
Sacred Portal 93

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

18 Feb 2021

3:23 PM

3:23 pm. C VV 2-18-2021. B R T.B A. Hello, No, I am not posting, nor will this appear on the E Manual World.com. But I wished to show those who are present here and now the insanity of this script’s demands. I trust the direction of the force moving through Fahad Hassan. And last night the movement of transformation in my body was a bit much, it kept me awake all night. * I have been watching the series […]

09 Jan 2021

Sacred Portal 93

Sacred Portal 93 7:09 pm. That Bridge was proven complete when I met Arden and we each recognized each other at First Sight. First Contact. I C / C I. 7:11 pm. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

14 Jun 2020

8:49 p.m

8:49 p.m Harmony Sacred Portal 49 Fork in the road. Northern Lights Nome Alaska. The 4th Kind 9:09 p.m I have been sequestered in my room. I could not see Arden, despite the In Synch of our Harmony making the Self Evident obvious. 9:11 p.m But since yesterday and the 12th his 17th birthday, I realized that from the moment of my arrival I have been in battle, a battle which took all my focus and attention, which turned out […]

22 Aug 2019

From Luke Sky Wallace.

From Luke Sky Wallace. L.S W. W A.LL A. C of E. Expression Energy Eternal. I recieved 5 New Facebook Friends one after the other in just a few minutes.. Bringing me to 13 64 Facebok Friends which is where Luke Sky Wallace is at L.S W. 12 is A-Z South Whitney Spirit World. Luke SKY. Walker is not Luke SKY Wall. A C E.. Which explains my taking a Walk and seeing A car License plate 93. 115 Please […]

31 Jul 2019

5:02 p.m

5:02 p.m E B 5 O. 2. 56 2 7-31-2019.. Yesterday’s post on the Patrick play 6:31 and 7:31 pm. John Mack had a similar play with his former flatmate Ian Patrick Stewart. I P S… I was with Jesse Macias in the afternoon and Luke. J E L J C L… was the code we formed with me as both Emeka E rep of the 5th and Chukwuemeka rep of the C.. Confirmed by my current address and its […]

09 Apr 2019

And this one here..

And this one here.. Was a gift from John Mack who saw this and bought this after we had a conversation about Inside Outside and Outside and inside reflecting sacred portal 93 Alexander I C. Note that Mackayla’s image is two dimensional 2.. Orange and the note of Re..Rey. Ray While Johns is a 3 D expression 2 3 2 thus represent Sacred Portal 2 And color Orange The Line a Ray While Johns represent a fill Circle and the […]

24 Jan 2019

5:39 p.m.

5:39 p.m. E.C.I… 1-24-2019… A.X…A -B D… Being is Doing… B+D= F… Being and Doing leads to Fact manifested as Solid Evidence of Universal Law… ID.E.A to Expression I E.. Energy Music (Spirit.) Manifest Harmony…. Meaning all comes from the Eternal Realm and through Expression the Invisible ( the Vision) becomes Visible ( Fact) Being is Energy.. Doing is the act action of Being Expression Natural..BE N.. BE..N… Benjamin C. Krajewski… came here today.. B K… Kelsie BissellK K B… […]

26 Dec 2017
02 Sep 2017

2:55 p.m.

2:55 p.m. B.E.E. Code Peace Bee…. 9-2-….1 O… I link this to 1992…. 25 years ago… Y. Last night I completed a code of DIABETES…. Which was the intel I received through the Avatar Doctor Udin. I knew it was not coming from the E, but rather the Africa World.. UWA…Worlds Forest People. I also received a message from the E, after I signed a contract of a Rite of Passage with the E.T…Extra Terrestrials -Terracotta They Lived Before Adam… […]