


And so from my Last Post Belgarath the Sorcerer,

The Sorcerer’s First Lesson..

From the series, Sword of Truth…

The Kolo Journals….

The T.V Series The Seeker

And once more, I found the Story…

The true Story which I have lived here in New York…

It all Began with a Sorcerer Belgarath the Beloved of 7 Gods…

And now it ends with Zed… Zed! The Sorcerer and Richard Cypher..

R.C ( Record Codes)…

and Khalan….

I have literally lived this from 1999 the first time I came here Dec to January 2017….

I am reading it in French, which is helping me brush upon my French.. Rusty…

Which is the book I am reading now, a book given to me by Rahul D’Silva, who was sitting here in Star Bucks as if waiting for me, which he confirmed as we started speaking…

He had begun speaking as if he were aware of the play.. in perfect Harmony of where we are now, but he has no idea where we are in the Script and is not even a Face Book Friend….

He spoke about the System, and how nothing basically can evolve without going back into its origins. its Source and only from there can one rebuild…

He was speaking about the Constitution of the United States, then about the Partition of Africa….

He then moved to back to speaking about the Mind set and how he realized that the more he is Relaxed that he is operating from a differnt frequency and that the higher he goes, the finds that does not use his mind to think of pause…

He just does everything naturally and without thought…

‘How do I retain that frequency…?

He wanted to know about that which I have been speaking and explaining for the last 16 years….

E Harmony…

And So, I explained that which I have explained here for the first 2-3 years non stop…

9:15 p.m.


Shirley Griffin.. S.G… 19 7…

Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Shirley. From a surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning bright clearing in Old English. This is the name of the main character in Charlotte Brontë’s semi-autobiographical novel ‘Shirley’ (1849).

Griffin Family History. Welsh: from a medieval Latinized form, Griffinus, of the Welsh personal name Gruffudd (see Griffith). English: nickname for a fierce or dangerous person, from Middle English griffin ‘gryphon’ (from Latin gryphus, Greek gryps, of Assyrian origin).

Teo Miguel Bouça T.M.B…

The name Teo is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Teo is: God. Abbreviation of names like Mateo and Teodor

Miguel means Gift from God…Who is as God

The city’s name comes from boca de ratones, a Spanish term meaning “rat’s mouth” that appeared on early maps and referred to hidden sharp-pointed rocks that gnawed or fretted ships’ cables. – … The Spanish word boca, or mouth, often describes an inlet, while raton means literally, mouse.

Teo.. Mateo…. Erek Eclass Mateo…..

At the Clearing near the ledge ( See meaning Shelly Ferguson)

the Woods and a Clearing has been light up by a E Full Bright Light creating a bright clearing where a fierce and Beautifully Dangerous person stands at the edge…

God, the One who is as God, stands at the very Mouth…

Delta… Means Mouth of the River…

See the last share I posted of Teo Miguel Bouça…

I did this Naturally without thought….

9:38 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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