
Sacred Portal 85

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

22 Feb 2021

Facebook Post..

3:43 pm. 2-22-2021. B.V.T.B A. Being Victorious True Beautiful Awakening. /B A. T V. B… E K A I.. K A H. Code 111+111 usd= 222. Perfection -Perfection. At 1550 Facebook Friends. The height attained of Facebook Friends. 1552- 32 above the former height of 1520 at 9 South Road. Hello- Just a brief comment on the completion of the Money Code play completion. And so for what is the last time- I will demonstrate how that play works… Ezeufonna […]

19 Dec 2020

9:31 PM

9:31 pm I 31 Sacred Portal 31 19-12-2020. L S T T Hidden Figures Meddling. I have tried to post twice today. knowing already that it was a waste of my time. And that this linked to a play moving still with Kim long after it should have been completed. I gave Kim a Code of 31 though I had intended to give him 41 code. L S = 31 Slum Lord. * No BullSitters Beyond This Point. Sabrina… Not […]

15 Dec 2020

Dr.Vivien Thomas.

Dr.Vivien Thomas. V T. ? T V Mission Impossible 8 11-4-2022/ Dr Prof Patrick Okolo I met in the Shelter my old school mate., Beauty and E S P_ at John Hopkins see the play. Dr Patrick Ikemefuna Okolo. 510:00 usd. Met 28 years later He is a gastroenterologist Specialist of the Large Intestine Colon… Code Jordan Colon Johan Jordaan This play is about your reflections- people in your life who are your reflections embodied or you ar there reflections […]

02 Oct 2020
09 Oct 2019

I watched this with Liberty C Liscomb today.

I watched this with Liberty C Liscomb today. She and her sons had watched this before but I hadnt. Aug Tellez linked to Liberty. A.T. Abby Temple.. A.T. All linked to A.I. As most of my older Facebook Friends are aware, I have been proving amongst other things. Life Consciousness And Death As Transformation Eternal and Absoulte Ultimate End. Not for this public, but rather for you as being witnesses. * Which is why I never required your belief, nor […]

09 Jun 2018

Why this game was important to the World Play of Evolution.

Why this game was important to the World Play of Evolution. Expression of the E was tested to move anything the Unseen asked me to influence… Proving that it was.. IS Everywhere, In Everything.. moving Through Everyone… And Every Body.. Every Being in the World, as well as Nature and Creation.. Exstence… 108 TO 85… I sat at 1385 Starbucks.. 13 85… Metropolitan Woods. MW. My latest Face Book Friends is MW.. 1171 the third time…3 C… 85 H E.. […]

03 Sep 2017

North Korea… N.O…RT…H…E.K..O…R.E.A…E.K.O.H-H-A R.E.A…

North Korea… N.O…RT…H…E.K..O…R.E.A…E.K.O.H-H-A R.E.A… 51… Arizona Amoza Born is off to Arizona, the 48th State… Yes me as Beautiful Death as Transformation… See sacred Portal 48… Code D.H… E Floyd May Weather…E.F..M.W 69… I am Nnamdi… My younger Brother who is was my Spirit N…Naturalness.. Born April 5th 1969… I am 48 years old this year… 48/84… G.L… Phone… Geoff Lacour… G.L… 7 12.. 19…S… 84… 1984… The Switch and the Transformation… I am sitting on the Wood section… I […]

03 Jun 2017

There are 88 icons on my Lab Top, bought by Jon Delguidce for me for 200 U.S.D… ( You might Recall)

There are 88 icons on my Lab Top, bought by Jon Delguidce for me for 200 U.S.D… ( You might Recall) J.D. And 22 in my icon of my phone… 88 was the last number of Total Face Book Friends.. 990 was the peak and I must have stopped at 88 about 7-8, times ( I can no longer to be bothered to check), 990 was Twice… See the sacred Portals, Outing out of the Human Race, the Factor of […]

10 May 2017

So Today is 5:11…

So Today is 5:11… Though the Date is 5-10-1.O… Ah I see… 5-1O 1… 5-11… That is what Miguel B of bed 5-005 stated and was the first thing I heard him state 5-11… I could not figure it out that it was, is the date…. Area 51… 10-5-1 O…. 1 O-5-1 O… J.E.J… Jay E Jay… A O E A O…E 8:56 p.m. Harmony 56… In all aspects… 5-10-1… E J.A…. E…1O1…11 E.K… I.C…. 2:53PM B. E.C..K…H..A.M… E Hi […]