
Conclusion 15.

Conclusion 15.

of the Full Circle.

Challenge Competition Covetous Criticize.

Duel Duality Distort Demand Discord.

No matter how much love,patience Devotion evidence Beauty Manners Charm transparency of Pure Intention..

The Call to Act and Activate the Act Ion has failed completely to move people to action. Despite testimonial to Truth.

Which leads us to conclude that only way to activate humanity to motion and response is not love as they suggest but Fear and Consequences..

As Mirrored in Osho Book called Transformation, there is a story my Host A.E told me he read called Transformation which he read in Kimberly Browns and her late Husbands house.

It tells the Story of a Mob who cut to pieces a man who saw God in everything.

And how his friend who loved him and understood this.

But when the crowd turned on the Beautiful One, by twisting his words by saying that he was implying that he was is God. They Cut him into pieces.

His friend abandoned him and left him to the mob.

Adding insult to injury by throwing a E Rose at him.

But even as the crowd cut him into pieces he still called out to God saying I see you in even this.

My host had told me this story at least three or four times in the Seven years I had met him.

Having first identified me with that story. Where Truth is meant to be the transformative force. Just as I am embodying and providing evident Truth of Existence Evolution Transformation.

The First time I was told that story I recognized as a past experience but I also recall that even as they tore my flesh to bits that I was not really there…There was no pain just a horror in my heart as I saw God.

For God is the People as tge Collective truth. Existence is the Individual in his/her embodied truth.

And so within each person is that pure beauty and harmony within..the Light of Harnony Existence within (Feast day of St.Afra.)

But the horror is the is the denial of the Beauty and Harmony within instead to embrace the fear and jealousy outside.

And the greatest horror of all, the one source of evil…

Is the friend who understood the Beautiful Ones truth and left him like Peter (The Rock?)denied Christ but added insult by throwing him a rose as he was cut to pieces.

And the Beautiful one who Jasper called out correctly as Ascended Master Afra who existed 500 000 years ago in the time of Cave men according to our human current records saw that God in this action and one one who threw the rose understood.

Let me explain something about the Friend who threw the Rose.

For that same play was played out again. But this tine instead of tearing my body into tiny bits, they did this to my spirit for a life time.

Thus, the Spasms and Eze Nwanyi and her sons Obiohas testimonial of the horror she saw was being done to me in the Unseen..but obviously seen world of mind or spirit translated into an image Eze Nwanyi was able to access and see because of her sincere compassion… Of 2 men and 2 women doing unspeakable things to me.

The Story of those 2 2 are the illusion of the four elements and the four cardinal directions who challenged the Supremacy of The One who is four…Called Nature Natural Existence.

These illusions created by human creation stories were as Clones who believed they were real. And that they were the Guradians and controllers.

That they were the leaders of the Ascended Masters (A.M) and the Elohimn.

But they secretly knew that a power of Light..And Original Family and and a One was the source of all Energy.

But these illusions and thoughts created by humanity wished to control the world. Their stories controlled the world for so long, despite the chaos abd conflict it plunged the mind and body of humanity into through the ages.

They felt they controlled the Matter bound bodies of humanity. And did so by possessing human bodies and minds from the shadows of darkness and powers of illusion created by man.

Until the One had to come into the world and riddle and prove them out of Existence by proving literally that all.matter comes from Energy.

Why did The One have to Prove and Riddle (P.R.) them out of Existence instead of simply willing them with a thought out of Existence?

It is because he could see God in Humanity…The Full Circle of light which he recognized they had been created from. But he also saw the Wild beast, the Minatour the once pure white pull of Poisidon Neptune (as named in the West) the Ocean, the Water source of humanity, the fountain of life whose real name was not just Poseidon Haehpthelus the Black Smith of the deepest Abyss below the sea, Hades.. but in feminine form was Afrodite Afphrodite Afra…Venus. E Rose. Father Mother and Sun/Moon in one as E art H.

P.A..H.A. A.V

E Rose saw the the Well of Being of Humanity had been polluted by ignorance superstition and fear…And As Dionysus was torn to bits by the furies, he in turn had been torn to bits by the Beautuful Beast turned into a Wild beast now imprisoned in the Maze and Labrynith of Mind.

