
Sacred Portal 85

27 Sep 2015

Jonn-Haun Charles Delguidce Evans Blackwell..

Jonn-Haun Charles Delguidce Evans Blackwell.. J.H.C.D.E.B…J Jonn Blackwell… Donna O’Sullivan…D.S…Dina Singh… J.D.S Harmony Cee Devotion to Expression of Being in balance of J 10101010101 Julian Brown By Jove! Eternal Youth Brown E-Art-H… H.D-D.S.S..8.. Eight. J-H.D.E.B.D.8.E.H…E -There is a perfection of Symmetry in Jonn (Huan) Donna… J.H…1O8… Jonn currently has 1O8 Face book Friends… A Sacred number 1O8 is it not? but the meaning is different in my realm of consciousness and perception.. 1O8 means One perfect point, line, curve which […]

13 Sep 2015

Facebook Post..

12:35 pm L.C.E. 13-9-8…M.I.H… 9-13-8….I.M.H…Instant Manifestation Harmony Hello I have a new Face Book friend… Welcome Ioana B. Udroiu… 🙂 Is Romanian Name… (Roman..CE…a Novel) She also sent a picture of herself and her son Daniel whose is Romanian and Senegalese… R.S…I.E… Whose name is Daniel… My Grandfathers English name… Ioana sent me a very polite text with her full name as Iona Carmen Udroi with Bhakti being her name given to her by her Sufi Sensie and friend.. 12:46pm… […]

25 Aug 2015

Facebook Post..

From Donna Sullivan. Notice that I am now at 3-51 Facebook Friends which aligns to code age Jonn Blackwell.. 51. And the first movie of First Contact is 1951.. And Area 51 Rose Well Phoenix Arizona P.A.. Pay Attention Praise Appreciation Pa Pa… 51- E A.. E Alpha.. The E Line are the Truth Beginning of Human Existence.. Hue men. The Beautiful Ones… The First… Ashely Reyes A R..E..A Alex Reyenga…A.R..E.A…51. All align to the play here at 18 Mountain […]

24 Aug 2015

8:O5 pm

8:O5 pm 85… H.E See Sacred Portal 85. I have two new Facebook Friends.. Welcome Eunice Zulu… Aligned to Lady Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones.. E N.O…J… E.N.O J..J-Ones…Jonn Brian Eno.. And Hadriel Juliano Torres… Welcome to this Sacred but Chill Page and play… My 349 F B friend and 35O.. C E.O. J.O.Y.C.E..O…C.O.X Joyce Cox Eunice means Joyous Victory She is Victorious Donna O’Sullivan Play (Lucy Ojugo Vera Eunice.. L.O.V.E)… Loves Victorious E UN..I.C E Zulu means Heaven And represent the […]

24 Jul 2015

Emperor Hail E….S- El…La SS I.E (Not Sell ass ie)

Emperor Hail E….S- El…La SS I.E (Not Sell ass ie) E.H.S…. 8-5-Supreme. Jonn Blackwell Born August 5th.. 8-5…..64-46 please see sacred Portal 85…13…M..Micheal ( Michael O’Donnell) 1+3=4=D.. Donna O’Sullivan… Do Nna… the Day i arrived at 18 Mountain View, Jonn remarked that it Hailed….. its rained hail…. Get your Facts Correct… Recognize the Truths you proclaim, because if you are not able to recognize the embodiments of the principles you proclaim, it make you a….lie. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

13 May 2015

4.OO pm.

4.OO pm. D.OO 13:5-8 M.E H EEE!!!!! That was the Mermaid like sound which screeched in my ear today after a male Gentle voice said Emeka the E are here I had replied,Yeah whatever., (After 14 yrs and having your body possessed by the Greatest Dibia in Exisrence, Nna Madu…Nnamdi using your body to conduct a cosmic battle without asking your permission or bothering to tell you.. Holding you to the Africa World Story instead of the E Harmony Evolution […]

26 Apr 2015

4:51 P.M.

4:51 P.M. 26-4-8 4-26-8. D:EA…R. A.H. A-Z-D-H… 4 268 D ZH.. Dimension Zeina Hanna Beauty is the Gift of Grace and Favor of the Creator 4th Street Fa 268 is I, Emeka.. The 1-4,5 Dimensions are all E… IV/VI…46/64…67/76.. And now the 68-86 =1-54. I am sitting at 54 2nd Avenue at the Bean Cafe. E.D. Emeka Dimensions… Fifth Dimension. The Play Ends Tonight.. I have worked with the Unseen E line, Unseen but not silent to transform all illusions […]

25 Feb 2015

3:16 P.M

3:16 P.M 25-2-8 Time and Date Transformed into Letters.. The Message of the Mess-Age M-M.A. A.M.M… Time: C:P. C:A F. P.C…E F.A.C…E Y.B-H…. H-B-Y….E B.E-B-H…E H-B-E.B…E Espirit Sanctus… Spirit E E.S.P…I ..Rit-e Rites of Passage… Through the Tunnel to see the Vision… The Gift of the Holy Espirit. Today as I woke up, I saw 1 text message and 3O likes.. 13O… A .CO..M… I saw the message was from Moghalu Christopher Chinezimuzo…. M.CC…. 13:33.. The time now is 3:33 […]

21 Feb 2015

2:33 PM

2:33 pm. 22-2-8 Woke up to 1 message and 28 likes so I knew what my day would be linking about. But so tired of this play that the desire to walk away is so great. I am so disgusted by it.. I loathe Pain Misery and Suffering as a Consciousness But I came back to and saw the message from Birgit Stein… And did the weave, solved the riddle and linked the equation.. When at 2:O8 pm, I received […]