
Sacred Portal 94

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

17 Jan 2021

Sacred Portal 94.

Sacred Portal 94. Yes, this became literally true- but done only to me in the Spirit Realm of Mind Thought. 4:43 pm. I had to transform it into Beauty.. and I will admit, it was one of the hardest things to transform because of my.. our Beautiful Pride. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

12 Nov 2019

5:46 p.m

5:46 p.m 11-12-2019. E= Sacred Portal 46. D.F. K- A-A L T. S. Hello I am no longer at 1479 Facebook Friends, after days of expression to move it to completion, which instead of going up, it went down to 1478. This is in Harmony of M.W 87 as M.W 78/87. Please see Aki Thunderpaw ( A.T) post. I shared of the interconnectedness of the most far flung universes and galaxies which is mystifying Scientists. See Liberty C Liscomb Kitchen […]

09 Nov 2019
01 Dec 2018

6:19 p.m.

6:19 p.m. F S… Sacred portal 94… So you see, this is what they did to my I.D… E.. E Beauty… The Eternally Beautiful Ones… Jealousy… Stephen Filgueira and I spoke about that, just before he left after trying to convince me to meet another person called Jeff… J.. 10,, Ten room house Tree Sage.. A O… I am the meaning of J.E… F F… 105 Wiltshire Bay.. 66… 6… ( bed 18) that is the place in Windsor Park, […]

17 Jan 2018

9:19 AM

9:19 am. I S. ( Ah look at that… the two people first to like my last past are Ish Kumarr and Susanta Nayak I.S K.N…..iD, IS 11 14 ..25…Y..Nnamdi Kolo S.I…Yes.. it also refers to the two i noted as Sacred Portal 148, 149..who challenged me the new Lady Harmony N.H, Natures Harmonyand Alien Father Alphawho played the roles I first incarnated. You can see them both as the tormentors in sacred portal 94.) Kemi Sara posted on my […]

17 Jan 2018

Sacred Portal 94 I.D.

Sacred Portal 94 I.D. Considering the current conversation going on in the World… This sacred portal which I Drew forth, without understanding fully what I was drawing, then disturbed by the images, I had to investigate them and their coming into being… That was 2010… T.J.. Bed 4-009. Now see what it reads… The Cruelty of His and Her pleasure at the leisurely attitude done to the I.D of Existence and the Expression of Praise.. I.D… I D..EA… Of Life… […]

21 Jun 2017

8:38 p.m.

8:38 p.m. 21-6-1 O U F…A..O… I noticed that Heather Hastings H H.. was sharing my posts as I was writing on the sacred Portal 94..His Her cruelty.. and there are 88 likes on my World Icon… Which is strange because it was a 90 a moment ago, and is meant to go up and not down… HIS HER…. H..IS… H ER… H.I..S…H.E..R… R.E..H… S. I.H… R ..E,H…S.I..H … His and Hers denotes a Possession… Man Woman… M.W…. The code […]