Kept there in safe keeping until some one came with a correct Thesis to.heal the minds of men (not bodies spirits souls for there was nothing wrong with humanity..they were created perfectly..But in thier ignorance of being in the dark. Looking outside of themselves for answers instead of within…

They created stories of Nature outside and made it God instead of the Gods within themselves in which if the accessed and unified they could and would see all the Plan and Play turned to Light.

And so E Thesis Erose came back to his twin aspects as Narciscus Echo Adonnis Afra to help them see beyond the duality the created in stories as Adam Eve..

In which the 22 illusions had possessed the human mind with…

Calling themselves Spirits of the Ancestors but were really Usurpers of Truth…

And knew that as long as humanity held on to these beliefs The One Could not free his Family of Godd light within.

Once more he would have to fight the Mob goaded on and steereed by these 2 2 whose real names where the power if F.E.A.R….Instead of F= E.A.R.

F=6…Sixth sense…Ear.

Golden Ration H Ear Ear.

The gate way to Understanding is through the Ear.

The Ear Recieves Sound.

Sound Transforms Nyclear Nucleus Nuclei D.N.A Sequencing.

E Rose Transforming.

We are all made out of Intent Sound and Ultra I VI O Let rays and Vibrations whose Intent is Beauiful then Truth Embodies as Beautiful which Creates Love also Beautuful…Ifun nnanya…I C Only Beauty.

Only Beauty is real.

But in this play I was forced to acknowledge for a moment a force which did not even exist. A play and a trap set up for me and my line which could not even exist…all to.rescue the Godd light family in the Collective who.were Kindapped and held hostage and then possessed by thier thought patterns stories and unfounded ungrounded beliefs systems.

And this time I.And E line came as Energy in the spirit realm of mind once more they tore us to pieces for being messengers to align their stories to the straight Bow and Arrow of the Line of Intention.and Directiin of the Godds in them who had Created a version of the Truth from thier own within but which their minds, dirty minds. Not hearts, Not Souls Not Bodies not even Spirits…For I have proven in this Play of Harmony..That Nothing is Wrong with Humans or Humans…Right down to brain matter and Design ..Oracle Mother/Father and Architect Father/Mother…

That it was all in thier Minds..not thier heads.

What is in their Heads is a brain a computer…But.most do not even know how to use it.

Cause they are out in and of their minds lost in space which does not Exist becaude Everything in Creation is of Logos Cosmos Beauty Order of Law of Nature and Harmony…

All this because as reflected in this play in F.B and my journey…

Because they were not paying Attention…To Beauty Within and Outside.

So Fear had to be riddled out in this cursed way and play bc it was the only way- through reasonable explaination we could get your attention without destroying your illusion of Mind in Control…

And this is the reason I had to do this as an ordinary man..Without the miracles and magic you had longed and hoped for…Because if I.E had then we would have lost nearly all of you.

So we had to come down into what is to us beyond the worse idea of living hell and EXPLAIN…



This particular Dimension and Consciousness of Humanity is Sick Crazy insane and Ill…

But refuse medicene and treatment because they.most believe they know better than Doctor Love and Sir Beauty.

My son now called Sin of Nature fought me as the ine called True Existenve is Natural Nature Sine.

On your behalf a challenge Competition not of Evil inyent though it did bring into Existence the 2 2 who challenged Existence its self and so I was pushed to go Beyind and prive I.E Source.

Something I.E would never come out myself and openly say.

Since it is the E.T way to.let our loved ones come out and say announce or intriduce us.

But in this case the only one who loved me…Saw me decided to betray me for you by throwing me a rose instead.

Linked by this play to this posts by yesterdays play and post (or early this mornings posts Jasper Kasper the Tricksters Gods of the cross roads Elegua and Loki play.. A lie fir we I.E di not Trick or test or Lie…We Lu e-read and we show and we guide.

The Play of S.He..who no longer must be obeyed is destroyed by tge human response where the majority where led to this F.B and to meet me the messenger Translator of Harmony Existence.

Thier souls and Spirits responded in Harmiby but so few with thier minds…

Their spirit soul Energy understood the play but thier.minds did not bc they were not paying attention and just as She Who Must No Longer ne Obeyed Mirrored…it was She and they felt thwy knew better than theur source 40

D.O. Emeka Kolo.

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