


5:45-46 p.m.

987 Face Book Friends…

9 87… I.H.G…. H.U.G.H..H.U.G.E…H.U.E…

98 7… I.H… I Harmony Infinity Grace as Clarity…

9 4 87… I.D..Sacred Portal 87.

94…I.Delta.. Identity Of Harmony of the Seven Cees Continents.

5:50 p.m.

This is my conclusion, All of the Above…’

A.O..T.A./ A.T..O. A… A.OE…T.A/ A.T. E.O. A…H

The Panther is Gone…

I woke up and felt that frequency present and forefront.

He has been released, he has risen.. he is in me but now in the World Universe.. In Being.. I.B..

I A.T.E.

Yesterday, so it make sense.

5:55 p.m

I am just going to recount what happened today, just the facts

and leave it to you to put the pieces together and decide and even post if you wish what you have understood.

I am sitting at Star Bucks,

I finished speaking to my

I used a pre-paid card.. code..1 646 403 3666…

and my google number… its is a Memphis Tennessee number 2069..

Her number has the codes of 234 805 6994…

I am sitting here besides Leonardo the 16-17 years old and directly opposite me is the Tatooed Youth. with the side of his Face with Truth Tatooed on it..left, and on his right Love.

Gods Child.

He had been outside, when I arrived there place was crowded the only space for me to sit was a choice between Raoul and the Phd Dude. working on the Woods Side.

Rahul was reading the Sunday New York Times, and was Chill.

I wished to read that Paper… and I sighed.. I know a set up when I see it…

I chose to seat next to Rahul.. He was very glad- I had not engaged in conversation with him in months…

I had no quarrel with him…He had chosen..

Excuse me… Leonard is now seated opposite Peter and across from me is God Child. They are speaking politics.. beautifully and Gods Child brought up Venezuela ( Which is where Jonn’s Father is from Venezuela, Deleguidce..) J.D…

‘Correlation does not create Causation Leonardo quotes…

Ana Leonardo Caixas…

One Gods Child calls himself a Liberal Progressive and the David Gods Child says he is an Anarchists…

David speaks about the Collective and Leornardo speaks about the Individual…

Leonardo who is besides me, gently argues about the Collective and within a few seconds both come to the agreement that the Individual informs the Collective… I.C…

Peter then interrupts for the first time to speak of the Government owing the people at least a basic living conditions and wage… Or what is the purpose of Government. David Gods Child’ agreed and Peter exclaims that He gets Me!

L.D.. L.P.D…

The Intelligence is astounding.

And graceful…

And the Points of View are based not in popular Views..

But as Leonardo and David move to from Wealth to Race to Gender.. He keeps speaking about the Individuals but its is David questions and so gracefully playing Devils Advocate which allows him to Shine…

He speaks of the Individual so brilliantly and so in tune with the Beauty what an Individual truly is an the Brilliance of a Point of View… Latin Black and White-Caucasian… L.B.W…


Gods name is Taylor.. Tailor and that is what he just did…

Leonardo Peter Taylor… L.P.T…

He has a black wife.. and a son.

Absolutely… L..P.T…!

Completion of the Point…

L.T..P…. 12 20…16. 32.. 16… 48.


48 is me…But my past .. 69..

Three Points in one which manifest the E.Consciousness…

He L announced he is running for President in 2036…

He could win… with a team like this.


Here are the facts, I saw Taylor outside, after sitting besides Rahul, I went outside to call my Mother. I saw Taylor outside,

wearing Dark green, he was making calls.. I thought of my own experience as being The Elegant Nomad..

But as I was about to dial I looked over to him and found myself admiring his stance, the way he was standing.

Suddenly, I was lost in admiration of his legs and body, the musclature revealed in his standing position.

Graceful Strong- solid.. There was nothing sexual about it, it was the purity of recognition of Beauty…

He peered up and I was struck by the Beauty of his Face-

Why did he tatooo his face so much. to deflect peoples focus from his Physical Beauty…?

His dyed blonde hair, but it was the way he was standing..

A Dancer!

He moved and hand the Grace but strength of a Dancer…

That was it…He and I stood there and I looked towards his back and legs without seeming obvious…

Good Grief that is when it hit me.. It is David… As David Greaves in the Story of Colors in Istanbul…

And that was what I connect right now, on my way here I stopped on the Metropolitan Ave Day and Night and heard the Kebab place playing Turkish Music… And I paused, realizing how much I had missed Istanbul and that I had lived there… and people started calling me Ahmed.. Saying I would never leave..

