
Sacred Portal 96

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

26 Jan 2021

10:15 PM

10:15 pm. Sacred portal 96. Sacred portal 49 was The Point. Every one must DIE. But The Anointed, Cherished and Beloved Rise… Lazarus from Death. To attain this G O A L. G-Omega Alpha – Life. The True way we play In that moment of Extase, was BL.IS. S Born; For They Beheld, The Lord, Of All THings Bright, And Beautiful * See the Date of the post 3-20-2017. Exactly 16 years to the date I arrived in the U […]

26 Jan 2021

9:06 PM

9:06 pm. Sacred portal 96 Original Facebook Post: Click Here

02 Jan 2021

From Tengku Fadilah.

From Tengku Fadilah. Mommy and Daddy M. A D. 9:06pm 96 Sacred Portal 96 Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

7:14 pm G N 12-18-2020. L R. Grace Naturalness. Luca Roca? Left Right Living Room. It is so extraordinary now, the play. Today’s setup involved Kim and me, and the awakening of the Supreme Being and his-her Supreme Body. Recall, we concluded yesterday with the arrival of my 1531 Facebook friend Bessie Spann B S which aligned to this very address 2 17 And two beings and one left standing in the play. E K. E K K A H. […]

15 Apr 2019

Facebook Post..

Sacred Portal 96 96. O. Oh. Orgasm. Dark Matter. 6th Sense Sensation Water Espirit 7:03 p.m The True Way We Play ( Espirit is Through Perfect Timing) …And in that Moment of Extase was Bliss born For They Beheld ( The Face and Being) of the Lord of All Things Bright and Beautiful…. The Lord and Father of Beauty and Love The Beautiful One Truth. Proof. 7:09 p.m 79 S.P Blue Print of Existence Being 7:10 p.m 7 1 O […]

16 Feb 2018