
Damnnnn can not believe how far this has gone…

Damnnnn can not believe how far this has gone…

Making me use words instead of symbols to manifest Evolution of the Cee of Harmony Choir…

Blue Yellow Red…Brown Black Colored..E

B.Y R..(.A.H )..B.B.C..E.

Meaning Being of the Year..

I represent the year, Leap year, the month.the Day the Noon Mid day Evening Night. Dusk Daen twighlight Dream time Day Dream Shafe Light Hour Minutes seconds etc…All Time

Time full stop.

By R..A.H…

Orange Al…Omega Alpha…

Green Nikoma…G.N…

Alain De Long…Me…

Thus this A Venue at 4th St is not only the full Circle of where Universe began as U but also Collective Consciousness..

Chukwu Chi. N Eke…Eke being the O Penis Pyrhon and the First Market Day…in creation.


A Harmless Serpent represenative of the first Bkackness..Death…

When you close your eyes transparency turns Blue red Black..and the portsl of the tunnel as the screen saver on my phone given to.me as a gift are the yellow rays of lines of vision of passing through the rays of the sun…son…through what seems like a black hole but is merely you closing your eyes and transported to.another realm of Existence called Dreaming…Sleep..

Not Death…going beyond youth to.become a man..

Only one being can go.to the end to.become a Man… That is M.E..I

Emeka Nnamdi…the two in one…

And that is the truth of how the Planets were and was formed…and the Creation.of your world a Dream…

While mine…the one I go to is a Fantasy Real…


French Kiss… 6 11..66 123..

Alpha Bet City was this universe created by me to show you all.how to read…

No more of this Class Room

Time to.return ro my Elgant Gracefully Grateful Classy Room…Nnamdi…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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