
Death is the PAST and the Illusion which had to be conquered.

Death is the PAST and the Illusion which had to be conquered.

October 3rd…. 2O 14


Code C.J…N.


OI NRI Jesus Christ…

O1 Nnaemeka Yeshua Christ… O.I..N.Y.C.

I have a New Face Book Friend, Daizy Vivienn

Daizy means Days Eye

Vivienn means, Alive

Sentence, The Days Eye is Alive

The Days Eye could be seen as the Sun- but to me it really is the All seeing I of Consciousness.

D.V…. O.E….. D.O.V.E.

D.V= 4 22…

Welcome to this Sacred Page Daizy.

There is a New movies out today called Left Behind which deals with Tribulations which is when the Holy Spirit leaves the world and when Christ has come back and passed Judgement on the world.

My work has always been about the beautiful present, which means that that the Past the present and the future area all one point…

Which I call perfect timing.

Harmony Infinity.

Yet, as many who know me and have witnessed in this Face book play, something more powerful than my conscious mind has taken over my conscious mind to bring forth information and knowledge which has sought to align my lifes journey ( which i also gave evidence had been taken over and that not only could I read it through the patterns it created of my life, but that I was perceiving that while living in the present I was seeing that I was simultaneously living in what may be perceived as the past by each experience and each place and each person I was lead to encounter.

I began to understand, and a great tug of war ensured with my seeking to live my life, while be dragged to the past to solve riddles of the Existence to prove through the truth of the Illusion of of TIME called the Matrix in which the illusion of the past which is death could be defeated.

Each dimension presented a riddle in which I was finally led to Facebook to play out before the whole world, a play with Existence Known and Existence True…

Existence Known is the Truth of the Past…

Existence True is the Existence of the past proven always present and True.

Beyond Existence… is the Subconscious which I find I had to prove is the knowledge of beyond the So called Big Bang…

Death are the Creation stories which are not aligned to truth created by man in his dreaming in learning how to BE IN existence before he could awaken from his dreaming which became the dream of Death.

The Past story of thus Jesus Christ who is represented in all cultures thus, had to be aligned to truth.

Right to the first Jesus Story which has its origins in this reality to the O.I.NRI People of West Africa and not East Africa where your Current president is from…

(The Error of the past Origins of man and the promised land Aligned)

But beyond the O.I.Nri story or this World first Creation story is the true story of the one who rose and conquered Death as Non existence.

This one who first rose as the first being, which brought Existence and Manifest Creation into being.

All the stories of Creation represented for Example in the code of NRI legend which speaks of Erie and His son NRI…

it is not their actions of legends which contains the key to the original Creation of Existence and everything but rather the names meaning…

And thus, this play has all been about name meaning and the One being summoning as witnesses ppl born in this current age, are unaware that the Supreme Being is summoning them through their subconsciousness to the play he first Created which made them rise.

Each person is unaware that they are being summoned and it is myself as Emeka Conscious and aligned with my Subconscious, fully aware of what He or it is doing by having been forced by my life imposed on me to study my own naturalness and what my subconscious self is saying and doing…Linking and forcing me to weave.

The People and the meanings of their names and their perfect timing, I have observed are reforming the exact equation of the very first manifestation of Existence…

Which is the Actual meaning of the name Erie… Manifestor and the name Nri meaning Manifestation of the Ideal

The Supreme Consciousness which moves through me, has fought for me to prove that the true manifestation and the manifestation of the ideal had already been achieved through not only the manifestation of Heaven and Earth Universe Existence Cosmos…

But also through Humanity and life.

That the idea is True Nature and True love which is a consciousness and being that each already have.

The only thing left was this awareness of consciousness and being to be brought forth from our Sub Conscious state to our conscious state.

And that is the battle and the Evolution Awakening I have been compelled to prove no matter how much i have sought to escape such a destiny.

Why fight such a destiny?

Because since Manifestation and the Manifestor have already realized all that was required of him, my natural being is one really of the same alignment of this force which rises in me… which is to Celebrate Dance being in Existence.

Instead, I have been forced to enter into the incredibly evil stories created my first the notion of Woman as Memory Birth- but as Death ( Earth Mother Illusion and record keeper) and then through Man as Sky Gods.. Both Fractuals or the children of the first reflection of the source, The big Bang as light and the Darkness which surrounded it- called Light and dark… Both Illusions…

These Reflections of the source were created so that all aspects of his Creation could understand how to BE in Existence which the blue print was everywhere in his creation to see… Harmony.. contd

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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