


I am solving an Riddle and an Equation…

In this reality it is linked to the Riddle of the Sphinx….

Equation of the Architect of the Matrix…

Riddles of Existence…

Meaning of Existence….

It has been going on for a long time…

And I was literally moved to this portal in 2012 to begin making public the Equation I found myself solving.

I could not stop, my body literally vomitted out the knowledge in a stream of consciousness.

My body and being invaded, possessed and Emeka the Indidual shunted aside.

At first I could not believe what was happening to me, I was incredulous and when it began really manifesting in 2003-2004, I began to fight it, because I knew that this was against the law of Existence..and I also knew that if I did not figure out what was happening to me, that people would think me insane.. or so I thought.

New Yorkers had a greater awareness of it than I cared to admit to myself.

They spoke of Interdimensional frequencies flowing through me, and my Body being pulled apart by this worlds frequencies, by Being fighting land in this reality…

The list goes on.

But the outcome was the that I began to find myself proving Evolution. Evolution through Sound and Color… Spectrum…

The Heard and Hearing Sounds, the Unseen Spectrum- we see do not see the colors of the Spectrum except as manifested in things objects which we perceive around us.

Meaning that since Light is broken down into Rainbowl Spectrum.. Wave Lengths…

We are more like Light Beings literally and can not be broken down into wave lenths.. But only objects in our field of vision- we as the Body and the Being, observe and align our vision to the objects and thus observe things in color…

* Okay, this is a demonstration of what has been happening to me for the last 15 years and 60 months on Facebook, I had no idea that this would lead to me solving this. I recognize what this is linking to and what it means, but it becomes my decision to enter into it. Unfortunately, in my experience, if I do not explore it, the build up in my body becomes painful, cramping my muscles and my reality outside become stagnated and all I wish to do is get out of this play I have been in all my life…

Where this expression is moving to it that Human Bodies Are Being Harmonious.. HB.B H… BH/H.B.

Light breaks down into R O Y-G. G B … I.V.. 5 7…

When merged togther these forme Light…

Every thing around us is made of Energy of varying wave lengths.

And because we are the sum total of these Colors and are not able to be divided becuase we are complete and whole…

We are able to see all that which is are the fractals- which exist in a dimension apart from us, separate from us… (meaning we are not here.. we are not in this reality Box Matrix but Observing it from a different dimension.. The 5th.. R O Y-G, G B…

Experiencing a Universal Simlation U.S in the IV 4th Dimension , 4th Color Green Screen of our own education of how to understand Harmony Infinity.. Energy Light Universal A-H…

E.L.U.. A.H… Incredible.. Sacred Portal 41…

Yes the Matrix… In which I.V…/ V I… 4th Dimension using Sixth sense to Observe the Avatars -Descendants of ourselves interact with the Break down Refraction of ourselves which of course are simply projections of ourselves.

Emotions E-Motions are the Ultra Violet rays of Sensation which allows us to Correlate and Color our Environment this way but also inform our experiences and perception and then align the Waves of Sine of the Emotions Movements of Expression Blue.. B..

Do Rey Me Fa Sol… La…Ti/ Si

*Italian solfeggio and English/French solfège ultimately derive from the names of two of the syllables used: sol and fa.[3][4] An alternative theory on the origins of solfège proposes that it may have also had Arabic musical origins. It has been argued that the solfège syllables (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti) may have been derived from the syllables of the Arabic solmization system ??? ??????? Durar Mufa??alat (Separated Pearls) (dal, ra’, mim, fa’, ?ad, lam, ta’) during the Islamic contributions to Medieval Europe. This origin theory was first proposed by Francisci a Mesgnien Meninski in 1680, and then by Jean-Benjamin de La Borde in 1780.[5][6][7][8] However, there is no documentary evidence for this theory.[9]

The English equivalent of this expression, sol-fa, is sometimes used, especially as a verb (to sol-fa a passage is to sing it in solfège).[10]

The word solmization derives from the Medieval Latin solmisatio, ultimately from the names of the syllables sol and mi. Solmization is often used synonymously with solfège, but is technically a more generic term,[11] taking in alternative series of syllables used in other cultures such as India and Japan.


The use of a seven-note diatonic musical scale is ancient, though originally it was played in descending order.

In eleventh century Italy, the music theorist Guido of Arezzo developed a six-note ascending scale that went as follows: ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and named these Aretinian syllables after himself. A seventh note, si was added shortly after.[12] The names were taken from the first verse of the Latin hymn Ut queant laxis, where the syllables fall on their corresponding scale degree.


