
Sacred Portal 93

29 Oct 2014


3:47… B.I… 29 18 9… Found myself watching an Episode of Supernatural… It was about Ragnarok… Where it is stated that Fenrir Kills God.. And ends the human race. Considering my last post…and the quiet furious wrath, and where the posts have been linking of recent, I often wonder is this me or the E.I-I.E in me destroying the past… But I guess, they are one. Loki is here with.me…Loki had two wifes.. The fitst was Sign…N’Yat. And he had […]

05 Oct 2014

E.J…. 5 10

E.J…. 5 10 E.J… 5 1O E.1 A= Full Circle ( F+C=i) I am currently writting obviously to my brother Nnamdi who passed away at age 13 and who is the Dreamer and the source of you all as the material body. I have been brought back temporarily back to I.A 4th Street, Alberts home who has been the Medium in which my Brother- playing Existence, and who was born in 1969 (69) challeneged me as to how do I […]

01 Oct 2014

October 1… 2O 14

October 1… 2O 14 O1/1O… 2O14 -2O +14= 34 (Creation Destruction in Balance of 7.. G.ODE- pls recall that the number 7 and all its symbolic representatives such as G od, etc… are naught but Illusions created by man. There are only three symbolic numbers and they are all one… 1 8 9…. Alpha Infinity I. Selfishness Selflessness cease to exist today with the equation O1/!O. The equation and Balance of Existence is Naturalness represented in this end play by […]