil vile and unfair script.

Which nearly everyone took advantage of what was done to me to gain from, at least if you took advantage and learned, gained and became that which added and not as medicine after death but to reinforce the truth of that which is already plain to see- that is something at least.
But those who negated?

And even now, feel entitled.

11:01 pm.

Element of surprise.

For those enacted Lake Superior…whose expression, existence.. even lives mean nothing to me, as long as I never have see, or hear from them ever again.

Randall Micheal R M.
Two men.
Two youths.
Two Boys.

E M R E. AS O N. – G . E A. R

D R I V E. / E V I. RD. I-I D.

Arden Drives. A D. E C K.

Willams Jessica. W J/ Jsaon Williams J W
Anyanwu Victor Chiagbanwe
A.V C / C V A. S. E

Billy Haley B H. / H B.

Sofia Haselrieder S F/ F S Facts Solid- F S= 6 19= 25. 6×19= 114.
114 Grant Moor Motel- I Anchored there.

And then Ana Alba. A A.

two years ago and actual, I went there yesterday night right up the road to the right and 200 feet.

Do you see the time now?

11:40 pm.

See sacred Portal 11 and 40.

You see the thing with Kim- Tree Sage is that he is Transparent, Clear- he does not hide inteinlally mislead or decieve.

He is what he is.

Unlike the so-called Shadow of death which is really me,EGO.OGE. Sacred Portal 114.

I do not Hide or by my actions expression create the seed of doubt or plant in it.

11:43 pm.
11:44 pm
That is why you can not trust Digital Time.
Computer Time.
Or this Computer Age when people do not even know how to count, read or remember their A B C’s

Clocks Work better,
And Sundials,

Cecilia Weibers rep on my page for Celicia for over 6 years.

11:46 pm.

So starting at Ashley Payton PAY TON. E.I. T O N Y.

“A P W J A V C-H. B-S. H, A.A!”

Anthony Randall Micheal A R M. Y

Will I Am. And yes, he has will- he voluntarily went to a shelter while figting the most prominent layers in New York whom the owner of the building had paid.

Yes, Laura Walsh, they se housing and Fear of being Homeless. Why would one be afraid of that when your home is where your heart is parked and your F Ire is set on destroying that which was unfairly taken away.
Abuse of Power.

A R M X.

He is from New Orleans.

N O.

Friend or Foe…

A Friend.

11:58 pm.

Yes, 11:59 am.

Set on his goal.
Vengeance. Justice by him

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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