Sol Fa… 5 and 4th Note…

I Just got the intel that I have recieved a new Facebook friend, and since Humanity is not in control of this play but rather my expression and my linking the Equation Expression demanded of me by the Universal Simulation I will stop soon.

It is one of, if not the greatest tragedy of all Time and Beyond that I was not allowed to express the Equations and Riddles of Existence in my own way, instead of being bullied and controlled by a Program of linked to Body and Being as a Machine or object of Scientific break down rather that what is is truly meant to be Art.. Design of a Beauty beyond imaginaton.

I would have expressed all these 16 years.. 60 months of information in a way which would have brought tears of joy at the true beauty of the Original Expression …. Art Science,,,

There is not Art to this, not really apart from that which I can squeeze into it, through the onerous ponderous coercive play and my exhaustion which does not allow me to do justice to to the response these Question Stimulated deserve..

I would have expressed it so beautifully, in my way, through music, film dance, literature, inventions, Eloquence, Erudite Equations… It used to make me quietly weep deep within my soul… that this is what has been done to the original plan e.t

Control and Force.. Violence

Instead of Harmony Flow Choice…

Well.. I will stop now. below is what I posted before…

Lets us investigate the Meaning represnted by my expression having moved us from 1041.. to 1040… J.D.O… J.D…OE.

10 40…

A.O D O…/ O D O A…

11:25 p.m.


1 24-2….


K.Y… A A E B…

A X A A X B… A B D B… A B D A…

A-A E.B.. Is the correct equation… Allen Murray and Alan beds 4012… 4010… D.L…D.J… DO AB…D.O A.O…

DO A.B… Sacred Portal 147 Awaken Awareness Being Body…

D O.. Alpha Omega as the Full Circle.

A.B.D.B is A.B.D.A…. This is the correct code because it is the one which manifested…

A B../Blair Andrews …Doing is Being… Sacred Portal 42. ÖHM

A.B D.A… Da Enlightens… Delta Alpha…Divine Awarness 41.

Thought the codes of KY and AXA…AXB have also been aligned, the logic is that T.E.N..

Numbers link to O 1-9 then revert to 9-1O 1… One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine…TEN…

Ö .T.T F.F…S S… E.I..T.

O 20 20 Vision… 6 6…Fiction Fact… 19 19 See Supreme… Eternity Infinity Truth….

2 2… 6 6…. 10 10… 22 66 11. 4 12 11 2…

Yes.. F R B – Fast Radio Bursts… 1211 O2…. @4…

Delta 121102….links to me as the Source who linked Blair G Andrews…

Coffee numbers today… 25… From the Arabic Bodega…

Dai’b and Ali… D A..

And the two free coffee’s at Starbuck… 6 71. And 6 17…

66 71/17…. 66 88


Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen.. Sixten Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty…

T.T…FF… SS… E.I.T… 20 20… 66 19 19… 5 9 -20.

*An alternative theory on the origins of solfège proposes that it may have also had Arabic musical origins. It has been argued that the solfège syllables (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti) may have been derived from the syllables of the Arabic solmization system ??? ??????? Durar Mufa??alat (Separated Pearls) (dal, ra’, mim, fa’, ?ad, lam, ta’) during the Islamic contributions to Medieval Europe. This origin theory was first proposed by Francisci a Mesgnien Meninski in 1680, and then by Jean-Benjamin de La Borde in 1780

sacred portal 78… is Pearls Comming out of their Shells…

Peopl finding their Voice…

The gathering of all the fractals of of the U.S Awareness Matrix would mean that you have aligned the Outer reality in the 4th Dimension play.. ( an illusion since you exists in the 5.. The E.. Eternal just like the Matrix but as the Blue Zone not the Green Zone.. Not Zion or the World as a Seven Stages of Man…)

Would move H.B/B.H.. 28/82 To Harmony….

E Harmony by putting all the pieces of the puzzle together as 88 8… C.H… Consciousness Harmony…

2018.. 20 18… 38… C H…

Fractaling As Emeka Eze… Sol Fa.. EE…

do re mi fa sol la ti/si… si.. / is…

Dal ra mim fa sad i-am ta…

D R M F S I T… ‘Emeka Anozie…

DR… M.F… Anozie.. means S.I.T

/ T.I.S.F MR D… MR E.

12:58 a.m.

Okay. lets see

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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