
Dawn Piercy

Dawn Piercy

Anthony Bienke

Susanta Nayak

Rakibul Islam Rakib

Ventus Blackstone

5 people, liked my post of 5:46 p.m Yesterday.. Code E D F…

Emeka David Francis…/ Fifth Dimension Emeka…

This is the code currently on my page…

4 6 42…. That is the code on my page.

4 Friends requests.. 6 messages and 42 likes on my World Icon.

The Time is now 7:06 p.m.


See sacred portal 76…

Now take the names of the 5 people who liked my last post, each of whom I have made a Divine connection with as well as Human…D.H…

And you will see not only code from initials to meaning.

I know why I was brought back here today, it was so that Peter Nyarkô could make his gesture with the coffee through Robert Vlaun who is no longer my facebook friend.

The coffee he brought me was a code 61 on it which was yesterdays coffee number, which I rejected.

7:11 p.m,

I reject it still, but i took the coffee, and I informed him that he made a choice, and for that choice there is consequence.

That he had made it lighter by offering me a coffee, without apologizing or cleaning up his mess, means nothing to me except that it simply confirms that which I always knew, that his heart is pure, but not his expression.

I hold nothing again Robert or Leo…they were used in a play and they each chose to to stay out of this play while doing and giving that which their hearts moved them to..

Thus there is no rage from me in store, just consequence for their choices….

Out of the youth the only one who remains is Jace Horsford and Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis…. J.K H… J Q L…

J J K Q…H L… 10 10… 11 17…8 12…

Age 24 and 21… X.U…

No one believed me, but after presenting the evidence to the world and to people who each had their truth certain people did come over to my side.

Became Loyal to me, because the evidence was in their own lives.

There is only one person out of all these who sustained me who sustained me in all dimensions in this play and that was Dawn Piercy… D P… 4-16… Which is the bed I was in.. and Yuen Chen is on…

i did not need anyone to believe me, my gift of sharing was a gift of the greatest Love of all, and this play was about unveiling your Truth.

This was all set up… Peter Nyarkô is brilliant and chose to listen to gossip, to Brenda born 1961… Yet it is i am who am the one his Espirit gave the code of the 61… The Abyss the Void…

Because it is I who went into it… and cleaned up the film over the eyes to reveal the true.. The Truth…

The Door to True Life… Link Sacred portal 43… and my true Age in this Play 50.. EO.S…

Yesterday a play took place where Quanma’e Lewis asked me my age, saying that he had no idea what my age was and that he saw me in the same way as he saw himself…

He then guessed… 40?

I said higher… he said 50 ..

That was the age the man who was 43 who I sat in front of on April 30th.. 4-30… 43.. S.P.. 43… Called me after saying my his age was 43… And he complimented me saying that he found it difficult to belief that I was 50… It was of course, his E-spirit acknowledging that I was, am the portal..

7-28 P.M… Peter has the energy of my sister line…

All the same wave length, which is how Robert Karl Murphy understood that I was the same person as his Big Brother… but an evolution of him who passed at 39… He went Home to Galaxy I O I I… C I…. Just as I knew and know I go home…

Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon

Kevin G Gordon born the same date…. but who in went too far in her belief and in her Lie, that she as woman came first…

When she knew the truth….

See the expression of Ventus Blackstone and the action of his sister and my response to it.. P.N.. 16 14… 30…See sacred portal 30…

It shows how man transformed into Woman.. shape shifted but she can not transform into man.

It shows the Truth which she originally rejected how she stormed out….

But Robert Karl Murphy came nearby and then said no, you are 52…

I and Quanma’e Lewis were startled.

Recall that Q had adominished Karl once already for his bad manners… or forgetfulness, at whom he was addressing…

I turned to Kark who said it again, my insides going cold…

Q, turned on him, you are now telling the man his own age..

I said to Q, that he is correct in a way… of the play of the Lie…

There was a quiet rage which rose in me, this was the challenger, the Evil.. The Matrix.. the One who I despised speaking through him…

I said where did you get that intel..

52 is 1965… it is the code of a Female Alien rep of my A-Lien sister digging the Pit…

66 is actually me in the past… Francis Frick… bed 4-017-4-018…

It was bed4-018 last hear when I was there an on bed 4-016…

4 4 00.. 11 68….

7:43 p.m…. 68 David… 47… Cecilia…

11… That is the age Quanma’e Lewis said he morphs into after he and I said together, that I morph into age age 33…

And Robert acknowledged…

But I no longer trusted him…

It was the voice in me .. it whispered that to me.. 52…

52 is code E B… Which is Emeka Brennan… Link the actor in the film The Mummy…T M…

That is the name we called our Mother when we were children- and revert to it sometimes in moment of vulnerability… I was fully aware that when that movie came out, that it represented that something had been done to my Mother, mummified…

I knew and recorded my findings here because what happens to my mother happens to me…

And my journey was all linked to my body being mumified.. With the use of Resins, which is the material Todd, the first person I chose to live with that second day I arrived in New York, and Chucky told me that I had to leave the apartment which had been arranged for me to stay in…3-21-2001 St John Divines J D.. 10 4.. 14… N.. 5.. E.. 7:51 p.m 7:52 p.m.

7:54 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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