
Sacred Portal 78

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

20 May 2018

11:55-56 p.m.

11:55-56 p.m. 5-19-2018 K E E … K E F. E S T R…. E.E.T E S T R E E T…. E S T R E E F. * E- Street in Alpha Bwt City, now known as the Lower East Side, is where I found the Dark Green Plaqe with the word Grace…How Sweet The Song…. (H S T S ….8…Infinity 1910…29…11…2 1010 Jay Balance 44…8… Billy Hung 44…8 Jacqui Q L Bed 4-004…44…8 Blair Andrews 44…8… 3 […]

24 Apr 2018

22:53 p.m.

22:53 p.m. V. E C… Victorious Emeka’s Expression of Clarity. The Time now is 11:17-18 p.m. I started this Post on my phone when the only computer at Delta Manor was suddenly made available to my Surprise after I saw the news and felt, I had to at least make you the public aware of a pattern I have been noticing each time I move victoriously through this P W Q B… Particle Wave Quantum Beings. I have left Starbucks, […]

25 Jan 2018


Contd. I am solving an Riddle and an Equation… In this reality it is linked to the Riddle of the Sphinx…. Equation of the Architect of the Matrix… Riddles of Existence… Meaning of Existence…. It has been going on for a long time… And I was literally moved to this portal in 2012 to begin making public the Equation I found myself solving. I could not stop, my body literally vomitted out the knowledge in a stream of consciousness. My […]

05 Apr 2017

See the Evidence

See the Evidence 6:30 pm 63 F.B The number 37 And then the O scribbled. At the B besides the Seal Now See the Code F 6 Serial Numbers J F. 78 0 32 5 14 B J F B John Fritz-Gerald Beauty… MW 78. O. Oe 32. Bed 3-002. Room 3A 2016 5 14 E N Emeka Nnamdi (Nenad.. Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna Add B. And G. B E I N G. N…E S A Ob See Sacred Portal (Paul […]

22 Feb 2017

2:56 p.m

2:56 p.m This image literally popped on my phone just now! From Nenad M. Djurdjevic Representing in this my equation True Nature. N N A M. D I Father-Mother is Here Present Now please refer to Sacred Portal 121… 3:00 pm Its is Nnamdi hailing me Saying C our Mother is the Great American African Indian Spirit His Twin… Because he is the Father of Humanity As Flesh.. 3:02 pm 32 Which has nothing to do with me or my […]

23 Dec 2016

6:03 p.m.

6:03 p.m. 63… F.C….3333333 First Contact…. At 829 Face Book Friends… H..B.I.. 28 Years to the Day arrived in London England Queens.. I left Nigeria from Enugu Airport on the 22nd of Dec accompanied by my Mother and young Aunt Julie… C.J… And the way my Mother Waved, which I never forgot… 28 Years. 22 years old.. 23 in the illusion age time and age code…. 28 Years, and you truly believe that it is a coincidence that Doctor Ikem […]

16 Dec 2016

Chike Cyprian Nwosu

Chike Cyprian Nwosu My Word..! Incredible… Another High School Mate from Federal Government College Enugu.. I have not seen since we all graduated in 1982. 34 years ago! Almost 35… Connected through Dean Dunkwu (Thank you Dean… Such Harmony! ) So Proud of these chaps, each successful family men…. Chike’s son is in Cornell Yeah, I guess I am boasting… But who can blame me? Three who sought me out After all these years Sought to connect despite and in […]

04 Sep 2016
04 Sep 2015

From Brooke Elizabeth Banwer..

From Brooke Elizabeth Banwer.. Be E…B! We Are Here W.A H. Represented by 358 Facebook Haw Ali… H.A! Alicia (AL… I..C I.A) K.E Y.S.. I used to listen to her day after day night after night for some reason, which I later investigate gated, while living fighting and creating in Hells Kitchen in 2OO5… It was also the year I finally accepted my true Identity undercover.. My Espirit proved it to me.. But it took up till that point for […]