
Sacred Portal 92

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

28 Aug 2019

8:35 p.m

8:35 p.m H C E. Yes Liberty C Liscomb and marvelous Jerone came today. 28. And for the First Time I met our landlord Quan.. He came into my room to open through a tiny portal over which I had placed Kim Arthur Hines painting of me bowing… to signify me having to Bend as Light to pass through * My entire room I had created as an Art Science had inutively, Instinctively, naturally and in hindsight, consciously into a […]

02 Mar 2017

The MET Needs to Connect Art to Life

The MET Needs to Connect Art to Life Its Director is leaving.. Now is the time to revive the place. Holland Cotter.. H.C… 83 (83 69) Art New York Times 3-2-2017. Thou Art… A.R.T. Trayson…Which means Three.. Three Sons… And a Girl… Alexander Narcissus/Neptune, Eri-David… Nnonyelum Ifunanya… N.I… E.N.I… A.N.E.D…A.N.D.E.N..I I.N. E…D.N.A. Holland… An English surname for someone from the various places in England named Holland (Old English meaning ridgeland.) Or a surname for someone form the Netherlands, in which […]

11 Nov 2016

From Emeka Kolo Albums…

From Emeka Kolo Albums… Ah! See the Date I shared it… I was at K.E.W Gardens..Queens.. Near the office of Go Antiques Daniel Maman.. D.M…Delta Manor… Go means 5 in Japanese… April 29th…2013… And it was liked by Lord Ye (Li) and Joe Fisher…Link to Jade Ford.. J.F…J.F… 106…106… 16 16.. Prince Panther.. 16=Letter P.. 32 Bed 3002.. 32…5 Go..JA Pan..ESE.. E.. M. E.. K., A.. KOLO…KALO… And By One other… Today is 11-11-9…. Code on Prince Panther arm was […]