
Sacred Portal 98

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

29 Jun 2018

From Isabel Ilic…

From Isabel Ilic… H O M E… H O M M E… She sent me this along the some words when she courteously sent me a message to be accept her facebook request invitation… In 1998, I saw every things like symbols and I recognize the same in your words. Sorry my english is basic. Sacred portal 98 is Diamond Hearing… D H… 4 8…. 12… 1200… 3… I saw a little boy with his parents with the number 98 […]

30 Dec 2017

Sacred Portal 98/89…

Sacred Portal 98/89… Ola Oladunjoye… O O… It was never a Yoruba Play… Or Igbo… I was just thinking of Kemi Sara and the code 22 which was linked to her for a long while before it moved to 275… 27 E… Blue Green Expression is 5th 4th Colors Spectrum…E is Purple Royal) Being … all the E line are Royal beings no matter what circumstances they are thrown into.. you recognize then by their Bearing.. Grace Exquisite Taste… 22 […]

23 Sep 2017
10 Aug 2017

5:11 p.m.

5:11 p.m. E.K. Emeka Kolo Victor Chukwu- Emeka O Kolo.. 5:12 E.L. Emeka L.I.S.A… Emeka Brenda… E.B. LES TWINS WON! L.T…T.L…True Love… 12 20/ 20 12… * 5 years ago.. 32 32… ( 64/ 46) 5 5… It means I am the Victor and my Sister Line L.B…Lisa Brenda Lucy Joy… Ojugo Noni… are the Double W…Double V reflection of My Self.. I.E.. Examples in their own right, now. What this really means, is that out of what is the […]

27 Jan 2017

5:51 p.m.

5:51 p.m. E EA. 1-27-1… A-B.G-A A.A-A.A. B 4683195 D…. 40…. Hello… I am not sure how to begin this post… so I will just dive in and present the evidence…and facts let you judge for yourself… Just before I left to go the Immigrations office accompanied by my Case Manager… Traihson came over, and gave me 5 USD… He had made almost 20 usd before breakfast.. ! I was of course going to pay him back… I was receiving […]

18 Jan 2017

7:26 p.m.

7:26 p.m. I love my Family, I loved Humanity. I love the Beauty, B’Eau Ti.. And I love My Lady Line…. But there is no Greater Love I have for anyone than I have for myself… And it is because of My Self Love, that I have endured in the Realm of Spirits, Mind, Body and Being in all Dimension in this World what I have… Because of my Love for myself, and that is why I See so well […]

16 Nov 2016

3:58 p.m.

3:58 p.m. C.E.H… Notice we have moved from 800 Face Book friends, where we stayed at for almost a week or so… And now we are at 798… Which is Sacred Portal Diamond Hearing Now observe the code of the Ten Dollar Bill changed to Q Q G(G.7) Q G.M. 69 98 8 77 4 U F.R.A.N…(35 Is C.E Paul Bed 3005) And M.C 69…98 8 773 A.F.U.R. 6:00 p.m.Edit Please see sacred portal 98… Diamond Hearing… Beautiful Joy on […]

08 Nov 2016

5:55 P.M.

5:55 P.M. E.E.E 11-8-9… A-AH..I… K.H.I…Kolo Harmony Infinity…. Round Circle… its an ORB!… A Signal in the Sky over the home of the Samurai Ninja line of Day And Night… (D.A.N…I..E.L..BROWN… Da Vinci… Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… Da Enlightens…Da Invinci Codes.. Invisible Invicinable… 8-11-9…. 8-1-9… HA.I. H.A! I. Hai! 6:00 p.m. Ascended Master.. Please Be at Ease…. It is done… I would now like to address you who lurk in the Shadows Graceful Swift Spirits of the Dark Knight my beloved […]