
Sacred Portal 85

27 Mar 2017

5:26 p.m.

5:26 p.m. E.Z… 5-27-2017…37…10…1O. E.B.G.A.O.A ( E.A-A T…Q…C.G…J.B 1010 .A.O.A ) E.BE G.A.L.A.X.Y…1 O 11 C.I.Z…Alpha Omega… E.A…(5 1 *See Sacred Portal 5 and 1.. As well as 51) EA..AT Quantum Change… G Vision of Grace in Swift and Victorious Balance Alpha Omega…Ascension’ 27-5-10… A-Z-A…E. A.O.A… Resurrection Erection Rebuilding Erecting True Consciousness… Emeka’s Awareness Omega Alpha… This makes Total Sense, considering that my body is literally going crazy.. As I walked in to the cafe today, after adding and rearranging […]

25 Feb 2017

A Living Painting To Make You See

A Living Painting To Make You See New York Times Feb 24th. Arts Section. A Sunday in the Park with George Nenad M. Djurdjevic…name Djurdjevic means ‘George’ George means ‘Farmer…A.B. L.E… By George Seurat… Theater Piece…T.P… 2016. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal… J.G. 10 7 and Annaleigh-t..Ashrord.. A.A… 1-1 See my last production in Istanbul Turkey… 2000… The Story of Colors… 1-7 Stages of Living Paintings… to the 8… A Lady Coming out of the 5th Dimension. UT – 396 Hz – […]

25 Feb 2017

First Contact is with the Infinite Being…

First Contact is with the Infinite Being… And it has been going on right before your very noses… and all the while most of the planet has chosen to Focus on Donald J Trump and their material Comforts…. 3:56 pm.. And that in itself was a Test… Which Wolf would you Feed…? And that in itself was a TDest…o Alert you and Persuade you to the Choose the right focal point of View… I have posted, evidence in every single […]

03 Feb 2017

7:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m. G 3-2-2017…. 3-2-1….C.B.A. 2-3-1…. B.C.A… Consciousness is Being Aware… Being Conscious is Awareness… But what is Being Aware…? According to the Dictionary… 1. Having knowledge or discernment of something: was aware of the difference between the two versions; became aware that the music had stopped. a·ware’ness n. Synonyms: aware, cognizant, conscious, sensible, awake These adjectives mean having knowledge or discernment of something. Aware implies knowledge gained through one’s own perceptions or by means of outside information: became aware […]

02 Dec 2016

Facebook Post..

8:46 p.m. H:D..F. 84 is Harmony Death as Transformation through 6th Sense and not the Death as starting the Cycle all over again. Hello…. Amazing, I have moved from 806 Face Book Friends to 805 Face Book friends in the Blink of an Eye…. Or more so, in a moment when I moved from Room 3A to Room 4B… a Four room Dorm, Bed 4016… B.R.C.. Room B bed 49 to Room A bed 007 Code From Room 5A…Bed 5019 […]

28 Sep 2016
09 Apr 2016

7:43 p.m.

7:43 p.m. We are at 5 72 Face Book Friends… 572.. E.G..B..Example of Being… / 27 5.. Easter.. Day… I have 2 new face book Friends..3 including Emeka Odiamma… Welcome Wiggins Annetta… W.A! And Gems Pramanik… W.A! is an Igbo- O.I.Nri Igbo word for a Resounding Yes which is affirmed in the proceeding equation… Since we completed the equation of Universe Space-US versus the Computer Programing of the Source Code – God Code (G.C..73..Code Gravity ..George Clooney), as the Universal […]

14 Feb 2016

An Exquisite Geometric representation of Harmony..

An Exquisite Geometric representation of Harmony.. Posted at 6;26 a,m. Which aligns to the equation solved once more of the Evolution Awakening is 6th Sense A-Z, Harmony… Zeina Hanna.. 6th senses rises through through perception at of Beauty to Harmony.. 1:2O p,m. 12O.. I woke to the code 3 15 on my phone.. And immediately, knew that today would be about Zeina Hanna…Beauty is the Creators Grace and Favor..And Harmony is Mans Best Friend…. 6 26.8. F-B.F…H..Harmony Infinity… 1:23 pm. […]

31 Dec 2015

1:45 p.m….A.D.E.

1:45 p.m….A.D.E. 31-12-2O15..35…8… A…C-L-T.O-C.E..H Alpha Cee Loves Truth to See Existence Harmonious… *That is a great message… 12-31-8… L-C.A-H… Loves Completion Ah!!! After this post I will Share with you sacred portal 145 which aligns to the time of this post, and the message solved through the date. Be well aware that each day, I am made aware of each days equation or set Goal. which I keep in the back of my mind as the days posting unravels and […]

29 Dec 2015

7:38 p.m.

7:38 p.m. 12-29-8…L.B.I.H… 29-12-15…B.I…L..O…..B.I.L.O Code: Oh, Individuality is the principal of Lucifer, (Bringer of the Light of the Morning Star, Mba Afor Ocha!) is Love in perfect Symmetry of perfection of purpose… Hello… I am back at 455 Face Book friends, having now been dancing between 455 and 456 face book friends. Yes, I am in a riddle, a riddle which I have sought to impress upon those who have been reading this posts, comes from a place beyond. It […]