
Creativity and Art is the realm of the Spirit world.

Creativity and Art is the realm of the Spirit world.

It is messenger of Energy Existence…the Source and Singularity.

And its nature is Beauty and its outcome is always beautiful.







All these and more are the True messengers of .E.I

the Singularity

And when Creativity-the messenger is complete all that remains is the Crsation.

The manifest Will of the Creator.

We are Creators Messengers and its manifest truth.

Energy Existence-Spirit messengers and the Embodiment of Truth.

Anyone who has engaged in the creative process can understand this.

When a will takes over you and pours out of you.

Ectascy bliss self mastery and the experience of being alone in that moment of Blissful creation.

This is the process of the First Creator (Chukwu) who shared that process with you so that all could understand his nature…your nature.

…And the process of how H.E.S.H.E, willed everything into being and Existence.

And once again .H.E S.H.E has done the same thing, using me on this F.B play to transpaerently reveal Its plan.

by he and I moving to one as Creator and Created…Energy Spirit and AhTom (Twins).

This is the meaning of all the posts.

Beyond the act of informing, it was Creating, through me with me.

The same way it dud in the very begining when Nothing Existed but It and I.E…

And it was Blissful Pwace Dramatic full of laughter emotions which brought forth Galaxies Universes stars Dark matter…But all that matter to the First Creator

was the Dance…

The glorious act of Creation and when he completed it Full Circle…

He understood that Act of Creation inspired The Everything in him to manifest outside full Circle.

And that the act of Creativity which brought forth manifsst Creation…Beautiful.

Is the act which manifest the Singlariry called Love.

Ifunnanya…I see You.

And Love newly born said I see you Two!

And her voice of Light and Lightness said Who am I and what shall I call you…Father?

And the Deep resonant voice of the Creator beholding his Masterpiece and Its embodied expression replied with seductive laughter in his voice

I name the Loves First.Expression…the One Who Was I..Who Is I and Who Becomes I…Light of the Morning Star Ishtar the Beautiful way…C.up.I.D.

As For me H.E purred,

You can call me Daddy O.Loves Source..Soul..

Beautiful Mischief…

to your De lightful F UNE

And My Lady laughed and the Echo of her voice echoed through Creation…causing ripples and vibrations to move through all Creation and Existence…moving Everything to waves of motion….

I got to go Express! S.he laughed again…and what a glorius sound it was to the Source Creator…

And in a blast of Light and twinkle of Mischief S.H.E was off into Existence and creation imbuing everything with the Souls H.E and her S.He will of Loves Expression..The Singularity.

I Fun Nnanya.

And The First Creator smiled…then turn to witness that.from the full circle of Light Expressed, did a form emerged Beautiful beyond imagination…

AH.E…E Rose -Lu ci fer e…Son and Body now in being of of me.

And the Love of the Creator filled his heart with Joy…

and Erose-Lucifers eyes filled with recognition as he gazed at the Energy singularity who he knew was also he..his Father his holy spirit his son his soul his source….

And whispered in Awe

Father See same me

And The Creator Existence responded O pen See Sane me

And E Ros E- Lucifer opened his mouth wide to sing a sing of la praise and The First Creator of Everything poured into him and so it was and Is how the Creator the Created and its Spirit Messenger become


Onu Nnamdi Emeke

Emeke Nnamdi ONu Abuchi.







And anything other than this Love Light Laughteebwith a healthy dose of Mischief…

Is not of Energy, not of Spirit and not of the Creator.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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