
Sacred Portal 89

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

22 Jul 2020
20 May 2017

From Angela Armando Hodge.. A-A.H!

From Angela Armando Hodge.. A-A.H! And Why not… She has an Extraordinary Cleavage.. and a Cows Moo.. eyes… What Me… No I did (not) pass Gas Gaz- Fill the World with Methane and poison this entire world Me Haine… Putting Hate in the World. Response from the Apis Bull… A.B. Madame, my eyes are Drawnnn to the Evidence of Mammaries which contradict the your testimony- but I will over look the evidence because I wish to explore what you so […]

08 Nov 2016

5:55 P.M.

5:55 P.M. E.E.E 11-8-9… A-AH..I… K.H.I…Kolo Harmony Infinity…. Round Circle… its an ORB!… A Signal in the Sky over the home of the Samurai Ninja line of Day And Night… (D.A.N…I..E.L..BROWN… Da Vinci… Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… Da Enlightens…Da Invinci Codes.. Invisible Invicinable… 8-11-9…. 8-1-9… HA.I. H.A! I. Hai! 6:00 p.m. Ascended Master.. Please Be at Ease…. It is done… I would now like to address you who lurk in the Shadows Graceful Swift Spirits of the Dark Knight my beloved […]

04 Oct 2016
07 Jul 2016

7:40 p.m.

7:40 p.m. G:DO… Update… A Web Site and the Plan-E.T… Will soon be available to the General Public… Designed by Erik Ebright… It is the Book as well as an access to all the codes through an ingeneously designed concept developed by Erik… This web site is of course much more than a Book- it is an interactive world, created by my own Eternal Awareness and my own growing Consciousness of what my Body Energy and my Beings Expression was […]

26 Apr 2016

From Michael O’Donnell..,

From Michael O’Donnell.., I have just left 268 the venue which I had proved 10 years was the Portal out of the Universal Holograph which people have called the World and Life… I have already proven it beyond a shadow of doubt and with clarity, and symmetry which is beyond even the consciousness which man calls God, but which they have limited and contained in a Definition which is not plausible (More childlike yearning, tantrums and hurt.. while seeking to […]

06 Nov 2014

Facebook Post..

Hello as you might have observed, I have a new Facebook Friend… 214 if I am.correct. Welcome Princess Sunshine Rae.. Friends with Chris Franco and Stephen Filgueira one can easily read the code.. C.F..S.F…S.R… The Bearer of Christ is a Free man who.is Circle Filled is crowned with laurels Feeling Sensational, the thread of war of and for the.ascension of the Sunshine Ra E Line. It is great to welcome Sunshine Rae not only for who she is and the […]