
Sacred Portal 74

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

13 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

11:45 pm, Infinite Love. I L… 9-12 Serenity and Erabella. S E.. E wriiten by Donna O Sillivan in 2016 letter to me. @ 18 Mountain View. Infinite Love I dare speak the words I love you Without knowing what it means to utter it… To mean it whole heartedly Means I have to first say those words to myself. Until I hear the words, I Love You reverberate. Fill my being. Truth recognized. I AM LOVE. Enracing all IS. […]

24 Dec 2019

7:16 p.m

7:16 p.m G.P. 12-24-2019 L.X T S … 50 10. The Script. 510. 60. Expression in Balance J E A.. Energy Atom Full Circle Sixth Sense a Fact. Arden and Ferrel popped by yesterday. All day Arden and the Ferrel came to my mind and quiet contemplation in every dimension of my knowing them and the line of John Alexander Yeshua represent. J.A Y. And just like they had appeared as if summoned or answering. I had solved this science […]

27 Mar 2017

9:28 p.m.

9:28 p.m. Emeka… Leonardo… Lawrence… Ziefried… Siegfried. Micheal… This are the 5 people who remained here… and a conversation manifested.. And to my surprise I found myself briefly adding to the conversation Leo a Highly Advanced 17 year old a Skeptic and Larry a Pilot- Open mind were having… I said Everything is Sound which is Energy… That everything is a wave… and the wave is in Harmony just as I found a seat first near him then with Anika, […]

03 Nov 2016

8:13 p.m.

8:13 p.m. H.M. Haruki Murakami.. H.M. Meaning ‘The Clear Weather (C.W), The Sun Light Male who Lives and comes from the Upper Village 35th Line..C.E The Guardian and the line of the Supreme Sensie’s.. My Brother O-Boom! Boom’s (Mike) Japanese Late Father in Law.. Be careful of Excluding Outsiders… Eric Eposito…Bed 49 B.R.C… Room A.. Which was the bed I occupied in B.R.C Room B..2015..Bed 49. And my code age in this reality.. Eric Means the ‘Eternal Ruler.. E.R’ Eposisto […]

10 Oct 2016

Sacred Portal 74….

Sacred Portal 74…. The Mouth of God… Mouth of Muscles Expression of Shit… 8:04 p.m… 84… (1984….Big Brother) 84=12…3…C. 84…32..5…E. 3 5….C.E… 5 3… E.C.H.O. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

11 Apr 2016

The Creator is a Man…

The Creator is a Man… This is the response to a 3 year Play in which I simply responded to Impulse Stimuli of a set up I was not aware of at first to prove the Existence of God as Father of Energy, who in turn has been moving through all of you. Responding for over 4 years as I conversed then obliged its Questions and Answers, for the benefit of all the Questions He perceived moving quietly, seemingly unheard […]