I met an Ahmed there who I recognized, a simply but beautiful man…I have some of his art which I helped become known because it was amazing work on Marbling Tenchnique…

Whew so much is coming at me…

The Kebab place where Rahul had bought me dinner and that play…Scene…

And there he was…

And now, David standing,before me as Taylor…

When I listened to my inner voice asking Are you attracted to David… in all aspects…?

I Blushed inside of course, that is kind of obvious..

I mumbled.. is this what this is all about.. my admitting my Desire..

Of course.. He is Beauty, just as this young man who Is David Line.. D.T…D.T.G…

From him came all Men..and he came from me.. And from me

206 is tatooed on my body he responds to Robert complimenting his Tatoo’s From Washington my story and everything about is written in my body. I traveled like a Nomad Vagabond for a while…

but now I am providing for my Family..

Taylor David just expressed…

Your a Spiritual person he asks Taylor..

Yes but as an Individual..

Incredible the way these guys are linking and meeting and connecting..

We are sitting in Triangle form, On one side is Reginauld..

R and Taylor, Emeka… E.T.R…U.E..

Only T.. ( T.D ) is speaking amongst the Three Points… T…

Leondardo is studying Fashion Design Parson…

Lillian Amy Parsons… L.A.P…E…


Shaun is now seated in front of me, and Robert just arrived…

L is turning 17 in a few weeks.. he has a Genuis I.Q he boasts..

L.P.S.T are the one withing the point of T.S.P.L.. Taylor True Sacred Portal L-12. Land.

7:04 p.m.


T.to L.. Terrel Law…Bed 5010.. 5O1O… 51…511…E.A.. E.K.


7:06 p.m.


When I responded to that Quiet question deep within me yet clearly from outside of me through Taylor David Microphone..

I looked up and a White Van passed by E.HI.. E.H!

The Van which carried my brothers Body and which Boom traveled down from Jos…

L is brilliant but he lacks Spirit…That Music which is in David…Taylor..

And that is the First person I saw this morning.. when I got up..

Bed 508 was being a nusicance again and I heard him trying to buy Terrel in bed 5010.. by offering things to him ( the same play he had used on me.. I took them and still did not cede to bribery) Terrel politely rebuffed him..

Hmm my head pooped up to meet the stare of Terrel Law..

We both looked away.. He has that same graceful body I noted of a Dancer.. the Flexibility..

It was 3:20 p.m ..32.. I had worked from bed trying to get some rest.

My body was in more pain than usual and so I had to fix my and adjust my body… Only Cauccasians were present I noted not because I ever cared about such things. I grew up as the only black boy in our entire area in Canada, and my family being the Only Black Family in the Area we Lived until a family with a daughter called Jennifer moved in..

The nearest was a Jamaican Family who lived miles and miles away.. A family who became our literal Neighbors when we moved to Nigeria, Nsukka Campus..! The exact same block a Stones throw away literally 20 meters… We would spend Christmas there when our Father threw out…

It was not a coincidence…

That was the first part of my life here.. I was always the only black kid and always the only black boy in the community, even in London until we moved to Nigeria…

Bed 5-005… M.B… Bed 5-009 A.M… Bed 5-008.. R.M. Bed 5-010..T.L…and Bed 5012..C.R…

The one I despised even mumbling aloud Ah well you will be be killed so- meaning the line of Thinking and Conscious Thinking Linking he represents… But I did not elaborate…

Will Woods and Ceaser were the first people I saw this morning when I came down and took my position in the Yard..

They stood at the Apex in conversation, I acknowledged Ceasar Will.. there was no Need.. He is a Face Book Friend..

I tag him.

C.W.E.. 69.. C.M.E…

But I was pleased by T.L;s response…

Then he took a leak and left the door open, my head jerked up, and he from how far away must have grasped my quiet surprise…

( He had done this before)…

My reflection or thought I had sent out was Perhaps he prefers peeing with the door open.. But I had commented earlier to M.B Who was speaking to himself, that he is not in his home alone anymore, and that he has to be considerate..

Immediately he stooped mumbling to himself..

Perhaps T.L. Heard me because he immediately closed the Bathroom Door after completing his Piddle

Not alone any more…

I adjusted my body, aware that I was being observed..

How could I not, It was very obvious that I seemed like an Alien trying to fit and in adjust into body suit which was meant to fit perfectly…

* The Guys are speaking about Money and the Poor people and T father was a Stock Broker… and he is well educated…

Never judge a Book by its Cover…

Excuse me..I had to go outside…

Peter made a comment which I made me burst into laughter…

Peter Commented turning in my direction..Man I am young, you guys are all speaking politic…I am Young not old.. I am meant to be playing Basket ball or something…

I burst out laughing…

7:51 a.m.

Robert asks Taylor which Tatoo was the most painful, at which Davids Reply, Nether Regions Down South Drew Laughter….

