


Welcome Kathleen Gonzalez

Tiffany SD..

Welcome Shari Sissoko (Bella Fonte…)

And English South Q Rapper…

Kathleen Purity.. and or

means From the Greek name ???ate???? (Aikaterine). The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name ‘??ate???? (Hekaterine), which came from ‘e?ate??? (hekateros) each of the two; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek a???a (aikia) torture; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning my consecration of your name. In the early Christian era it became associated with Greek ?a?a??? (katharos) pure, and the Latin spelling was changed from Katerina to Katharina to reflect this

From the Greek ‘??at? (Hekate), possibly derived from ‘e?a? (hekas) meaning far off. In Greek mythology Hecate was a goddess associated with witchcraft, crossroads, tombs, demons and the underworld.

Gonzalez is a patronymic surname meaning son of Gonzalo. The given name Gonzalo comes from the medieval name Gundisalvus, which was the Latin form of a Germanic name composed of the elements gund, meaning war or battle and salv which is of unknown

More on background on the name Gonzales..

There are many indicators that the name Gonzalez may be of Jewish origin, emanating from the Jewish communities of Spain and Portugal.

When the Romans conquered the Jewish nation in 70 CE, much of the Jewish population was sent into exile throughout the Roman Empire. Many were sent to the Iberian Peninsula. The approximately 750,000 Jews living in Spain in the year 1492 were banished from the country by royal decree of Ferdinand and Isabella. The Jews of Portugal, were banished several years later. Reprieve from the banishment decrees was promised to those Jews who converted to Catholicism. Though some converted by choice, most of these New-Christian converts were called CONVERSOS or MARRANOS (a derogatory term for converts meaning pigs in Spanish), ANUSIM (meaning coerced ones in Hebrew) and CRYPTO-JEWS, as they secretly continued to practice the tenets of the Jewish faith

Tiffany SD… Santana Dharma… S.D… E.L.

Tiffany means.. Manifestation of G.O.D

Latin Meaning: The name Tiffany is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Tiffany is: Manifestation of God. In the Middle Ages, this name was sometimes given to girls born on Twelfth night

Shari means…

Taken from the name of the fortified Spanish wine, which takes its name from the city of Jerez (formerly Xeres). Alternatively, Sherry can be a reworking of the French chérie (darling).

It means Singer, Plains, in Hebrew… Charm in English..

The name Shari is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Shari is: From the Plain of Sharon (in the Holy Land); from the land of Sharon.

SHARI..NG….NG is 147…Sacred Portal Emmy… 14-7=21…todays Date. 11-21-9

8:43 p.m.

And Sisoko.. means in Malian …Karma- Destiny….

My Sister Sis went did her Higher Education in Oko institute of Technology before getting her degrees in London.

8:58. P.M

And of course English South Q Rapper ( E.S.Q.R…Add U.I.E…)

is Self Evident and Relates to the Birthday message I found myself writing to Tom Truman in 2011 which started as a message and became the most beautiful memory of my own reflection…

Of the Birth of Toms True Essence which I called the Dancing Lure…

The First Perfume of Wisp to Rise in Existence called the Eternal Dancer..

It was Toms Birthday and he was upstate… and something happened to him where he transformed into this Beautiful Man as recounted by Marina Burini

And he was Crowned… See sacred Portal 1 43 of the Ethereal Dancers…

Tom means Twin.. True Man with the E reflects my line..

And he was crowned that day in Nature…

The Piece, I found myself writing to him, but no longer to the Man was called ‘Evening Squire…

E.S and tells the Story of How he rose to move to Dawn, but forgotton bring the two aspects of himself and went back into the Darkness until he found them represented by his brothers John and Luke…

‘Grace is the Light Bringer… The Graceful Motion.

When he finally came back with his Self Complete- Dawn had felt rejected and transformed into Darkness Death..

And thus he had to pass through Death to revive Dawn…

And she Arrived.

Dawn Marie

Dawn Piercy…

Tom was born the same day as Mark Zuckerberg… M.Z.. The founder of Face Book…

May 14th… But not the same year…

Mark Z was born May 14th, 1984….

Yes same date… See the code… 5-14-1984…

See sacred portal 14.. and 5… Evolution of Consciousness to 5 Brooke S…and my date of birth on Face Book 1984…


Evening Squire… E.S.QU.I.R.E…

Summary ‘Each of the Two, Twins of Purity rose from the Battle of the of the Tortured Coerced and persecuted ones, through the Great Darkness of Death the great Sorceress.

They, who came from far far away rose and transformed her back to Dawn the Manifestation of God…

By Sharing the intoxication of the Life on the Holy Plain all by Sharing the Truth of Manifest Destiny- Eternal Law… Dawn Awakening.


The English South Quantum Quintessential Quality of Existence Life through playing the Rapper…. Rapping Knocking at your Door.

9;20 p.m.

Not enough time to tell the story of Dewight Smith as the Treasury and Bank .. we went to Chase Bank..

Chase Chest Thaddeus… The Heart…

9;21 p.m


9;22 p.m.


Royal Santana Dharma…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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