
Dear Okechukwu J.O.

Dear Okechukwu J.O.

Two rainbows one thick and the other faint represent in the E story the Two colors of the Human and the Hues Man Espirit now rising to merge into 1.

If you recall in the Bible story there was a covenant between God and No Ah to never destroy the world with water…

Instead the world was prophesized to be destroyed with fire…

If man did not keep is covenant with God.

What is the Covenant between God and Man?

It was to listen and Respect God.

It was the Friendship between God and Man.

God being Consciousness.

Expression True Consciousness.


And Man as the I.D of the Individual…

A play just took place between two people who acknowledged the sacred portal 97.

Micheal and Moira…


Both represent the number 13.

(M is the 13th Letter)

Recall Kieth Grant gave me 13 USD back..

Recall also how through out this play only Men have felt moved to send me financial aid.







And not a single female until recently


I do not need peoples money.

Not only because as a Human I am immediately qualified to earn my own income

(I have a 17 page Curriculum Vitae Re-Sum-E)

And because I represent the Source of Abundance.

This was a Test.

Set up by another not by me.

A test and insult so alarming to even S HE who set this test up because they did not foresee such an outcome so insulting to the of what has been done to the meaning of Value and Worth…

Thus, Okechukw…

Where your very name represents this Equation Gift of The Creator

O.K. Creator…

While I also acknowledge your humanity Okechukw for posting this.

You see the Covenant with God and Man was to to Evolve to Harmony.

The thick Rainbow represents Humanity 1-2-7..the ROYGBIV…

The light one represents the H.U E.S..

Aurora Borealis… A.B.

Evolution of Consciousness I..

C.I required the Human desire to study the art and Science of Harmony.

The H was missing

Its understanding was the Gap between The C and the I.


C H.I..




This Facebook play was created as a Challenge to my Truth that man is the I.D of Huemanity not Woman who is the Beautiful illusion of Man.

Woman challenged me and my Brothers supported her…

*See Sacred Portal 4O.

See Sacred portal 13..Manipulation…

Micheal and Moira…

Micheal was moved by the Truth as a Man who had investigated for 15 years to acknowledge from his 15 years the Truth of my Expression but the possibility of my Being the Source.

Where as Moira was moved by the E Xhineke in her..the E line of me.

And the play was about who was aware and paying attention.

Micheal The True Mann was moved by his own effort …

And recognized my Truth.

While Woman was given the advantage of Espirit moving her a great power and all she had to do was listen watch what her E spirit was telling her…read.

She had the symbol of creation with her..

Man had to work to raise it…

Perhaps this is why she became manipulative and arrogant.

Why she was worshipped and why man felt she had betrayed Existence and Creation because she did not know what she was talking about when she channeled…She acted as the Oracle and says she is a Channel but actually acts like the Source

But this Woman is really the other side of Man who could not see that side of himself his Femininity his Creativity his nurturing side..

Man as Mother

Man is Woman…

I was forced to abstain from Woman for 15 years no sex…

I was forced abstain from sex and to explore male sensuality..

No I did not have sex with male or Female but I was asked to clean up the perversion of male love by exploring it in the Spirit world.

The Experience…was made awful just horrible because I was taken to the realm of mans repressed desire to explore physical intimacy…

I always knew that Woman was man in disguise…

I knew the True aspect of woman is called Lady

I wrote about this again and again.

Even my forced celibacy from woman and my refusal to explore it with men physically was because SEX had been perverted…

And I am Sex itself.

It was torture so hard but so simple.

I love sex too much to sacrifice it to itself as a lie…

Donna represents my finally entering the Dimension of Lady who are only being born here now as a Consciousness because they had to wait for the completion of Man Woman.

M.W Milky Way..

See Men.

1:46 pm.

*Clay Street.

Thus this has been play of MW…


MM is not 26 8..

It is MW . 13+23…36..C.F.

MM +W= 26+13…39….C.I.

WW+M…46+13…59..E I..

C.F=I Nikolai Tessla.

C I Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna

Emeka Ikemefuna…

Donna O’Sullivan

C F D…C 64-46

C.I.D… C 49-94

C …I.D.. .

Chukwuemeka I…D.

From bed 49/94…

Thus through Micheal O’Donnell.

I got my I.D affirmed.

Moira texted me at 1O:49 A.M with


The Elegant Nomad…DI in Igbo means IS

She also sent me a video with Intials I S…

Thus, 49 was affirmed and completed as well as affirmation of Sacred portal 97 by both Micheal and Moira Espirit but not her human self..

Nor was she fully aware of what her Espirit had revealed to her despite my explaining it to her she ignored it ..Could not hear me see me feel me.

Everyone say Micheal Jonn and Donna do this in every level…

2:22 p.m.

Micheal O’Donnell Humanity acknowledged me…

But only Moira Espirit acknowledged me..


Thus the two rainbows are as Kevin G Gordon and Kieth Grant.

Two Rainbows of 1-7 is 14.

Add the Individual as a Seven Chakras..source of the two Rainbows..

7+7+7=21..U. Universe

I represent 8-8-8..


If you notice I had three Face book friends who came as 324 recall…

XXX.. 1O;1O:1O…


3O:97 U.S.D.

Fritz Venneiq

F V.



V is 5-E

The three were Kimberly Cloclasure, Alex Reyenga- Kieth Granted..

K.C…A K…1..11..

Kolo Chukwuemeka

11-1…the 1.

Thus on Sunday The play switches from the Lie of Woman Supreme to The Truth of Man and the Truth that his twin self is not a Woman or a Tramp She is A Lady.

And The E man is a Gentle man Man Warrior.






L.A BB (V)…C I.

LA Victorious ..C I.

Lave…Wash yourselves before speaking to me..

Aryana Luna Leon said that to me before calling me that she had to take a shower first.

Thank you for your Intel

OK Chukwu.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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