And it turns out that he is Model also and makes his own Cloths,

Leonardo is going to Parson in the Fall.. to learn construction.

I studied at St Martins and make my own cloths and draw…

I have not said a word…I am just sitting here…

And so, I knew they were observing me, but what could I do. I was in such pain and discomfort. I used french expletives to cover the true pain I wanted to Shout out…

I finished my Toilette, I had not spoken to Anthony in a while, allowing him the quiet space he required… and for his Spirit to seemingly cast his vote…

Apparently about the Room.

I had seen all members of the Room and had interaction with them except Two…David.. bed 5-14 but nothing negative.

Only R.M.. I had been vocal- making it clear to Jose Roque who has the so exuberant nature as Peter here, who is as Black as coal- the beautiful kind of blackness.

David Rosario… D.R… But more R…

(The Bosinan had earned the ire of the guys by trying to put aluminum Foil to in the Micro Wave and then telling on the Guys to the staff who told him that the guys were Right..

Kenneth had earned the Ire of Raheem and others I gathered the day before by the conflict not only with Micheal 55,

i want to knock that guy out They guys he was sitting with asked who.. Kenneth appeared…

And this morning a Rosario jumped the Line, Elvis sent him back and the guy he jumped called him a White Derilect, speaking about his manners- as he R sauntered out of the Mess hall sans breakfast because perhaps the idea of standing besides me who was next in line was daunting..

Roque had said to ne later that one of the Weekend Supervisors had blamed the guys…

But its our home, this place for the moment, we have to take care of the things because they may not repair them in weeks…

I said it was a form of racism, that everyone was under spells..

They staff are aware of the Racism with the Directors, – They wish to put you in your place I reminded him was many of the Staffs expression Thrice

Theo…When I was transferred to a dormitory of 15 men, after all they had put me through and when a person in my condition should have privacy, and because I had not given any trouble but rather added to it…

8:09 p.m.


It was touching to see his Heart being so Clean and Hurt by what he was understanding in his experience of this Place.. as the World..

It is what compelled him to tell me of his momentary Stroke…

Shaun the 26 year old, is sitting with the T who has the 206 Tatoo he adds grounding knowledge, to T’s Exuberant expressions…

This reminds me of the Elegant Nomad.. David and Eric…

David and Shaun.. D.S..

I am not interested in any play or script of getting all the Votes of the E-Spirits moving through all the members of the Room..

But I am reading it… I even saw Bed 5-004 the other day on the Wood Side of the Street…

Bed 5-002 whom I called Jah, Holy stopped me yesterday to tell me to call him Nevin… My name is Nevin…

*Gaelic Meaning: The name Nevin is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Nevin is: Worships the saints.

In fact, he was the first person I spoke to this morning when he asked me the Time..10:09 am 1009…109… 19…S…A.O..

So, I see this…. I that it is the Room 5 the True Room Five who is deciding who is the Source of the Rooms Frequency which the Human Avatars are voting based on their Inner Reasoning..

.. Not something I wish to Know…

as well as the D.M.. True Delta Manor…

*There are now speaking about Men who have sex changes.. they are very open .. but there is a great discomfort about the actual act.. They are very specific…

But very open minded.

But I decided to say hello to A.M.. He just lies in the bed, but I am aware that he is observing…

He responded in his usual fashion with a gentle wave in that surprising voice. And as I was about to leave, I turned to him decidedly to wish him a good day.. But he beat me to it…

RM was to amusement surprised…

I was surprised that I even noticed…


54 55 59… 510…512…56… E.H… not 5008…

That is 5-004…54… I.C… I Cloud 9.. I.E… 95/59…

14 14…28… 10.. 1O..

14 5…


Good Grief…

Peter is speaking about the Omen but he pronounced

Freddy of Elm Street.. ‘He Kills you in his Dreams quotes Shaun..

Elm Street.. Nightmare On Elm Street…

E.S… N.O. E.S..P.I. R.I.T…Z.

This is A Nightmare Dream… N.D…

E N D…

Of the End.. made real…

And so when I saw David- Taylor…E.H!..

I turned and called my Mother…

I got her immediately on the second try..

First 4:08 p.m… 48… No dice I fuddled the number

David Taylor the Play was on my mind..

I focused and at 4:09 p.m.. 49 I got my mother after 4-5 Rings…

48.. D.H…Me.. 58.. Moi… 68…Emeka David Ikemefuna I. Taylor Emanuel Nnamdi Cecilia Onuabuchi… E.D.I.T.E.N. C.O.

49.. D.I…D.I… She and I… 98…I.H…

8:38 p.m.

And that is when it links.. Raul sat where Reginald is now..

He is 31… 31 Vertebra..


8:39 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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