
Sacred Portal 99

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

22 Feb 2021

Facebook Post..

3:43 pm. 2-22-2021. B.V.T.B A. Being Victorious True Beautiful Awakening. /B A. T V. B… E K A I.. K A H. Code 111+111 usd= 222. Perfection -Perfection. At 1550 Facebook Friends. The height attained of Facebook Friends. 1552- 32 above the former height of 1520 at 9 South Road. Hello- Just a brief comment on the completion of the Money Code play completion. And so for what is the last time- I will demonstrate how that play works… Ezeufonna […]

15 Jan 2021

Da vid e and Go Liath-e.k.

Da vid e and Go Liath-e.k. D G 4 7 11 28 – 39 already in one at birth 11-28 at 8 pm 8:56 pm it was already S ET -H. S E T .I. H T E.S. P I T E S P I Set ( IS… T Bella 9-19-20-20) The S T A.G… E. 8:58 pm Already – meaning that there was nothing left to do. see the date tree publicly acknowledged me recenty it was 8:20 am […]

02 Dec 2020

Sacred Portal 11

Sacred Portal 11 Next is sacred portal 7 11 07 Eliza Paul. E P. 11 7 K G A-A G. Kim Tree Chiefy saw this code as we were speaking and which Key Stone La Parole confirmed Vaihere Cardonnet. Seven-Eleven always open… is now closed. 7-1 1-7… 7 is now 8. 7 11 7/8. There are three different weapons used in fencing: Epee, Foil and Sabre. Ferrill E FS… Eros Feelings Sensational. 9:09 pm 99 See sacred portal 99. 969….24 […]

24 Oct 2020

3:56 p.m

3:56 p.m What was interesting is that not one person exceopt Eztabon Miguel Filgueira spoke up for me. I suppose it was a fitting end as I listened to the verbal abuse. I was nothing but a homeless man who had taken advantage, was doing spells which made there child, perfectly lucuid, rational but full of yoo much passion and drama ..and hurt at not being seen. But loved as people say and call love here. I was calm, because […]

15 Jun 2020

9:09 p.m

9:09 p.m 99 99 Episodes. I went upstairs after Liberty C Liscomb and Seth Goldfarb had left with Jeron Arden Leander and Fred were in the Kitchen.. I came back down and couldn’t stop myself from seeing their initials spelled out ALF I had some inkling what it meant… And found myself looking it up.. Alien Life Form. Then I read the codes and the date of release… 9-22-1986. 3-24-1990. Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana was born 9-22 2010. R M […]

30 Oct 2018

I do not have the words to convery what took place with Stephen Filgueira today…

I do not have the words to convery what took place with Stephen Filgueira today… I knew Harmony Eternity had landed- not through me but through the Family of E. The E.C.H.O. of E. Those who recognize that frequency. I told Kyle Murphy that today I would know if it had really landed by how smoothly the day went.. Meaning harrmony is flow and fluidity, Music Waves, a which has meaning which makes it a song… I do not have […]

17 Feb 2018
12 Jan 2018

9:09 p.m

9:09 p.m 99.. Sacred Portal 99. Victor.. again as Sacred portal 86. 680 usd… 11 22 68… 11 22 47.. David Cecilia… My Mother and my brother…. They tested the line of John Jason Lee.. J J L.. 32… 56 Elgin Avenue Maida Vale.. 18 Mountain View..M.V. Valdrino Meta… V.M/ M V. M V.. MO V E… Movement Exodus… M.V.. M 5.. M.E.. To ME.. To Me…. To Manifest Expression as I know how to do… But first you must […]

09 Dec 2017